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Chapter 27 The Secret Realm of the Heavens (Part 2)

Chapter 27: The Secret Realm of Hun Tian (Part 2)

Xian Ming said proudly: "Yes."

Guo Twelve said in confusion: "If you are in Feng Continent, your reception task should be very heavy. Can you leave Dong City at will?"

Xian Liang showed an indignant look and said: "It has nothing to do with us. The secret realm has been opened and the family will not notify us."

The Eagle Demon couldn't help but laugh and said: "I see, you are very unhappy in the family!"

The two people's faces were slightly red. Although they had a little status in the family when they reached the junior level, they were marginalized because according to their age and potential, if they could advance to the junior level, they would have reached the limit. It would be difficult for them to do so.

Going one step further, any resources of the family will no longer be tilted towards them, otherwise the two of them will not ask for help from outsiders.

Guo Twelve and Eagle Demon discussed in a low voice and said: "Okay, we agree, but it's up to you how to sneak in. I estimate that the place where the secret realm is opened should be very tightly protected, even if we have the strength of a senior great saint master.

, and it’s hard to get close.”

Xian Ming and Xian Ming both showed smiles, and Xian Ming said: "We have been prepared for a long time. The three adults only need to follow us. We have made arrangements and we can set off after a while."

Guo Twelve smiled and said: "What would you do if you didn't meet us?"

Xian Liang explained: "We originally planned to ask other friends to carry it, but the cost was too high. Well, we are also friends, haha, haha." He suddenly realized that he had said the wrong thing.

Guo Twelve didn't care. As long as he could enter the extreme secret realm, there was no need to dwell on this issue. He nodded and said: "Okay, you guys prepare. Once the time is up, we will sneak in."

Xianming and Xianming laughed happily, and they both bowed and saluted, "Thank you, sir." Then they left and left.

Guo Twelve sat down and said: "Uncle Eagle Demon, Uncle Luo, let's prepare ourselves. No matter what, the extreme secret realm is a temptation we cannot resist."

The Eagle Demon smiled and said: "Anyway, I can't find my way back for the time being, so I'll go to the extreme secret realm to play. Hehe, maybe I can also find an opportunity to build a virtual altar. Although I have also collected complete materials, but

I still have no clue, but it’s a pity that I don’t have time to learn the inherited knowledge.”

Luo Zhan said: "Eagle, I hope you can succeed. When I advance to the senior level of the Great Saint Master, someone will be able to teach me."

The Eagle Demon sighed and said: "I have been promoted to the Senior Great Saint Master and can already see the knowledge of constructing the Virtual Altar. Alas, it is because I have seen the inheritance that I feel it is too difficult and I don't know when I will be able to succeed.

Twelve, I’m so lucky to have a handsome old man.”

A handsome old man and an ancient Molian saved Guo Twelve from most of the worries of high-level professionals. With the strength of the handsome old man, Guo Twelve didn't have to worry too much about constructing a virtual altar. As long as he collected the necessary materials,

Then let the handsome old man perform the sacrifice, and it is not difficult to build a virtual altar.

Once a professional successfully constructs a virtual altar, he will enter the ranks of top professionals. At that time, he can basically travel in various continents and secret realms, unless he conflicts with someone who also owns an altar, or encounters extreme situations, such as

Entering Leitan, other than that, it is generally difficult to encounter life-threatening things.

Guo Twelve smiled and said: "I am confident that if we help each other, we should all be able to advance to the Virtual Altar."

Eagle Demon said: "It would be great if we could all advance to the Void Altar before going home."

Luo Zhan shook his head with a wry smile and said: "Twelve is very possible, and Eagle also has a little hope. I'll forget it. It's almost impossible to advance to the junior great saint master. Haha, it's beyond my expectations. I'm not greedy.

I would be very satisfied if I could be promoted to a senior Great Saint Master in my lifetime."

Guo Twelve said: "Uncle Luo, don't give up." In the Secret Realm of Mad Fighting, Luo Zhan's foundation was really poor. Otherwise, with soul infusion, there would be no problem in being promoted to the senior Great Saint Master. With his soul scripture conditioning,

There was no danger at all, but it was a pity that Luo Zhan missed this opportunity.

Two months later, under the leadership of Xian Ming and Xian Liang, Guo Twelve and Eagle Demon Luo Zhan followed and flew towards the north of Feng Continent.

The Huntian Secret Realm is located in the north of Feng Continent, among the mountains. If it weren't for Xian Ming and Xian Liang leading the way, it would have been impossible for Guo Twelve and the others to find it.

Xian Ming and Xian Liang were dressed up as two middle-aged strong men. I don’t know how they did it. Guo Twelve was very impressed. They turned from two old men into middle-aged strong men without showing any flaws. It was really amazing.


Xian Liang said: "Sir, leave everything to us. The destination is ahead, and there will be people blocking it. Don't talk, we will deal with it." He said confidently.

Guo Twelve nodded and said: "Everything is left to you. How long will it take to open it?"

Xian Liang said: "There are still two days left. We have to cut in at the right time. Once we get entangled, it will be troublesome."

There were more and more figures in the sky, and streaks of colorful light streaked across the sky. They were all high-level professionals flying towards the secret realm of Huntian. As they went deeper into the mountainous area, Guo Twelve saw at least hundreds of Great Saint Masters, and even

I also saw many talisman doors opening and many professionals coming out of them.

