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Chapter 9 The Book of Life and Destiny (Part 1)

Chapter 9: Natal Talisman (Part 1)

Luo Luo glanced at Guo Twelve awkwardly and smiled bitterly: "Grandpa, didn't I go on a mission? Haha, I just came back after finishing the mission. Twelve, you are here too."

Luo Jie said calmly: "Oh, the mission is over? Then you can continue to take the mission."

Rollo said: "Grandpa, I can't take the mission!"

Luo Jie took a sip of wine. He was still annoyed that Luo Luo left Guo Twelve with his team on an excuse. If Luo Luo wasn't his grandson, he would have been expelled by him long ago. He said expressionlessly: "Don't tell me...

You have no food!" After all, people become better with age, and he immediately guessed why Luo Luo came. This kid will never come back to see him until the end of the road.

Guo Twelve also guessed that Luo Luo came back from hunger. He is a talisman martial artist and can eat the most. Unless he reaches the great talisman martial arts master, his food intake will drop sharply. If he is a disciple of the inner sect, he can still barely

But he was Luo Jie's man, and he left with his team under the pretext of accepting a mission, so he had to provide food by himself. He was not as clever as Guo Twelve, and he quickly ran out of food, so he had to

Come back and ask for help.


Luo Luo is such an old man, and he shouts in a coquettish tone. Hearing this, Guo Twelve got goosebumps all over his body. He couldn't help but said: "Brother Luo, don't shout like that... I can't stand it!"

Luo Jie couldn't help laughing. He slapped Guo Twelve on the shoulder and cursed with a smile: "Damn it, no matter how serious things are, you got them messed up!"

Luo Luo glanced at Guo Twelve gratefully and said, "Grandpa, I've been hungry for two days... Sigh."

Luo Jie scolded: "It's you, a bastard, who refuses to come back! Do you want me, an old man, to beg you to come back? Go find Uncle Huber yourself, and he will give you something worthless! Not as smart as Twelve.

Everyone knows how to hoard food, but you are stupid and don’t know anything!”

Luo Luo was so scolded that he was so embarrassed that he said, "Yes, yes, Grandpa, I...I'm going!" After saying that, he turned around and ran away. Luo Jie shook his head and cursed: "You bastard, you have no brains at all.


Guo Twelve heard the concern in Luo Jie's words.

"Master, if you don't trust him, can I go and visit him?"

Luo Jie sighed: "No need, you're so old and you still want my old man to fuck you... Twelve, how have you been practicing recently?"

Guo Twelve said: "There is still a set of movements left for basic practice. I should be able to learn them soon. Once I have learned them all, I will practice them in series as soon as possible. The speed will not be too slow. Master, don't worry, I will not be distracted by trivial matters.

"Of course he understood what Luo Jie was worried about.

Luo Jie nodded happily. It saves effort to talk to smart people. He said: "You have to reach the level of a spell master as soon as possible. Then you can prepare your own talisman. Before you practice your own talisman, the talisman profession is very difficult."


Guo Twelve did not feel that the Talisman Master was weak in his heart. Compared with his previous life, he felt that he was much stronger, especially the Talisman Master's training method, which allowed him to strengthen his soul, which he could not do in the previous two lives. Through this life

He is looking forward to the cultivation of powerful souls that will play a role in reincarnation.

He asked some questions about cultivation and stayed one night at his master Luo Jie's house. Guo Twelve said goodbye and went home the next day.

Back home, Aunt Lan said happily: "Twelve, you are so amazing. You sold a batch of meat yesterday and made more than 200,000 talisman! Oh my, our life will be better now!"

Guo Twelve nodded and said: "Aunt Lan, you will be in charge of the money. The meat will continue to be sold. Except for the necessary ones, all others will be sold. After a while, the meat will be worthless."

Aunt Lan agreed excitedly and went out to find a servant to continue selling.

Guo Twelve came to the underground laboratory, took out the talisman planter's talisman book, opened it with the talisman key, and a stack of books appeared in front of him. The cultivation secret record, the refining notes of the cultivation talisman, the offensive talisman planting, the complete list of plants,

There are four kinds of eight books in total, all of which are secret books of the Talisman Sect. Guo Twelve also believed that this set of Talisman books should have been obtained by killing people and seizing treasures.

Holding eight books in his arms, Guo Twelve felt as if he had found a treasure. He opened the refining notes of the cultivating hidden talisman and began to read carefully.

One after another, he browsed through it briefly, and read it for four days before reading the complete set of books. He closed his eyes and meditated for a long time, and was secretly happy in his heart. This is a set of cultivation methods that rely on plants. The attack power is relatively weak, but it has no effect on plants.

Cultivation has unparalleled means for the growth of plants. Especially the Cultivation Talisman. If you can learn to make it, it is equivalent to carrying a botanical garden with you. This was an unimaginable thing in the previous life.

There are talismans in this world, and there are magical hidden talismans. The so-called hidden talismans can shrink objects to form a strange space. According to his understanding, if the hidden talismans are properly arranged, a mobile house can even be made. Bei

The Talismen of the Talisman Sect did not pay much attention to the role of Tibetan Talismans, and only developed small things such as Talisman Bags, Talisman Belts, and Wrist Talisman. However, the Talisman Planting Sect used Tibetan Talisman to create plant-cultivating tools.


