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Chapter 25 Caravan (1)

Chapter 25 Caravan (Part 1)

The Eagle Demon flew to the treetop, paused for a moment and then landed again. He smiled and said: "It's a horse team, it seems to be a merchant horse team, there are many guards, the horses are ordinary horses, not talisman horses, they should not be a threat to us, just right

You can communicate with them and ask about the situation here."

There are about a hundred or ten horses, and there is also a kind of camel beast in the middle of the team. It is a talisman beast specially domesticated to carry goods. It looks a bit like an elephant, but it does not have the long trunk and tusks of the elephant. It has a huge body and thick limbs.

, carrying a wooden bracket on his body, which was piled with goods.

There is a string of bells hanging around the neck of the camel, which makes a tinkling sound when it moves around.

Guo Twelve and the others stood in the middle of the road, looking at the cavalry curiously. None of the three of them actually landed on the ground, but hovered one meter above the ground.

The horse team turned around a forest and immediately spotted Guo Twelve and others, and there was a sudden chaos. Soon, three riders came galloping over. They were three big men dressed as guards. They were still a hundred meters away from Guo Twelve and others.

, the three of them began to rein in their horses and slow down. Just kidding, these three people actually stopped in the air on the road. You could tell that they were powerful people at a glance.

Guo Twelve smiled and said: "Uncle Eagle Demon, if we look like this, will people misunderstand us as bandits?"

The Eagle Demon shook his head and said: "Robbers? Robbers won't let them find out at all. They will be dead when they get in front of them, so they won't stand openly in front of them. Hum, I think back then."

Luo Zhan smiled and said: "Eagle, I know you are a prairie thief who has robbed people all your life."

Eagle Demon laughed and scolded: "It's his grandma, Lao Luo, please don't talk nonsense, it's half a lifetime! I have never done it again since I followed Twelve, why, do you want to try it this time?"

The three big men approached in surprise. Based on their experience, they had never seen anyone hovering in the air. Moreover, these three people were gorgeously dressed and had extraordinary bearing. Their clothes were not in local style at all, regardless of the style of clothing.

It's extremely weird, and you can tell at a glance that he's not a local.

The three of them sat on the horses, feeling a little uneasy. The big man at the head took the reins and drove the horse forward a few steps and said: "May I ask three friends if you have any advice?" He didn't know what to say for a moment, and these three guys gave him

People are under too much pressure.

Eagle Demon stepped forward and said: "Don't be nervous, we don't have any ill intentions, it's just that this place is too unfamiliar, and we want to inquire about some information. Who is your person in charge? Let him come to see us."

With the strength of the three of them, they can almost walk sideways on any continent. As long as they don't encounter a master who owns an altar, there is no danger, so what the Eagle Demon said is quite polite.

Beads of sweat appeared on the forehead of the leading man. The pressure from the Eagle Demon was so great that he could hardly sit on the saddle. He subconsciously said, "It's your lord." He turned the horse's head and said, "Let's go back and report!


After a while, the caravan stopped, and seven or eight horses galloped over. A middle-aged man stepped forward and said, "Sir, what are your orders? I am Chen Yuxian, the captain of the caravan." He turned over and dismounted.

, said very respectfully.

Guo Twelve fell to the ground, and the Eagle Demon flew forward and landed in front of Chen Yuxian. Chen Yuxian was frightened and took a few steps back. After decades of business, this was the first time he had seen such a powerful person who could actually leave.

He knew in his heart that these were probably high-level professionals. There were also professionals in his team, but they were all low-level professionals. He had never seen a professional who could fly.

The Eagle Demon said: "Don't be nervous. If we have malicious intentions, there is no need to go to such trouble." The implication is that if we have malicious intentions, we can just do it directly, and there is no need to call us over to talk.

Chen Yuxian walked around, and of course he understood what the Eagle Demon meant. A few drops of cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he said respectfully: "Yes, please come and sit down, three adults."

Several caravan guys spread thick animal skins on the ground and invited Guo Twelve and others to sit down.

Guo Twelve didn't refuse. Although it seemed weird to sit on the road, he didn't care. The roads here might not have been used for dozens of days, so sitting on the road would not block traffic.

Chen Yuxian sat down with him and said, "Sir, if you have any questions, feel free to ask. As long as I know what I know, I will never hide it." When walking outside, he pays attention to his eyesight. With his eyesight, these three people must not be offended.

The Eagle Demon asked: "Where is this?"

Guo Twelve added: "What continent is this?"

Chen Yuxian was a little at a loss. How could he know what kind of continent this was? He was just a businessman, not a professional. Even a low-level professional would not know what kind of continent this was because they would never leave this continent.

. He smiled bitterly and said: "I don't know what continent it is. This is the Apricot Locust Forest. We come from Dawu City."

The Eagle Demon nodded and said, "Where are you going?"

Chen Yuxian said: "Let's go to Dong City, buy some fur mountain products and sell some daily necessities along the way."

Luo Zhan asked: "Are there any powerful mutant rune beasts here?"

