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Chapter 27: I hate the mainland (1)

Chapter 27: Disgusted with the Continent (Part 1)

Bao Chengyong got Bailongmu, so he must follow Feng Xilong, and he must be a pathfinder. This is the condition of exchange between the two parties, and the others only need to follow. Fortunately, Bao Chengyong is a powerful master.

Although this mission is very dangerous, it will not make him desperate.

Yan Continent is located in the territory controlled by the ancient Xilong family, far away from the continent and secret realm controlled by the ancient Miluo family. Feng Xilong led the way. Only then did Guo Twelve discover that they used the altar as a talisman gate to directly enter the Yan Continent, and with

At the same time, in his cross-border talisman, the only coordinates that can be used are the Baoyan region. In other words, if he does not rely on the power of Juehu Miluo, the only place he can go to is the Baoyan region, and cannot go anywhere else.

Continent and secret realm.

Guo Twelve complained secretly in his heart, but did not dare to show it on his face. First, he left the coordinates of the Wei Continent in the cross-border talisman. He did not bother anymore, gave up the intention of running away immediately, and followed these great masters forward.

As for the Eagle Demon, Luo Zhan and Zhou Xiaoling were all led by Guo Twelve, and they couldn't think of any way to escape.

Juehu Miluo said: "The Continent of Yan is a famously dangerous place. The mutants living here are the formidable enemies of us humans. They are very powerful, especially the alienated ones, who have the ability to fight with us. If you can follow us, it will be too

With luck, you can practice it, and with our protection, the danger should not be great."

Guo Twelve said: "Yes, uncle." He secretly cursed that he had no decision-making power at all and was forced to come here.

The land on the Continent is relatively barren, with a hot and dry climate. There are no trees, only cactus-like plants, and a few plants similar to camel thorns. It looks vibrant and colorful, with cactus pillars dozens of meters high everywhere.

There were not only tangled cacti on the ground, but also some plants that Guo Twelve had never seen before.

There were several talisman eagles circling in the sky, the surroundings were silent, and a few birdsong could be heard from time to time.

Feng Xilong was inspecting the talisman diagram, and soon he said: "We are in the northeast corner and need to cross the entire Continent of Yan to reach the northwest corner, where the entrance to the Magic Rock Secret Realm is."

Bao Chengyong smiled bitterly and said, "Want to cross the Continent of Yan?"

Feng Xilong nodded and said, "I'm afraid we have to kill him."

Bao Chengyong lamented: "Oh! I hate mutants the most. They are a bunch of lunatics! They will fight to the death if they get involved!"

Shi Yan Xilong said calmly: "I hate mutants even more than you do. We have been killing mutants since childhood. We have been killing them for hundreds of years. I feel like vomiting when I see mutants!"

Yan Ruodai said: "It's time to go, I don't like this place!" She likes places with thunder and lightning, and places with humidity and water mist. That kind of environment is suitable for lightning professionals to survive.

Bao Chengyong said: "Okay, let's exchange the charms."

Everyone exchanged talismans with each other, and Guo Twelve and others also needed to exchange their own talismans. When exploring the mainland or a secret realm, exchanging talismans is the most basic preparation, in order to prevent them from being found after being separated.

Bao Chengyong pointed to the northwest and asked: "Are we just going to fly there?"

Feng Xilong said: "How do you want to get there? Go ahead, this continent is completely controlled by alienated people, and you will not be given the chance to move over quietly."

Bao Chengyong cursed and flew towards the northwest. A word came from far away: "Follow me and pay attention to my letter charm!"

Juehu Miluo said: "Come to my altar." Only he released his soul altar, because he had to take four people with him. Without the help of the altar, it would be very difficult. This road is not easy to walk.

Professionals who have a soul altar, once they use the altar, their strength is very terrifying. As long as Bao Chengyong and others do not encounter alienated people, there will be no big problem. Mutated people do not pose a big threat to them. What they need to pay attention to is alienated people.

Humans and alienated rune beasts.

Sitting on the altar, Guo Twelve and others were silent. The four of them were uneasy, not knowing what they would encounter ahead. At this point, their fate was no longer in their control.

Bao Chengyong was extremely fast. He didn't want to provoke the alienated people at all, he just wanted to reach the northwest corner as quickly as possible.

Mutants do not have cities or other places to live. They are a bit like the nomads in Guo Twelve's previous life, but they are more powerful and control a large number of rune beasts and mutant rune beasts, and even a few alienated rune beasts. These are all theirs.

Food is also their fighting partner. Therefore, when Bao Chengyong saw a large number of rune beasts and mutant rune beasts, he knew that he had encountered a tribe of mutants.

A talisman was issued, and Bao Chengyong's figure quickly disappeared.

Feng Xilong and others who followed immediately knew that there was a group of mutants in front of them. They were not here to fight, but to enter the secret realm of the magic rock, so they planned to bypass this large group of mutants.

But this large ethnic group cannot be circumvented if you want to. If there are thousands of mutants in a large ethnic group of mutants, there will definitely be alienated people among them.

