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Chapter 30 The Simple Trap (Part 2)

Chapter 30 Simple Trap (Part 2)

Eagle Demon said: "It's worth it! I've actually been promoted to the intermediate Fuwu Saint Master again, haha, I can't believe it myself!"

The expression on Luo Zhan's face was a mix of sadness and joy. After a long while, he said: "Well, in Beifumen, I worked hard... I finally got promoted to the junior level of Great Talisman Martial Arts Master, and I went out with Twelve twice... His grandma's, I He has actually been promoted to a high-level Fu Wu Mad Master, one step away from becoming a Holy Master, it’s so fast!”

Eagle Demon said: "This is not important. What is important is that you have obtained the true inheritance of the Ancient Talisman!"

Luo Zhan hadn't had time to clean up the inheritance he had received, so of course he didn't understand the huge benefits, so he said casually: "Really?"

Kumu said coldly: "He is right!"

Luo Zhan knew Kumu's temper and didn't care. He knew that this guy could only be patient when talking to Guo Twelve, and he looked impatient with everyone else, including Noir.

He said: "Oh, that's it, haha." In fact, he still didn't understand, but he wouldn't be stupid enough to refute Dead Wood. This was also because he had too little experience, his level had risen too quickly, and he didn't understand many things.

Guo Twelve said: "It's a pity that I am one step short of being promoted to the Great Saint Master. However, this inheritance seems to be different from the last one. I have received more inheritance, and there are many cross-level inheritances... I understand. No wonder the soul feels boiling. If it continues like this, the soul is likely to burn!"

Kumu said: "Boiling...not bad! This is the feeling, very dangerous and terrifying! I can't calm down this terrifying boiling feeling."

Five rays of green light enveloped the five people again, and a voice sounded in their souls: "Very good! They have all been inherited and can keep their souls calm! You have passed the test!"

Guo Twelve couldn't help but ask: "What will happen if you fail?"


It was a very simple and clear answer that made people feel chills in their hearts. The scary thing was that he did not give any warning in advance. Even the dead wood and Moniel that could not be inherited from the altar were inherited by him. In other words, if there were no unexpected situations, None of the five of them can escape this terrible inheritance.

"Very good, this is an ancient Miluo talisman. Each person has one. Don't touch it. Each ancient Miluo talisman is different."

Five small dots fell on everyone's head along the green light beam, and then turned into a star-shaped object and penetrated into the forehead, leaving a faint mark on the forehead.

"Don't be nervous. In addition to being a proof of identity, this thing also has an amplifying effect on the soul."

The five of them couldn't muster any sense of resistance, so they could only accept it quietly.

"Since you have passed the test of inheritance, each of you will be given a sacrificial treasure, and then you can leave."

After five small and exquisite items were dropped, the five green light pillars suddenly disappeared, and then the five people were sent out of the defensive talisman array.

Looking at the stone tablet in the distance, holding the so-called sacrificial treasure in their hands, the five people had dumbfounded expressions on their faces, including the stiff face of the dead tree, which also showed a surprised look.

"Sacrifice treasure? What is it?"

This was the first time they heard this title. The five of them were all busy searching for the inherited memory. Guo Twelve’s soul was still active, and he found the answer in a moment. There was an unbelievable look on his face, and he said excitedly: "Holy shit... It turns out it’s used on the soul altar, it turns out this thing is called a sacrificial treasure!”

Guo Twelve had seen this thing before on the soul altar of Li Ran and Pan Mo. Li Ran was a canopy-like sacrificial treasure, and Pan Mo was a bell-shaped sacrificial treasure. At that time, he did not know that the thing on the top of the altar was called a sacrificial treasure.

, this thing is very precious.

Everyone got different sacrificial treasures. Deadwood got a blue ring, Monier got a purple streamer, erratic, like a purple mist, and Eagle Demon got a wheel with six blades.

, Luo Zhan’s simplest one is a hammer-shaped sacrificial treasure.

Guo Twelve played with his sacrificial treasure. It was a vermilion ball, translucent, with a white flame in the center. He smiled bitterly: "What kind of sacrificial treasure is this? A ball of flame?"

Kumu said: "No matter what kind of sacrificial treasure it is, we can't use it for the time being. Let's receive it first."

Eagle Demon couldn't help but laugh and said: "Twelve, you are destined to have a ball!"

Guo Twelve said angrily: "We are destined to have a ball!" After thinking about it, he was really destined to have a ball. The first one he got was the natal talisman ball. Others all had natal talisman books or natal talisman books. Only his own was the natal talisman ball.

.Now he got another spherical sacrificial treasure, which really made him dumbfounded.

He said: "I don't know how to use this sacrificial treasure."

Deadwood said: "Don't even think about using it now. Without the support of the soul altar, the sacrificial treasure cannot be activated."

Guo Twelve thought about the same truth, and like everyone else, he put the sacrificial treasure into his soul. Except for Guo Twelve, everyone's souls trembled for a while, and even their bodies shook violently uncontrollably. Guo Twelve curiously

Asked: "Why are you shaking?"

