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Chapter 5 Making Insect Talismans (1)

Chapter 5 Making Insect Talisman (Part 1)

Guo Twelve said: "When I had nothing to do, I made an insect fighting basin. According to the inherited memory, spell professionals in ancient times used the insect fighting basin to gamble. I thought it was fun and made one. I didn't expect this.

It will come in handy when the time comes.”

Mo Nier smiled and said: "What else did you refine?"

Guo Twelve said with a smile: "I have refined a lot of them in a mess. They are all small gadgets that cannot be put on the table. I just refined them because they were fun."

As he spoke, he carefully moved the eggs that were about to hatch into the insect bucket. The insect bucket was a talisman basin. It looked very small, just like the narcissus flower pot in the previous life. It was a small shallow basin. Because it was blessed by a talisman,

The volume inside the basin is actually very large, covering a hundred or ten square meters. When the insect eggs are put in, they look like tiny green dots from the outside.

After a while, the eggs began to squirm, and tiny knife shadow beetles crawled out one by one. Due to being separated by Guo Twelve and controlled by the talisman basin, each young knife shadow beetle was confined to a small place.

.After waiting for about half a day, all the shadow beetles hatched out.

Mo Ni'er said: "They've all hatched, what should we do next? Hey, the newly born mutant sword shadow beetle has the strength of a first-level mutant rune insect."

The foot-long knife shadow beetle has black spots on its snow-white body and looks very ferocious. Each one of them bared its teeth and claws, erecting its tender front paws and making a low squeaking sound.

Guo Twelve said: "This is the first step!" He issued a spell and released the restraints that controlled the free movement of the Shadow Mantis. This time, the talisman basin was in chaos.

Every young knife shadow beetle launched an attack, and the Talisman Basin suddenly became chaotic. White shadows were seen passing through. Even the larvae of the knife shadow beetle were incredibly fast. They attacked each other and ate each other.

.After more than half an hour, most of the more than one hundred knife shadow beetles were dead, and there were still more than sixty left, each guarding a small territory.

Moniere was puzzled: "What is this for?"

Guo Twelve said: "At the end of the battle, the one who remains will be the strongest. It is very likely that the alienated Blade Shadow Beetle will appear. We just need to wait patiently."

After the remaining knife shadow beetles devoured the same kind, their bodies grew to about two feet, and a few even grew to nearly three feet, and their strength reached the level of a two-level mutant rune insect.

Guo Twelve said: "Good guy, you are growing up so fast. You have been promoted in just a few hours."

The Knife Shadow Beetles seemed to have a tacit understanding. After eating the same kind, each one would stick to their own territory. After a day, another war broke out.

This time, more than twenty survived. After the armistice, these knife shadow beetles began to shed their shells, and then ate the shells they shed. The body of each mutated knife shadow beetle grew to three feet long, and each one watched eagerly.

The same kind of killing intent could be felt even by Guo Twelve and Mo Nier who were watching from outside.

Monie watched it with great interest and said: "No wonder some people like gambling and fighting. It is indeed interesting."

Guo Twelve used his free time to clean up the mutant poisonous frog and the mutant green rune snake, purify the blood, break down the skin, bones and flesh, and then collect them into categories. He left the meat of the two mutant runes outside and prepared to feed the young ones.

Shadow beetle.

At the end of the third battle, only five Blade Shadow Beetles survived. Guo Twelve noticed that one of them had changed. He said happily: "It has turned red... The forelimbs of that Blade Shadow Beetle have turned red! I don't know if it is alienation."

A precursor to."

Mo Nier observed carefully for a while and said uncertainly: "There seems to be a little sign, hehe, if alienation really occurs, you will make a lot of money. An alienated rune insect is more valuable to cultivate than a mutated rune insect." !”

Guo Twelve smiled bitterly and said: "I have never seen an alienated rune insect or an alienated rune beast until now. I have no idea. I only know from the inherited memory how powerful the alienated rune beast and alienated rune insect are."

Mo Nier shook her head and sighed: "I don't have this kind of inheritance. I heard some experts mention it when chatting. They seem to be in awe of alienated rune beasts and alienated rune insects. Unfortunately, I have never seen alienated rune beasts and rune insects. .”

Guo Twelve looked at the knife shadow beetles in the basin and said: "Only the five strongest ones are left. I don't know if we can win." As he said this, he took out the poisonous frog's meat and threw it into the basin, which immediately caused a stir. At the attention of the knife shadow beetle, five knife shadow beetles pounced on it and ate it.

Moniere said: "It's too early to feed."

Guo Twelve said: "It's not too early. Let them supplement a little. Don't rush to let them fight, otherwise there will be no motivation for alienation."

Monier watched the Shadow Blade Beetles competing for food with great interest. She said, "Is it soon? You have to wait impatiently! Oh, by the way, your talisman basin is somewhat similar to the hidden spirit talisman... No, it is similar to the planting talisman. similar!"

Guo Twelve nodded and said: "Yes, this kind of talisman is more difficult to refine because it requires the use of Anluo stones. Haha, I collected a lot of Anluo stones, so I used them to try out. I didn't expect to use them in this place."

Mo Nier was speechless and tried using the Amro Stone. This was too much of a waste of material.