No one exchanged greetings or spoke, and everyone flew in the same direction.

Eagle Demon couldn't help but said: "His grandma's, it feels very depressing and vivid!"

Xian Mingming responded: "Sir, what's the matter?"

The Eagle Demon asked: "Will there be a fight? Why don't I feel very good?"

Xian Ming said: "There will be no fighting at this time. Only when the secret realm is opened, if there is no coordination, there may be fighting, but with the strength of the adults, there is no need to worry." He gave a small flattery.


Guo Twelve said: "Whether there is a fight or not, let's keep a low profile and don't cause trouble." His purpose is to enter the secret realm of Hun Tian, ​​not to fight with others.

Xian Ming nodded and said: "Yes, we will be careful, sir, we mix with them." He pointed to the traces left by the flight in the distance.

Guo Twelve nodded and said: "Let's speed up!"

It was a group of about eighty people, all of whom were Great Sage Masters. Guo Twelve and others followed quickly, keeping a distance of several hundred meters and flying along. From a distance, they looked like a group of people.

As they approached their destination, more and more Great Saint Masters appeared. Guo Twelve made a slight estimate and found that no less than a thousand Great Saint Masters had arrived. He couldn't help but ask: "How many people will come?"

Xian Liang said: "When there are many, there may be twenty thousand Great Saint Masters, and when there are few, there may be tens of thousands of Great Saint Masters."

Guo Twelve was stunned: "What?"

Ying Mo and Luo Zhan were also dumbfounded. Just kidding, there are tens of thousands of Great Saint Masters, and many of them belong to sects and families. They are all Great Saint Masters who are in a group. There are only five of them, and there are only two senior Great Saint Masters. This

How to enter the secret realm of Hun Tian?

Xianming and Xianming were a little embarrassed. Xianming said, "There are a lot of people, but that doesn't mean we don't have a chance."

Guo Twelve said: "There are not a few. The total number of places is less than two thousand. Even if one person can bring three, the number of people entering will not exceed eight thousand. There are tens of thousands of great saint masters, which means that at least

There are two thousand saint masters who cannot enter."

Eagle Demon said: "I'm afraid it's not that simple. If five thousand high-level saint masters come, more than half of them won't be able to get in! On the contrary, junior and intermediate level saint masters will have more chances."

Xian Ming said: "Sir, there won't be so many senior saint masters gathered together. Most of them are junior and intermediate saint masters, and the number of senior saint masters is very small."

Guo Twelve and Ying Mo Luo Zhan also put on a little makeup, as they were also afraid of meeting people from the Gu Miluo family.

Soon the five people arrived at their destination, which was a canyon. Xian Mingming whispered: "The opening of the secret realm is in the air in the center of the canyon. Well, the opening is downward, so as long as you fall down, you can enter the secret realm."

Guo Twelve said: "Hey, this is the first time I've heard of such an opening. Do you have any explanation?"

Xian Ming said: "No, the opening of the Huntian Secret Realm has always been like this. It is a rare entrance to the secret realm."

The great saint masters gathered on both sides of the canyon, and no one dared to fly over the canyon. Luo Zhan asked: "Why don't you go over the canyon and rush into the secret realm from there, the best location."

Xian Ming explained: "You can't go. If you fly up to the sky, you will be attacked." Before he finished speaking, he saw several people flying over the canyon. Luo Zhan pointed at those people and said: "They are, er, altars."


Those people flew over the canyon, released their own altars one by one, sat cross-legged on them, and looked down indifferently.

The Eagle Demon asked: "Didn't it mean that the altar master cannot enter the secret realm?"

Xian Ming said: "They are not going to enter the secret realm, but to protect their disciples from entering smoothly. Only when their disciples enter, will it be the turn of people from small families and small sects to enter. At that time, it will be more chaotic."

He nodded brightly and said, "Yes, that's our chance."

Then several more altar masters flew over and sat directly on the altar. This was a deterrent. Guo Twelve suddenly turned his head and whispered: "Uncle Eagle Demon, Uncle Luo, don't look, there is an acquaintance!"

"Ban Xilong! Gu Xilong family!"

Eagle Demon's pupils shrank to the size of needlepoints. He turned quickly and whispered: "Lao Luo, don't look."

Ban Xilong took more than a hundred great saint masters and flew into the canyon in a very flamboyant manner. He nodded to the altar masters who arrived first, and then hung in the air with a group of great saint masters to wait.

Xian Ming exclaimed: "Oh my god, everyone from the Gu family is here!"

Guo Twelve asked in a low voice: "Didn't people from the Gu family come before?"

Xian Liang whispered: "It's rare to see people from the Gu family coming over. They are very domineering!"

There was a lot of noise and discussion all around. Guo Twelve listened carefully and found that the arrival of people from the Gu family made other great saint masters very uneasy.

Then there was a slight commotion.

"Oh my god, look, that's the Gu Zhenren family!"

"Oh, people from the Gu Miluo family are here too. Damn it, why are they all from the Gu family here?"

"The Gudai family!"

A large group of women flew in, all of them were great saint masters, and there were also altar masters leading them, but Guo Twelve and the others had never seen them.

Eagle Demon said: "Why do I feel something is wrong? Has there been any change?"

This chapter has been completed!
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