Alienated people are the leader-level existence among mutants. In this large group, there are at least ten alienated people. The strength of alienated people also varies. The leader of this group is a ten-meter-tall alienated person, whose strength is not as high as

The difference between masters who own virtual altars.

When Bao Chengyong flew over secretly, the mutant leader realized something was wrong. He let out a roar, and immediately, the entire mutant group became restless.

Feng Xilong noticed it immediately and couldn't help but cursed secretly. The alienated person was too sensitive and it was difficult to avoid it.

Following the roar of the alienated man, dozens of mutated eagles flew up, each with a mutant person sitting on its body. Then, dozens more mutated blood eagles flew up.

Guo Twelve was sitting on the altar and saw the mutated birds flying from a distance. He was surprised and said: "Have you been discovered?"

hold head high!

A mutated blood dragon that was more than seventy meters long flew up, and the leader of the alienated people was riding on it.

Whether it is a mutated giant eagle or a mutated blood eagle, both are more than thirty meters in length. Hundreds of mutated birds fly up, giving people an overwhelming feeling. Their wings flap slightly and make a roaring sound in the air. The mutated birds emit

The cry was full of excitement and violence.

Feng Xilong said: "It's really troublesome, speed up, speed up!"

Several people immediately accelerated and tried to get away from them.

The alien leader riding the mutated blood dragon kept twitching his nose and making a hissing sound with every breath. After a few seconds, he determined his position and let out a huge roar. The mutated blood dragon suddenly accelerated and broke through.

Empty noise.

A group of mutants riding mutant birds roared excitedly, driving the mutant birds in a mad pursuit.

On the ground, a large group of mutants followed. Some ran wildly, while others rode mutant rune beasts and howled as they rushed forward.

The direction that the leader of the alienated people was following was not wrong at all, it was exactly the direction Feng Xilong and the others were flying.

Yan Ruodai said: "This won't work. It's easier to deal with only one mutant station being alerted. If several are alerted, it will be more difficult for us to deal with it..."

Ling Zhenren said: "Then kill him! Feng Xilong, send a letter to Bao Chengyong and ask him to come back! This guy is really a fool!"

Juehu Miluo said: "You little guys, don't move. Just sit on the altar. You can't get involved in this kind of battle."

Guo Twelve nodded and said: "Yes!" He didn't want to interfere at all. He had seen the power of mutants before, and they were not something they could deal with.

After a while, Feng Xilong and the others were far away from the gathering place of mutants, and were thousands of miles away in one fell swoop. However, they still could not escape the tracking of the leader of the mutants. That guy had an extremely sensitive nose, probably more sensitive than Guo Twelve.

The nose of the dog I saw in my previous life was hundreds of times more sensitive.

Master Ling asked: "Who takes action?"

Bao Chengyong had returned. He was very annoyed and said, "Forget it, I'll do it!"

Master Ling nodded and said: "One more will be enough, Feng Xilong, you can take action."

Feng Xilong nodded, with a murderous intent in his eyes. Professionals from the Gu Xilong family have been fighting mutants almost all their lives, and have very rich experience in dealing with mutants.

Master Ling said: "Yan Ruodai, Shi Yan Xilong, the three of us are on guard to prevent any accidents. Juehu Miluo, you protect these little guys."

Juehu Miluo said: "No problem."

Guo Twelve sighed in his heart, these guys are indeed top professionals. Facing a large group of mutants plus various mutated birds and alienated people, only two people were sent to prepare for the battle, while the others were watching the fun. He couldn't help but feel that

Once upon a time there was a longing for the altar.

Bao Chengyong released his own altar, and Feng Xilong also released his own altar. Neither of them sat on the altar, but stood on the top of the altar, looking coldly into the distance, with such killing intent that even Guo Twelve and others

Everyone can feel it clearly.


Ling Zhenren flew back a certain distance.

Shi Yan Xilong smiled and said: "If you have to seek death, I can't help it, haha." He also flew back to make way for the fighting space.

Yan Ruodai retreated to Juehu Miluo and said, "Twelve, you can watch carefully."

Guo Twelve said: "Yes." With a group of experts like them, he could only say yes, and it was not his turn to say anything else. The gap in strength was really too big.

The leader of the alienated people arrived first riding a mutant blood dragon. He did not expect that he would offend such a top professional. When he saw Bao Chengyong and Feng Xilong standing on the altar, he couldn't help but yelled in fright.

Human beings have been fighting for so long, so of course they understand how powerful the professionals with altars are.

The mutated blood dragon has about ten levels, which is one level higher than Guo Twelve's giant dragon. The most important thing is that the mutated blood dragon is not a spirit beast, but a real mutated rune beast. The spirit beast has never been better than the one with a body.

Mutated runic beasts, if a mutated giant dragon fights with a mutated giant dragon formed from a spirit, and the two are of the same level, the loser will definitely be the spirit beast.

Bao Chengyong sneered: "Want to run away now? Go to hell!"

The alien leader was not stupid at all. He did not dare to fight Bao Chengyong and immediately drove the mutant blood dragon to turn around. However, the mutant blood dragon was huge and it was very difficult to turn around, especially since it had just sprinted with all its strength.

At this point, it is almost impossible to change direction immediately.

This chapter has been completed!
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