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Chapter 11 Moving (Part 2)

Chapter 11 Moving (Part 2)

Luo Jie smiled a little childishly and said, "Come and certify the twelve advanced spell masters."

Chang Yeren casually agreed: "No problem! Huh? Twelve advanced spellcasters? This... this... how is it possible!" He knew very well when Guo Twelve came to Beifumen, and he also knew that he became an apprentice.

How long will it take to become an advanced spellcaster? This is too exaggerated.

Luo Jie laughed happily and said, "Why is it impossible!" He was so proud that this young apprentice insisted on living up to his expectations. He had such good potential and worked so hard, which made him feel extremely proud.

Advanced certification is easy to handle. It mainly requires apprentices to launch one-time attack talismans and make ten one-time attack talismans, as long as they can reach the specified number of successes. The other is to make treasure talismans. If two of the ten are successful, the standard will be met.


With the power of his soul, Guo Twelve fired thirty one-time attack talismans in one breath, shocking everyone present. This was not the strength of a junior talisman, but close to the level of an intermediate talisman.

Next came the talisman making. Guo Twelve gave everyone another surprise. Ten talismans succeeded in making nine talismans. This was his best performance. At this point, Chang Yeren directly announced that Guo Twelve had advanced to a talisman.

There is no point in letting him continue to make treasure talismans. Being able to reach the level of nine talismans is already stronger than many junior talisman masters.

Under Chang Yeren's envious gaze, Guo Twelve became the youngest spellcaster in Beifu Sect.

After changing his identity tag, Guo Twelve followed his master Luo Jie home.

Luo Jie couldn't hide the joy on his face. The old man was very happy and satisfied with his youngest apprentice. He said: "Twelve, you can move to my manor and learn from the old man in the future. I will ask someone to make room for you."

Get out of a larger yard, um, if you need anything, go directly to Huber to get it, I'll tell you to go down, you don't have to come back to me for instructions."

"I have had hundreds of disciples in my life, but only about 30 are still alive today. Most of them are dead. Of the 30 or so people alive, there are still seven or eight who are disabled. Most of them are now guarding the family business.

, there are still more than a dozen who are traveling abroad and rarely come back to Beifumen. There are only five or six people who come back frequently. Unfortunately, so far, none of my disciples have advanced to become a great spell master."

Luo Jie smacked his lips with some regret and continued: "I stopped accepting apprentices seventy years ago. I never thought that I would accept a little guy like you when I am old. Haha, you have to live up to your expectations, so you can't learn a lesson.

I have been promoted to a spellcaster since I was twelve years old. Although you surprised me, the master would like to remind you..."

Guo Twelve nodded solemnly and said: "Master, you said that the apprentice must obey your teachings."

"Twelve, you are relatively young, which is an advantage, but your shortcomings are also obvious. You lack experience and a lot of knowledge. You have just scratched the surface of what you need to learn in the apprenticeship stage, and you have not yet fully mastered it, such as

As for runes and runes, you can only know specific runes and runes now. You have not learned all the system runes and runes at all. As for other aspects, you are also lacking, so you have to work harder to learn.

This requires long-term accumulation and cannot be achieved overnight.”

"...Don't be complacent just because you have advanced to become a Talisman Master. You must continue to maintain your original hardworking spirit and continue to study..."

If Guo Twelve were a child, he might not care about these words, and might even feel that the master is nagging him, but he is an adult soul and can clearly feel the old man's high expectations for him, and he can't help but be secretly moved in his heart.

Guo Twelve said sincerely: "Master, don't worry, I will seize the time to study and will never let it go. I will make up for the lessons left over from my apprenticeship as soon as possible."

Luo Jie nodded with satisfaction and said, "I will ask someone to help you move. Well, you go back and sort it out first, and then move here tomorrow."

Guo Twelve just packed the things in the underground laboratory, especially the books. As for other trivial things, he left them alone. Those could be handled by Aunt Lan. He asked Aunt Xin to sell the flour and arrived in Luo

In Jie's manor, all supplies are arranged by the master, so he no longer has to worry about making money.

With such a big tree behind him, Guo Twelve would certainly not refuse, and the conditions in the master's home were excellent, especially the learning environment. The master had a large database and a large material library, with various

All the equipment is available. Such good conditions will be of great help to his further study.

Luo Jie sent several carriages and more than a dozen people, and soon moved Guo Twelve's home to a yard in Luo Jie's manor. The yard was close to a stream, surrounded by some courtyards, and there were several courtyards between the courtyards.

A hundred meters apart, there are dense fruit trees growing around it. There is a plaque above the gate of the small courtyard, which reads - Xijianju.

The main building is a two-story building, and there is also a talisman-making hall underground. This is a standard small building where spell practitioners live, and the layout has been arranged. Guo Twelve fell in love with it at the first sight. Xijian Residence, a very elegant place

There is a stream flowing in front of the residence, and there is a small pond next to it.