Chen Yuxian was startled and shook his head repeatedly: "No, there are no mutant rune beasts here! Otherwise we wouldn't dare to take this road." He hesitated and said, "Although there are no mutant rune beasts here, there are some

Wild beasts and runic beasts are also very powerful. If you are unlucky, you may encounter robbers and bandits."

Guo Twelve asked: "We are not familiar with the roads here. How long does it take to get to Dong City?"

Chen Yuxian said: "It takes about forty days to get to Dong City from here. If we go quickly, it will only take about twenty days. Our caravan moves slowly."

Guo Twelve asked: "Well, can we join your caravan?"

Chen Yuxian was stunned. How could he dare to refuse? Businessmen are more tactful. He smiled and said: "I can't ask for it." He turned around and said: "Second son! Second son! Come here and fetch three good horses."

Guo Twelve nodded, very satisfied with Chen Yuxian's attitude. He raised his hand and threw him a small bag. This was not a talisman bag, but an ordinary silk bag with a hundred gold talismans in it, and said:

"Here you go, it's the food expenses for the three of us."

Chen Yuxian opened the silk bag and took out a gold talisman money. He couldn't help being surprised. His voice changed and he said: "Gold talisman money!"

Guo Twelve asked: "Can't it be used?"

Chen Yuxian said repeatedly: "It can be used!" His voice was trembling. He knew that gold talisman money was foreign talisman money, but it was local hard currency and was more valuable than local talisman money. He had seen it before

Gold Talisman Money is a little different from this style, but Gold Talisman Money is Gold Talisman Money, and its value is very high.

After counting, there were a hundred gold talisman coins in total. Even if all the goods he delivered this time were added up, it would be impossible to exchange them for a hundred gold talisman coins. Chen Yuxian's palms were sweating and his heart was beating fast. It's not like he hadn't seen this before.

He paid for the gold talisman, but the three people in front of him were too generous, which made him feel a little unreal.

Chen Yuxian gritted his teeth and said, "Sir, there are too many."

The Eagle Demon said casually: "If there are too many, just keep them, and they will be considered as rewards for you."

Chen Yuxian breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Thank you, then." He stood up and shouted, "Xiao Erzi, hurry up! Bring the horse over, and by the way, give me my horse as well!"

The three of them successfully joined the cavalry team.

Under the command of Chen Yuxian, the caravan set off again.

The horse that Guo Twelve rode belonged to Chen Yuxian. It was a big black horse. It was said that this horse had the blood of Fu Ma and had a very bad temper. However, what surprised Chen Yuxian was that Guo Twelve just patted the horse's head.

, this irritable big horse behaved like a grandson, and even nuzzled Guo Twelve with its big head.

The caravan was moving very fast, and even though the camel beasts were carrying so many things, they could run as fast as horses. The bells jingled all the way.

Guo Twelve asked curiously: "Chen Yuxian, do you have many caravans here?"

Chen Yuxian said respectfully: "There are many. Our caravan is considered medium-sized. There are also some large caravans with thousands of people at a time. They can hire very powerful professionals and take dangerous roads.

The benefits of going to distant cities are much greater than ours."

Eagle Demon asked: "Do you have many professionals here?"

Chen Yuxian shook his head and said: "There are not many professionals."

Eagle Demon wondered: "Are the cities here controlled by professional families?"

Chen Yuxian said: "We don't have any families here. The professionals are all professional soldiers in the city. All professionals are trained by the city army. We are called city guards here. Only those who come from the army will accept business."

hired by the team, or hired by the rich."

Guo Twelve asked: "Do professionals have a high status here?"

Chen Yuxian said: "The status of professionals is very high, but the status of low-level professionals is average, almost the same as us businessmen."

Guo Twelve has not paid attention to these things for a long time. For them, reaching the high-level Saint Master is the pinnacle of their profession. As for those professionals who have built the altar, they are in another system and belong to super professionals.

Whether they are in a family or a sect, people of this kind belong to existences that transcend the sect and family.

Eagle Demon shook his head and said: "There is no professional family here, so is there any professional sect?"

Chen Yuxian said: "No, well, I can't say no, it's just not in the cities I've been to." After all, he is not as well-informed as a professional because his scope of activities is too small.

Guo Twelve knew and couldn't ask anything, so he said: "There is a village not far ahead."

Chen Yuxian said in surprise: "Yes, it's Xiaomu Village. It's a hunter village. Our caravan will go to buy some fur products, so we have to stay in Xiaomu Village for a day and take a rest."

Guo Twelve nodded and walked with the caravan. His mood gradually calmed down because the pace was very slow. He took a deep breath and his eyes became clear. The Eagle Demon kept paying attention to him and asked:

"Twelve, what's wrong with you?"

Guo Twelve said: "We were running all the way, too impatient. Haha, maybe we have been away from the crowd for too long and have been adventuring in the secret realm. Our mentality is a bit wrong. Even if we are in a hurry to go home, we shouldn't be like this. Uncle Eagle Demon

, thank you, I plan to stay for a while and let myself calm down completely."

This chapter has been completed!
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