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Chapter 3 The Hundred-Level Continent (Part 2)

Chapter 3 Hundred Layers of the Continent (Part 2)

Guo Twelve sighed secretly in his heart and did not ask for the names of the two children. He knew that as long as he left this continent, he might never come back in this life, so there was no need to know too much. This world was very strange, and he could not figure out its secrets.

, and I don’t want to worry too much.

Seeing the two children eating meat, everyone felt very relaxed. With children present, the smell of killing would unconsciously decrease.

Guo Twelve was satisfied with this meal, and the two children were also very happy. When it was getting dark, Zhou Xiaoling sent the two children back to the village. Guo Twelve said: "We can't stay here long, waiting for Juehu Miluo to return to ancient times."

Miluo Continent may know our details, and if they come looking for us, we won't be able to escape."

Eagle Demon nodded and said: "We have at least dozens of days as a buffer. As long as we leave here, it will be difficult to track us again."

Guo Twelve said: "I'm going to put away the talisman house, and everyone is ready to leave."

When Zhou Xiaoling came back, Guo Twelve immediately activated the cross-border talisman, and the four of them entered a secret realm.

The secret realms were left behind one by one, and the continents were crossed by them. They didn't know how long they walked. When most of the rune gate coordinates became unusable, they arrived at a continent.

Guo Twelve said: "Uncle Eagle Demon, we seem to have no way out. This is the Baizhong Continent, and it should not be the territory of the ancient Miluo family."

Luo Zhan looked around and said: "This seems to be a very ordinary continent with a good climate. I wonder if there is a Talisman Sect on this continent? We can look for the coordinates of some nearby secret realms. It is best to find Tongyou.

Secret realm.

The Eagle Demon smiled bitterly and said: "It's easy to say, the Secret Realm of Tongyou... is rare. If I can get the coordinates of the Secret Realm of Tongyou, I guess the way home will be much easier."

Guo Twelve nodded. He also knew that it was difficult to encounter the secret realm of Tongyou. In fact, it would be great if there was a place like Star Continent. There are countless secret realms to choose from. He said: "There is no other continent nearby. This is

The last recorded continent has secret realm coordinates next to it, because... if we enter the secret realm and don’t want to look back, we have to find an exit and enter other continents or secret realms.”

Zhou Xiaoling said with great pride: "Twelve, go for it! How will you know there is a way out if you don't go for it!"

Guo Twelve nodded and said: "At this point, the only choice is to break in. We have been out for a long time. We must be prepared that we will not be able to go back for a while. We must not waste time and improve our strength as soon as possible."

Eagle Demon asked: "Are there any recorded sects in Baizhong Continent?"

Guo Twelve said: "Even if there is, it is from the sect who did not know how many years ago. The inheritance we received is the inheritance of the real ancient Miluo family. The Baizhong Continent at that time... whatever was recorded may have disappeared.


Eagle Demon said: "Then let's find it ourselves!"

The four of them flew into the distance.

There are no sects in Baichong Continent, but there are several famous cities. One of the cities is called Shenghua City, which is named after a precious tree - the Shenghua tree.

Shenghua City, which takes its city name from the tree, does not currently produce Shenghua trees. Due to thousands of years of felling, the Shenghua trees have long since become extinct, leaving only the name Shenghua City.

Shenghua City is not a first-rate city in Baichong Continent, but the folk customs here are strong and fierce. There are eight Talisman families competing with each other. The city owner is made up of eight families who take turns to be the banker. They change every two years and control this city with a population of more than two million.

city ​​of.

The city is divided into inner and outer cities. The inner city is home to eight families, as well as professionals and businessmen. The outer city is the residential area for ordinary people, wandering professionals and foreign businessmen. The outer city is a fort. A fort

Covering an area of ​​about dozens of acres, it is made of thick blue stones, and a spell master was asked to bless the spell. A fort is a small family, and they make a living by hunting and farming.

There are countless such forts outside Shenghua City, where countless small families live. If there are rune beasts or mutant rune beasts, these ordinary people will enter the forts to take shelter. They usually live in the forts.

It was because of the discovery of the fort that Guo Twelve and others knew about the existence of Shenghua City.

According to the instructions of the residents in the fort, Guo Twelve and others quickly arrived outside Shenghua City. This time they did not fly into the city, but walked along the road to the city gate.

There were several low-level professionals standing at the gate of the city, as well as a small group of soldiers who looked like soldiers. They were only guarding the gate and would not interfere with people entering and exiting the city gate. Their role was mainly to guard against wild beasts, so Guo Twelve and the others were not blocked from entering the city.

Guo Twelve said: "It's very strange here. It doesn't seem to be a high-level continent. It feels like a mid-level continent. I didn't see a professional above Saint Master... Could it be a low-level continent? It shouldn't be. The coordinates of this continent are inherited from

What you get..." He shook his head in confusion.

Zhou Xiaoling said: "Maybe it used to be a high-end continent, but maybe it has declined now."

