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Chapter 17 Crazy Killing (1)

Chapter 17 Crazy Killing (Part 1)

Guo Twelve shouted loudly: "Every squadron, cheer up! If we let them rush over, we will all be doomed! Risking our lives...maybe we can save lives! At this point, we have no way to retreat! Fight!


Qian Rongyao was the first to respond: "Fight!"

The Eagle Demon and the entire squadron shouted together: "Fight! Kill them all!"

Everyone was extremely excited, and each one tried their best to operate the entire talisman array to the extreme, so much so that the squadron leader standing at the front almost couldn't bear the huge power. In an instant, nine attacks were launched.

There were attacks from the natal talisman and skill attacks formed by virtual talismans. Without exception, the attacks were much sharper than before.

The mutants seemed to be stuck in mud. Not only could they not use their strength, they could not use any skills. The originally light bone rods and bone shields became extremely heavy. They struggled forward desperately, but their feet seemed to be dragging a mountain peak.

The originally agile mutant became like a turtle crawling.

Guo Twelve released the Giant Roosting Dragon and then released the Dark-Winged Demon Scorpion. The Shadow Mantis was too weak and probably couldn't break through the mutant's skin, so he didn't release it. Finally, he released the Ancient Flame Bird, which was a unique move.

He knew that he must go all out at this time and never let the mutants rush out of the canyon.

There was a loud bang, and the giant dragon appeared. Many people in the team had seen the giant dragon, and most of the professionals had not seen it. They all widened their eyes in surprise. Then the dark-winged demon scorpion appeared. The dark-winged demon

The scorpion has been promoted to the eighth level. The strength of the ancient scorpion at the eighth level is very amazing, not only its combat ability, but also the poison of the Dark Winged Scorpion. Once it reaches the eighth level, its toxicity is very powerful.

Guo Twelve flew into the air, controlled the moon blade, and shouted: "Find the target!"

More than two hundred mutants did not gather together, but dispersed, struggling forward one by one.

Nine attacks killed nine mutants. Without any resistance, the locked mutants were almost dead. They could not dodge or block, and their own abilities were suppressed to the lowest point. Seeing that the attack was successful, the entire

The whole team went crazy.

Immediately afterwards, the second attack was launched. Guo Twelve and Qian Rongyao aimed at the fastest mutants. The giant dragon and the dark-winged scorpion were guarding outside. Guo Twelve's instructions to them were

, kill the mutants immediately the moment they break free from Taniguchi's restraints and rush out.

Therefore, the giant dragon and the dark-winged scorpion were wandering at the mouth of the valley, ready to attack at any time.

There are fewer and fewer Great Saint Masters left in the canyon. At this moment, reinforcements finally arrived. However, the number of these reinforcements was not large. They arrived after receiving the second talisman. There were more than eighty

A great saint master never expected to see such a bloody scene. More than eighty great saint masters retreated without hesitation, and at the same time sent out distress letters again.

More than eighty Great Saint Masters joined forces to temporarily resist the mutant's crazy attack. The mutant was very calm in his attacks, and could inflict heavy damage to a Great Saint Master every time.

Guo Twelve had killed seven mutants in a row. His moon blade was so sharp that the mutants almost became targets. With one slash, each mutant turned into a corpse. At this time, a mutant finally appeared from another place.

He rushed out, and the moment he broke free, a thick tail thorn stabbed hard into his chest.

A big hole suddenly appeared in the mutant's chest, and his skin quickly turned black and spread quickly.

He slowly slumped to the ground, and his soul gradually dissipated. Countless little scorpions crawled over and burrowed in from the wounds. After a while, a skeleton appeared on the ground.

Everyone was working hard, attacks fell like raindrops, and the mutants fell one after another. Guo Twelve drove the moon blade crazily, struggling to kill the mutants who tried to break through.

However, there are more than 200 mutants, and people are coming one after another. With the hunting of the dark-winged scorpions and giant dragons, they can be stopped at first. As time goes by, more and more mutants come. After breaking through the valley entrance, Guo Twelve gritted his teeth and said, "Concentrate your firepower and attack those mutants who haven't come out yet."

The Ancient Flame Bird suddenly grew huge, reaching a length of more than five meters, and pounced on the mutants who rushed out.

Qian Rongyao shouted: "I'll catch them!"

The mutant corpses at the entrance of the valley were strewn across the field. No matter how hard Guo Twelve and the others tried, they could not kill more than two hundred mutants. The width of the valley entrance was about 500 meters, and the corpses of mutants lay scattered on the ground, but still More than thirty mutants rushed out and rushed towards the team of professionals with red eyes.

Guo Twelve shouted: "Convert the defensive talisman array."

Only five squadrons successfully converted the talisman formation, and the other four squadrons were rushed in by mutants. In an instant, miserable howls were heard.

Guo Twelve shouted again: "Form a defensive array according to the squad!" He felt bitter in his heart, knowing that the usual training was still not enough, and the squadron leaders had almost no ability to adapt to changes, and they only focused on fighting on their own.

