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Chapter 24 Hunting Vehicles (Part 2)

Chapter 24 Hunting Car (Part 2)

As a great spell master, he is the top being in Beifu Sect. If he had not had enough self-cultivation, it would be difficult to tolerate the other party's arrogance. Those guys pursued them relentlessly for more than four months. During this period, they

They couldn't eat well or sleep well, their supplies were almost exhausted, and they didn't dare to hunt on a large scale, which made them extremely unhappy.

As supplies gradually depleted, life became increasingly difficult for everyone.

There had been no trace of the hunting car for two days, and everyone was a little relaxed. Guo Twelve, however, did not feel relaxed at all. He found Luo Jie and said, "Master, I don't feel good!"

Luo Jie was surprised. Guo Twelve's intuition had been verified many times and was very effective, so he attached great importance to it and said, "I haven't seen the hunting car for two days. Is there any problem?"

Guo Twelve smiled bitterly and said: "I don't know what went wrong, but I'm very annoyed anyway. I think... we should go back to that mountain range..."

Luo Jie shook his head and said, "Twelve, do you still know the way back?"

Guo Twelve said: "I have been confused for a long time and can't figure out where I am now, but I feel... only by returning to that mountain range can we be truly safe."

Qin Nanshan said: "Let alone the mountain range, we can't even find the ruins. Haha, we are really lost. But don't worry, as long as the secret realm is closed, there is no problem in getting lost."

Guo Twelve felt agitated, and he said: "I don't know...should we move forward, backward, or stay still, unable to find a suitable route. I always feel that there is a trap waiting for us, but

I don’t know where this trap is... As long as we escape this time, we will be safe!"

Luo Jie comforted him: "Twelve, this is not your responsibility, this is the master's responsibility."

Guo Twelve shook his head and said: "The responsibility of the master is also the responsibility of the disciple. As long as I have this ability, I must bear this responsibility."

Luo Jie sighed, patted his shoulder and said, "Twelve, take a rest. You've been too tired recently."

Guo Twelve was indeed very tired, but not to the point where he could no longer support himself. He said: "Master, we can't rest at this time. No matter what, we can't stay in one place for too long."

Luo Jie said: "I know, go take a nap and relax yourself a little. Maybe your intuition will be more effective."

Guo Twelve felt that the master's words made sense, and nodded: "Okay, I'm going to take a nap, remember to ask them to call me, I only need to sleep for two hours." The child lacked sleep, although he cultivated his soul and slept.

It doesn’t take too long, but you still need to take a nap to regain your energy.

He slept for four hours. In order to let his little apprentice sleep a little longer, Luo Jie deliberately did not wake him up.

Guo Twelve stood up and asked: "When is it? How long have I been asleep?"

Huo Bao said: "It's almost dawn."

Guo Twelve shuddered and said, "Why are we still here and not leaving?"

Huo Bao said: "The old man asked you to sleep a little longer, saying that you have been working too hard during this period..."

Guo Twelve smiled bitterly and said: "I know, the old man is doing it for my own good... Leopard, you guys pack your things quickly and get ready to leave. I'm going to see the master."

Most of the people had packed their things and were ready to leave at any time. Guo Twelve found Luo Jie and said, "Master, let's get out of here quickly."

Luo Jie asked: "How was your rest?"

Guo Twelve said: "Master, have a good rest. This is not a place to stay for a long time. Let's set off quickly."

Qi Nanshan said: "Old man, it's time for us to leave."

Luo Jie said: "Let's go! Dashan, send a few people to explore the way, let's go deep into the dense forest."

Everyone immediately set off and headed towards the depths of the forest. This time they walked in a straight line, hoping to quickly enter the depths of the forest.

At noon, the team came to a hill near where there was a stream hidden in the dense forest. Luo Jie said: "Let's rest here for an hour, take the time to eat something, and then continue walking!"

"There are mountains ahead!"

The people from the exploration team came back to report. Suddenly, everyone got excited, which meant that they might escape pursuit. As long as they were in the mountainous area, the role of those hunting vehicles would be much smaller. Even if they were discovered, they could still resist.

Unlike on the plains, once the position is exposed, other hunting vehicles will swarm towards you.

Guo Twelve estimated that the hunting car might not be able to fly freely in the mountainous areas. He found that the flying height of the hunting car was limited.

Qi Nanshan said: "Everyone, please work hard and get to the mountainous area as soon as possible. Once there, you can rest for a while." There was a sense of relief in his tone. After running away for several months, everyone was extremely exhausted and their combat effectiveness was also reduced.

After a long period of time, I need to rest for a while.

Luo Jie and Qi Nanshan both felt very lucky. Guo Twelve had the greatest credit for this secret exploration. The little guy performed extraordinary. I don’t know where he learned it. There are endless ways to escape. An idea comes up in the blink of an eye. The enchantment formation is arranged.

One after another, the route he takes is also weird. He likes to set traps in the most exposed places, making those who chase them suffer.