Eagle Demon also said: "It's a bit strange. Until now, I have seen that the highest professional, that is, the master level, is somewhat similar to our Beifu Sect."

Guo Twelve said: "Low-level Talisman Continent... It shouldn't be. Maybe the controlling family in this city is not strong enough. I think this continent should at least have the strength of the mid-level Talisman Continent, but it's strange... Baizhong Continent is far away from the ancient Miluo family.

The territory is so close, why hasn’t it been annexed?”

Eagle Demon said: "I don't know...forget it, Twelve, it's useless to think about this, let's buy some food first."

Guo Twelve nodded and said: "Well, there is still a lot of meat, but there is not much food, so we need to purchase some." Everyone is very skilled in this kind of purchasing. First, go to a larger store and replace the materials on the mutated talisman beast.

Use local money to buy needed food and supplies.

Guo Twelve, led Ying Mo and others, quickly found a shop. This was a shop run by a family in Shenghua City, and the four of them walked in.

The rune signboard hanging in the shop stated the purchase of various rune beast materials.

The front hall is very large, and there is a long table. The table is very rough. It is made of sawn and pieced together logs. The tabletop has not been treated in any way and has been polished to a smooth surface. Several clerks are busy working there.

There are also several professionals who are selling materials such as animal skins and bones obtained by hunting.

Guo Twelve glanced at it and discovered that the highest level among these professionals was the master level. Most of the materials for sale were materials from second-level or third-level mutant rune beasts. Eagle Demon said: "Come here, we want to sell materials."

A waiter came up, looked at everyone, and said with a smile: "Aren't you from this city?"

Eagle Demon said: "We are from other places. Is there any rule here not to accept materials from outsiders?" He asked a little curiously.

The clerk said hurriedly: "No, the store doesn't care about foreigners or locals. As long as it is valuable materials, we will accept them."

Guo Twelve threw out a hidden talisman bag and said: "Here is a fifth-level mutated brown bear." Eagle Demon took it. Guo Twelve collected a lot of such fifth- and sixth-level mutant talisman beasts, all of which have been decomposed.

Put it into a hidden talisman bag, specially used to exchange for things from various continents.

The fifth- and sixth-level mutant rune beasts are no longer of much use to him, but they are very suitable for exchanging things. He can't just take out a bunch of materials for the seventh- and eighth-level mutant rune beasts every time, that would be too scary.

But just this fifth-level mutated rune beast scared everyone in the store.

The Eagle Demon took out a huge brown bear skin from the talisman bag and threw it directly on the ground. This bundle of mutated brown bear skins was like a hill. If it were thrown on the table, it would probably be crushed.

A mutated brown bear is about seven or eight meters tall. You can imagine how big this skin is.

The Eagle Demon pulled away the tied leather cord, and the mutated brown bear skin stretched out.

Several local professionals backed away in shock. This mutated rune animal skin almost covered the open space in the front hall. A clerk quickly ran towards the back hall. This kind of business was not something that their young clerk could decide.

Another waiter diligently brought a low stool and said with a smile: "Please... please sit down!"

Guo Twelve waved his hand and said: "No, you can estimate it."

The waiter smiled and said: "This... this is not something we can decide. We have already asked the shopkeeper and appraiser."

The news about the small town spread quickly, and professionals rushed over immediately. The owner of this shop also came out with a group of professionals. Guo Twelve took a closer look and found that the most powerful one among them was a spell master, and he was a junior

The spell master is probably the master of the family who is in charge of the shop.

The shopkeeper was a spell master. When he saw the mutated brown bear skin on the ground, he was stunned for a moment. He never imagined that someone would sell such a precious material.

The Eagle Demon was impatient with so many people watching, and said: "Anyone who has nothing to do with it, please leave!" The violent soul pressure was suddenly released. However, he did not intend to hurt anyone, he just used it for a while, and then put away this frightening pressure.


All the low-level professionals present felt extremely frightened at that moment. Whether it was the shopkeeper or the mad master-level appraiser, they were so frightened that they broke out in cold sweat. They immediately understood in their hearts that these people were high-level professionals. As for the high-level professionals,

To what extent, they have no way of knowing.

The junior spell master said: "Everyone, please exit."

All the professionals followed the instructions and exited the store door. The soul pressure just now made them feel like they were out of their minds. It was an extremely dangerous signal. No one dared to complain. After leaving, many professionals quickly ran towards their families.

And go.

The shopkeeper said: "Seniors, please go to the inner hall to talk."

Guo Twelve nodded. He needed someone to help him purchase it and said, "Okay, let's go in." None of them paid attention to the mutated brown bear skin on the ground.

The shopkeeper ordered the waiters to carry the mutated brown bear skin to the inner hall, and then politely invited the four people to go to the inner hall.

In just a moment, the entire eight families in Shenghua City received the shocking news that a high-level foreign professional had entered. The patriarch of each family personally went out and rushed towards the shop quickly.

The peaceful Shenghua City suddenly became chaotic, and it felt like a bit of a panic.

This chapter has been completed!
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