Guo Twelve didn't care at all. Since he was the elder of Beifumen and the Anluo stone was produced in Beifumen, he collected the essence and got a large amount of refined Anluo stone. He now knows that this thing is the structure One of the main materials of the Soul Altar, the quantity accumulated has far exceeded the need. He considered that he could exchange Amro Stone for other auxiliary materials in the future.

Anluo stone itself has spatial properties, which can be used by relying on the power of spells. It is one of the best materials with spatial properties. It is best used to make planting talismans, spiritual talismans and insect talismans. The basic material, of course, can be replaced with other materials.

The meat thrown in was quickly eaten up, and the five shadow beetles started fighting again. Guo Twelve only paid attention to the shadow beetle with a red line on its forelimbs. He found that the young shadow beetle was extremely fast and had already It surpassed the other four Blade Shadow Beetles, so it got more good opportunities in the battle.

After a period of fighting, another shadow beetle died and was quickly devoured by the other four. Then, the four young shadow beetles each huddled in a corner, seemingly digesting and absorbing food.

Three days later, Qin Nanshan and Eagle Demon dragged back a dead unknown mutated rune insect. It had a weird shape, like a longhorn beetle, but no one recognized it. There was no one within a hundred miles nearby. The mutated runic insects were all cleared out by the two of them.

There are three mutant knife shadow beetles left in the talisman basin, all of which have reached the level of third-level mutant talisman bugs. The knife shadow beetle with a red line on its forelimbs also has countless tiny red talisman dots on the wings on its back. Twelve was very excited, he felt that this was a rune insect with alienation tendencies.

Four people gathered around a talisman basin, and the four heads came together, which reminded Guo Twelve of the scene of cricket fighting in his previous life, and he couldn't help but feel funny. But the talisman insect in the talisman basin was not funny at all, and it could only become Once the Blade Shadow Mantis, an alienated rune insect, becomes an alienated rune insect, its strength will become very powerful.

Qi Nanshan said: "There has been no fighting for a long time. What should we do if the three little guys each defend one side?"

Guo Twelve smiled and said: "I haven't fed since yesterday. I only sprinkled a little blood of mutant rune insects so that they can smell it and eat it. It is estimated that in two days, they will start a life-and-death duel."

Qi Nanshan sighed: "It's really not easy. Twelve, if the alienated blade shadow beetle hadn't appeared, wouldn't you have suffered a loss after all this trouble?"

Guo Twelve smiled and said: "It's not a loss. I practiced once and failed... I'll just pay the tuition."

Qi Nanshan praised: "This is a good attitude. Well, Grandpa Nanshan supports you!"

Guo Twelve nodded, knowing in his heart that whether it was Qi Nanshan or Mo Nier, including Eagle Demon, they were all people who would support him.

The next day, Guo Twelve specially cooked a meal of talisman food and let everyone have a hearty meal. Then he released the talisman basin and observed the changes.

Mo Nier said in surprise: "Hey, there are only two left, and one...was eaten!"

Guo Twelve hurriedly looked around, and sure enough, there were still two left. Fortunately, the shadow beetle that had been paying attention was still alive. Its body seemed to be smaller, with more red spots on its body, and its forelimbs were like blades. On the top, the red blood line was even more vivid. He smiled and said: "If there is any alienation, it must be this knife shadow beetle!"

The battle this time was even more intense. The red-spotted Blade Shadow Beetle was astonishingly fast. It moved as fast as lightning, drawing out red and white shadows. It took a moment to strike with a knife. After a moment, another Blade Shadow Beetle struck out. Already scarred.

Monier said: "The Shadow Blade Beetle is very cunning. It never wants to fight head-on. It keeps making sneak attacks. The Shadow Blade Beetle is almost unable to withstand it."


Qi Nanshan raised his head and said with emotion: "A little insect born to fight!"

The sword shadow beetle with red spots on its body successfully defeated the opponent and began to devour the opponent's corpse. Guo Twelve observed carefully and said: "I am not sure whether this sword shadow beetle has been alienated. At this time, making insects Fu...don't care, if I get older, it will be difficult for me to grasp it."

He took out the ancient photography talisman and cast a spell, and the ancient photography talisman was suspended in the air. Then he took out the blank insect talisman that had been refined and floated it opposite the ancient photography talisman. Dozens of spells were cast. Finally, the rune of the Blade Shadow Mantis that was originally hidden on the ancient photo rune emerged. Guo Twelve shouted softly: "Move!"

On the ancient photographic talisman, the knife shadow beetle formed by the runes was moved to the blank insect talisman. Guo Twelve said: "Wonderful talisman, haha, half the success!"

Qi Nanshan said: "There is still one insect soul left."

Guo Twelve put away the ancient photography talisman and played with the insect talisman for a while. On the originally blank insect talisman, a lifelike image of a knife shadow beetle appeared. This was the rune on the seventh-level knife shadow beetle, which was completely copied. On the insect talisman, that is to say, the shell of the Blade Shadow Beetle has been made. As long as the soul of the Blade Shadow Beetle is injected, the insect talisman will be successfully made.

Mo Nier took a look and said: "If it weren't for the alienated blade shadow beetle, its spirit wouldn't be able to withstand this rune shell."

Guo Twelve nodded and said: "Yes, I'm just betting... that after the insect eggs hatch, a mutated Blade Shadow Mantis will appear."

Eagle Demon was a little puzzled and said: "The combination of mutated rune insects will indeed form alienated rune insects, but we rarely see alienated rune insects, so it shouldn't be like this."

This chapter has been completed!
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