The team traveled through the forest. After several months of running, they were already familiar with the forest, so they were very fast and reached the mountains in just one day.

The peak is extremely high, and the snow on the peak can be clearly seen at the foot of the mountain. A group of people looked up with their necks raised, and there were more than a dozen small black dots circling in the sky, like animals like eagles or vultures. Guo

Twelve smiled bitterly and said: "This distance is quite dangerous. There is no obstruction. I estimate... it will take twenty minutes to travel through it with all my strength."

"You have to rush past the danger, it shouldn't be so easy to be discovered!" Qi Nanshan said with squinted eyes.

Luo Jie said: "Yes, we must rush over. There are only low trees and weeds on this empty flat land, which cannot block the view at all. If there is a hunting car hidden nearby, as long as we step out, we will be completely exposed."


Guo Twelve looked back and said, "Let's wait until dark. Darkness is the best cover!"

Luo Jie slapped his forehead and said: "Dashan, we are really old, that's right! If we wait until dark, there should be no problem."

Qi Nanshan nodded and said: "Okay, everyone will rest first and wait until dark before taking action."

Everyone was very tired. They heard that they could rest. They all collapsed on the ground without any image, wishing to sleep immediately. But everyone knew that they had to eat something at this time before they could rest. No food.

, it is difficult to recover physical strength.

There is not much food left. Fortunately, Guo Twelve was afraid of hunger in his previous life. He would rather bring less other things and bring enough food. Now most people have exhausted their food, only Guo Twelve

People can take out some food to share with everyone, mainly braised dried meat. This stuff is filling and not easy to spoil. It can be stored in the talisman bag for a long time.

Guo Twelve ate very well, and he sighed: "If it weren't for the hidden talisman bag, I'm afraid we would have been doomed long ago. Alas, it would be great if we had a mouthful of hot soup to drink!"

Huo Bao swallowed a mouthful of braised pork and said: "Hot soup...the noodles are also finished. We still have a lot of fresh meat, but it's a pity that we can't cook it."

Hong Shi smiled and said: "It's good to have something to eat. It's because Twelve had the foresight to bring so much food, otherwise everyone would be hungry."

Chen Bing said: "After this meal, if we can enter the mountain smoothly, we can barbecue food."

Qi Nanshan walked around, reminding everyone from time to time: "Find a place to rest after eating, pay attention to hiding, hide your body as much as possible, don't be careless... If anyone doesn't hide well and hurts everyone, I won't spare him!"

They were located at the edge of a dense forest. The forest here was very strange. The edge of the forest was very neat, as if it had been cut through by a knife. On one side were dense and tall trees, on the other side were low trees and grass. The dividing line was clear and clear.

Two Talisman warriors were left to guard the place, while the others hid in the bushes to sleep.

Since the last time she practiced, Chen Hong has become closer to Guo Twelve. Of course, at her age, she doesn't think much about it, but she has become accustomed to being by Guo Twelve's side. Fortunately, Guo Twelve is less than ten years old.

, you can also pretend to be stupid and innocent, it’s no big deal if Chen Hong follows her, she just becomes an extra sister.

Chen Hong whispered: "Twelve, the food is almost gone."

Guo Twelve crouched under the bushes, tilted his head and glanced at Chen Hong, who was worried, and said with a smile: "Why are you anxious? Don't worry, after entering the mountain, we can hunt and eat fresh meat. Just sleep peacefully, I

I will wake you up." Chen Hong nodded, naturally grabbed Guo Twelve's lapel, and fell asleep.

The sky was getting dark, and a large number of returning birds flew back to the woods, making a lot of noise. Guo Twelve pushed Chen Hong and whispered: "Wake up! Xiao Hong, it's time to get up, we are about to set off."

Chen Hong opened her eyes drowsily and asked, "Is the time up?"

Guo Twelve whispered: "It will get dark soon, and we have to take action as soon as it gets dark." He called a few friends and said: "We will start taking action in a while, someone will come to carry us, remember, don't

Make a sound, try to cooperate with the person carrying you, and don't interfere with their movements."

Qinan Shan squatted beside an ancient tree, quietly observing the front, planning the route forward. At this moment, there was a violent commotion in the forest about a kilometer away, and the birds returning to the forest were frightened.

Flying up. He looked at it in surprise and thought to himself: "What alarmed the flying bird?"

Suddenly, a group of people burst out from the dense forest and ran quickly towards the mountains.

Luo Jie and Guo Twelve also noticed something was wrong and quickly came to Qinan Mountain. Luo Jie asked, "What's the matter?" Guo Twelve's sharp eyes saw the rushing crowd, about a hundred people, all desperately trying.


"They're from the Mu Fu Sect! We're in big trouble now!"

Guo Twelve said: "If they run so blatantly, they will definitely be discovered!"

Qi Nanshan raised his head and looked around, only to see his face change slightly, and said: "Twelve, you were right! It's here!"

Luo Jie gritted his teeth and cursed: "These idiots! Idiots!"

This chapter has been completed!
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