Each team formed a defensive formation, and several squadron leaders tried their best to resist, trying to prevent the mutants from hunting their own team members. Two squadron leaders were killed in a matter of seconds.

Guo Twelve's moon blade suddenly turned into a stream of light and killed a mutant. He shouted: "Those who don't have a team, don't run around, go to the talisman formation to hide!"

In less than half a minute, the losses were staggering. At least more than seventy professionals died. The mutants' killing instinct was too strong. Large and small talisman formations were activated one after another, forming circles one after another. defensive circle.

Guo Twelve felt a burst of despair. He knew that the defensive talisman array alone could not last long. Qian Rongyao also had a look of despair in his eyes. With his strength, he could only entangle two mutants, but three people rushed over. More than a dozen mutants made him feel powerless. Fortunately, the mutants were attracted by the team of professionals, otherwise he would have been doomed long ago.

Megalosaurus ran wildly in front, with five mutants chasing after it, trying to kill it. Because Megalosaurus killed more than six mutants in a short period of time, they had long targeted it. .

The same goes for the Dark Winged Scorpion. There are three mutants chasing it and trying to smash it. However, the Dark Winged Scorpion is extremely fast. When it is in danger, it can use its strength to glide a certain distance.

Guo Twelve has no plans to take them back for the time being. The giant dragon and the dark-winged scorpion can still struggle for a while, dragging down a few mutants and reducing some pressure on them.

As the defense array of a team collapsed, the professionals were massacred by mutants again. Just when Guo Twelve was about to completely despair, more than a dozen flying cars flew towards the ground.

Guo Twelve shouted: "Steady, steady...retreat one by one, don't make a mess, or you won't be able to leave!"

At this time, several people jumped off the first flying car and flew towards here. Then, a group of people jumped off, there were dozens of them, all professionals above Saint Master. The leader was No. 27

The chief officers of the camp are Bu Xilong and Yaoli Xilong, and the others are the captains of the other four brigades and the captains of each squadron.

Guo Twelve was overjoyed. With the support of this group of people, those mutants were dead.

Then another group of people got off the flying car, about twenty or so, all of them were Great Sage Masters. Guo Twelve had doubts in his heart.

In just a moment, all the mutants were slaughtered. Qian Rongyao came forward to greet them, but Guo Twelve was busy collecting soul beads, because the souls of mutants would quickly dissipate over time.

Those Great Saint Masters took a short rest and then rushed into the canyon, where there was still fighting. More Great Saint Masters got off the flying cars that arrived one after another. This time, the large number of people surprised Guo Twelve.

There were more than three hundred great saint masters, led by a master with a virtual altar, rushing towards the mutants in the canyon.

There are reinforcements here, and there are reinforcements for the mutants in the canyon. The mutants appear one after another, and in a moment more than 700 mutants have gathered. This force is so great that even the masters of the Void Altar can handle it.

Very strenuous.

Bushilong and a group of people were discussing something. Qian Rong waved to Guo Twelve and said: "Twelve, come quickly!"

Guo Twelve did not dare to delay and flew over. The Eagle Demon followed closely behind.

Bushilon said: "Captain Guo, I have listened to Captain Qian's report. Thanks to your command this time, the team did not suffer heavy losses. When we return, we will give you the reward points you deserve."

Guo Twelve nodded calmly. He didn't care about the points. What he cared about was the seventeen soul beads he had just collected. Because it took too long, the souls of many mutants had dissipated, and he didn't collect them. He felt very confused.


Buscheron said: "We have to stay here for a while to prevent the mutants from rushing out. Several other brigades will arrive soon. The injured team members can follow the speed car back, and everyone else will stay here."

Guo Twelve said: "With our five brigades, we can hold on for a while, but the prerequisite is...mutants cannot appear too many, otherwise it will be a massacre."

"Help will be coming," Boucheron said.

Yaoli Xilong said: "The most important thing is to hold on for a while and wait for rescue."

Guo Twelve felt something was wrong in his heart, but he did not continue to ask. He knew that even if he asked, Bushilon would not answer.

Because they had to hold on to the entrance of the valley, the large group of people began to set up tents. Guo Twelve stared at the far side of the canyon, where the fighting was still fierce. Qian Rongyao said: "Don't worry about there, we just need to hold the entrance of the valley."

Guo Twelve shook his head, thinking that it couldn't be that easy. He vaguely felt that the situation here seemed to have changed in some way, but he couldn't get any information, so he thought about going back to discuss it with Eagle Demon.

Since more than 200 mutants were eliminated, no mutants rushed towards the canyon again. Their attention seemed to be focused on the other end of the canyon.

From here, you can see the shadow at the other end of the canyon. Although it is not very clear, you can see it a little bit after blessing the Eye-Brighting Spell. The fighting there was very fierce, the smoke was rising, and the talisman light flashed from time to time, and the earth was still slightly

It trembled a few times, and booming explosions came from time to time.

Ten minutes later, more than a dozen flying vehicles delivered another group of professionals, and the injured team members followed the flying vehicles back to the camp. To gather professionals from five brigades, the flying vehicles would have to make at least three or four trips.

This chapter has been completed!
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