Of course, Guo Twelve does not have the ability to learn how to make and cultivate hidden talismans now. What he needs to learn now is the unique talisman skills of the North Talisman Sect. After he is promoted to a talisman master, he can try to learn some skills of the Talisman Sect.

, that’s when the eclectic approach begins.

Putting away the talisman book, Guo Twelve began to practice. According to his daily practice plan, he had to make eight attack talismans.

Now Guo Twelve has another exercise, which is to release one-time attack talismans to practice how to attack. He has made a lot of money recently and has a financial foundation. He doesn't think it would cost a lot of one-time attack talismans to practice.

Heartache. Of course, he does not use attack talismans blindly. Every time he launches an attack talisman, he must make calculations and preparations. After the launch is completed, he must make a summary.

As he practiced more and more, he became more and more proficient in using attack talismans, and the number of one-time attack talismans in his hands became less and less. This was a costly exercise.

Aunt Lan was very excited these days. She never thought that these meats could be sold for so much money. The price of food rose rapidly. In just a few days, the price tripled.

She has sold all the meat except what she needs for her own family. She actually sold it for more than one million black talisman money. This is a huge sum of money. In the past few days, her hands have become weak counting the money. She looked at the piles in the storage room.

She knew that she could still make a fortune in the future, because the current price of flour was much more expensive than meat, and no one was willing to sell it, so there was no price on the market.

Less than a month later, there were rumors of people dying of starvation. Soon, Beifumen began to increase the supply of meat. It is said that the breeding farms in Beifumen can slaughter 100,000 livestock every day and supply it to the market on a large scale. The price of meat suddenly increased.

has fallen sharply, while the price of flour is still rising.

Aunt Lan was dumbfounded and didn't know what to say about Guo Twelve's divine calculation. It was so amazing. From then on, Aunt Lan began to blindly trust Guo Twelve. No matter what the little guy said, she would resolutely follow it.

Huo Bao and the other four people did not rest during this period. After meeting the savages in Ye Guancheng, the four people began to train crazily without any supervision. Every ten days, they would ask Guo Twelve to use the Ming Talisman to train their bodies. In addition to

Chen Hong had a female talisman invited by Aunt Chen to help her refine her body, and the strength of the four of them was steadily increasing.

Mingfu body refining is a very tedious and time-consuming task. If each Talisman warrior apprentice wants to advance to a Fu warrior, he must undergo six hundred times of Mingfu body refining to form six hundred runes on the body. Advancement

After reaching the Talisman Warrior, you will need more bright talismans to refine your body, and finally you will need to use bone talismans to refine your body. By then, you will almost be able to advance again.

The price of Mingfu is not high, and most people can afford it. The main reason is that the body refining of Mingfu must be done by a talisman, which costs a lot. If you have people who follow you, you don't have to worry about these expenses. But if you are engaged in talismans,

There are not many people in the Talisman Warrior profession. There are a large number of Talisman Warrior apprentices. They have to earn their own money and find ways to refine their bodies. Therefore, many people stay at the Talisman Warrior stage and cannot advance.

Guo Twelve also made bright talismans. The bright talismans he made were used on Huo Bao and others. He also provided the bright talismans that Chen Hong needed. Aunt Chen only had to ask someone to refine Chen Hong's body.

Guo Twelve also attaches great importance to the dark talisman, which is a talisman for refining his body. The dark talisman is different from the bright talisman. The dark talisman can only improve the physical quality, but cannot form a strong combat power. Using the bright talisman to refine the body, the talisman it presents

In the end, the tattoo can even form a talisman armor on the body of the talisman warrior, and its protective power is stronger than that of steel armor.

Luo Zhan is also back. The savages besieging the city have been dispersed, but they cannot be eliminated yet. Beifumen is working hard to restore the supply line. When the savages were raging, all the supply depots were destroyed, and there were savages wandering everywhere along the line, but now

There is no danger of the city falling.

Beifu City has been reborn. As long as the savages do not attack the city, the hunting teams in the sect can continue to attack. Once the savages cannot form a joint force, being wiped out is their only fate, unless they retreat to the extreme northern wilderness, then this time

The Spring War has come to an end.

Although the Savage Pass was broken, Ye Guancheng still held on in the end. This was thanks to those who retreated from the Savage Pass. They were all combatants of the North Talisman Gate, including a large number of Talisman warriors, spellcasters and other professional masters. Since most of them

The savages circled the city, and only a small number of them attacked the city, so they eliminated many savages who attacked the city, and also saved the ordinary people who had no time to retreat. Those ordinary people escaped. If the savages entered Ye Guan City,

None of them can hope to come out alive.

Recently, Beifumen has begun to plan to reoccupy the Savage Pass. This will block the way for the savages to return to the extreme northern wilderness, and the savages who come in will not be able to escape. Then, if they send out elite and powerful troops to wipe out the savages, the savages who come in will be completely destroyed.

This chapter has been completed!
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