Kumuqi said: "Why didn't you respond?"

Guo Twelve asked in confusion: "What's the reaction?"

The Eagle Demon shook his head and said: "Little monster!" No one had said this sentence for a long time, but when they suddenly heard it, everyone felt it was very appropriate, and they nodded repeatedly.

Guo Twelve was thinking about something.

Monie asked: "Baby, what are you thinking about?"

Guo Twelve said: "I was wondering...that senior of the Gu Miluo family, is he still alive?"

No one paid attention to this question. After hearing what Guo Twelve said, everyone was stunned. Kumu said: "Yes, is he still alive? Judging from the skeleton of the alienated rune beast that was killed, at least how much time has passed.

Thousands of years, otherwise it would be impossible to give birth to the Bleeding Soul Stone, maybe tens of thousands of years... Will he still be alive?"

Guo Twelve said: "Brother Li Ran also owns the Soul Altar. According to him, he was six hundred years old. No one believed it at the time. Now I believe he is this old. But how can the seniors of the Gu Miluo family survive?

Thousands of years? This is impossible, right?"

Deadwood said: "It's unbelievable!"

Monie kept shaking her head, she didn't believe that professionals could live that long.

Guo Twelve said: "If he can't live that long, will the ancient Miluo family still exist?"

Deadwood pondered for a moment and said: "Let's not think about this issue for the time being. Regardless of whether this family exists or not, and whether it survives or not, we have always received huge benefits, and now we don't have to consider going to the continent where the Ancient Fu people live, so

There is nothing to worry about, as long as our strength reaches a certain level, then there will be nothing to fear."

Guo Twelve was right when he thought about it. For the time being, they would not go to the ancient Fu people's continent. Although they got some coordinates of relevant continents and secret realms during the inheritance, including the coordinates of the continent where the ancient Miluo family was located.

Before building their own soul altar, they would not venture into the ancient rune people's continent. It would be too dangerous and there would be too many uncertain factors.

Guo Twelve said: "Then let's leave here first."

Kumu agreed: "Okay, let's leave here first. After our strength improves, we will come in again. There are still three skeletons to collect. There should be some materials we need here. Let's come in later when we have time and strength."

Not only Kumu was wary of the stone tablet, but Guo Twelve also felt uneasy, wondering what other tricks the stone tablet had. No one among them could compete with the stone tablet. The stone tablet left by the ancient talisman was too powerful to inspire. A little bit of resistance.

Although all five people have benefited greatly, they still want to leave as soon as possible.

Deadwood opened the ancient talisman door talisman and led everyone back to the secret realm of Tongyou.

Returning to the secret realm of Tongyou, Guo Twelve patted his chest and said, "I'm finally back. I've learned a lot this time, haha."

The dead tree suddenly flew up, hovering a hundred or ten meters above the ground, and said calmly: "Come out!"

Guo Twelve reacted very quickly and shouted: "Defense!" With a thought in his mind, the light of the golden armor amulet suddenly appeared on his body, and then he activated the Green Lotus Talisman. Monie asked: "What's the matter?"

Both Ying Mo and Luo Zhan were extremely experienced in fighting. They immediately activated their defenses and each took out their natal talismans.

With a long roar, four great saint masters flew up from the woods and quickly gathered around. Gu Mu's pupils shrank slightly and said: "It's you!" The person in the lead was the great saint master who came forward to auction the ancient talisman.

Guo Twelve and others also flew up, following the dead tree and hovering in the air.

The man said: "Yes, it's me! Haha!" He looked at the dead wood and said: "Yes, Intermediate Great Saint Master, it seems... you have received great benefits from Tanya Secret Realm!"

Guo Twelve thought nervously. He connected the events before and after, and soon had a rough inference about the whole incident. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart, and thought to himself: "No wonder, there is no free lunch in the world."

This is a well-designed trap.

They didn't dare to explore the Tanya Secret Realm themselves, so they released the ancient Talisman in the name of the sect's auction, and then used tricks to track the people who got the Ancient Talisman. In addition, the dead wood was exchanged for Anluo Stone. , then they couldn't let him go. In this way, they not only got the Amro Stone and various materials, but also got free labor to explore the secret realm. As long as they waited outside, they could get all the results.

After thinking for a moment, Guo Twelve guessed seven or eight. Of course Kumu was not stupid. He quickly understood what was going on. He couldn't help but got furious and said coldly: "You deserve to die!"

Among the four people in front of him, two were junior great saints, one was an intermediate great saint, and the person talking to Kumu was a senior great saint. He originally thought that Kumu was one person, and he was a junior great saint, and four people were enough to deal with it. , he didn’t expect that there were five people on the other side, but he still didn’t care, feeling that the four people on his side were strong enough to suppress the other side.

He said: "Keep this guy and kill the others!"

This chapter has been completed!
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