There is a small patch of pale yellow cold bamboo growing beside the pond. The breeze blows and the bamboo forest sways, making it look extremely elegant. The water in the pond is very shallow and clear. You can see the smooth pebbles on the bottom and a dozen colorful carp swimming in the water.

A trace of mist rose from the water. Only then did Guo Twelve discover that there was actually a hot spring under the pond.

Huo Bao, Chen Bing, Hong Shi and Chen Hong didn't feel much about this beautiful scenery. They just felt that it was a big place with open terrain. They were running around, laughing happily and joking with each other. Only Guo Twelve stood by the pond.

, he once again lamented how lucky he was in this life, being able to live in such beautiful scenery is really a great enjoyment in life.

The path in front of the door is made of cobblestones and stretches along the woods. In the distance, there is a small building with its eaves peeking out from the treetops. It is the building in the courtyard next door. There is silence all around, with only the chirping of birds echoing in the forest.

Guo Twelve only stood by the pond for a moment. He knew in his heart that he could not indulge in the beautiful scenery. Cultivation was his main task.

He rearranged the underground talisman-making hall. The Xijianju courtyard was originally the residence of the talisman masters, so the underground talisman-making hall was very large, more formal than the original courtyard, and twice as big, with more rooms.

The walls have also been reinforced with runes, and there is even a rune-shooting tunnel for testing attack charms, specifically used to test the power of the runes.

Guo Twelve has lived for three lives. The longer he lives, the less courageous he becomes. He is extremely persistent in life-saving skills and soul cultivation. What he cares about most now is cultivation. He is very satisfied with the Talisman Making Hall, which is also the laboratory, and inspects it carefully.

After doing this, I started cleaning and placing items. I will spend most of my time here.

He has been thinking about the last set of basic movements for practicing the power of spells for a long time. He was able to complete the first eight sets smoothly, but the last set left him a little embarrassed. It was not because of the difficulty of the movements, but because of the difficulty of the movements.

The set of movements will cause the soul to tremble, which is a phenomenon that has not occurred when practicing the previous eight sets of movements.

The soul is the foundation of Guo Twelve. He does not dare to take risks, so he has not dared to practice this set of movements for fear of damaging his soul and affecting his future reincarnations.

But without doing the ninth set of movements, the cultivation of spell power would be incomplete, and he had to practice it, which was very contradictory. If he wanted to take an adventure, the price would be his soul, which would either be good or bad.

After hesitating for a long time, Guo Twelve finally made up his mind to practice. If he doesn't practice, he won't be able to do it. If he stops at being a magician, then he will be a weak existence and may be dead before he can be reincarnated. This life is not peaceful, so he must try.


This set of movements was performed with trepidation, and after finishing it, Guo Twelve fell into deep thought. Since the movements were not smooth and coherent, and the soul tremors were not violent, he felt that he should be able to do this set of movements without any major problems. But why did the soul do it?

Tremor? This puzzled him.

Since he was sure there was no harm, Guo Twelve decided to continue practicing.

It was his habit to master the ninth set of movements repeatedly. He first mastered the movements, even if he took them apart and practiced them repeatedly, until the whole set of movements was imprinted into his soul and he was so proficient that he could do it without thinking, then it was considered over.

For three days in a row, except for one trip to eat, Guo Twelve stayed underground for the rest of the time, repeating the movements skillfully, and did not stop until he was completely mastered. He did not rush to practice the nine sets of movements in series, but held a book

It seems.

After resting for two days, Guo Twelve came outside. There was a small open space in the bamboo forest beside the pond. He planned to practice the entire set of spell power here. This was according to the records in the book. It does not matter where he usually practices, but he will complete the nine sets of movements.

, during the first practice, it must be outdoors, preferably in a bamboo forest.

Only then did Guo Twelve realize that this bamboo forest was specially planted to practice the power of spells.

In fact, it is a sign that this set of actions can be successfully completed to advance from an apprentice to a spellcaster. However, Guo Twelve's soul power is too strong, and the spell power in his body is enough to advance without completing this set of actions.

Guo Twelve was very cautious. He found Luo Zhan and asked him to bring a few Talisman warriors to protect him. If someone disturbed him while practicing, it would be more troublesome. Although there is no such thing as going crazy during practice,

Being interrupted is not good after all.

Starting from the first form of the first set of movements, he practiced them one by one. Guo Twelve quickly became immersed in it. Gradually, he closed his eyes tightly and was completely driven by his consciousness. He continued to practice along the routine.

Consciousness calls the shots.

Luo Zhan stood not far away. He was responsible for Guo Twelve's safety, so he focused his attention on the surroundings, including Guo Twelve. But when Guo Twelve started practicing, he realized something was wrong, because Guo Twelve

Twelve's breath suddenly disappeared, but he could clearly see Guo Twelve, which gave him a very strange feeling.

Suddenly, Luo Zhan turned around and heard footsteps coming from the path.

This chapter has been completed!
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