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Chapter 10 Good Luck Comes Too Suddenly (Part 2)

Chapter 10 Good luck comes too suddenly (Part 2)

"What is this?"

Suddenly a shocking scene appeared. Countless blood threads extended from the hollow mountain. As the fluctuations rose, they quickly merged into the black object. Then the black object glowed with a layer of red light and gradually disappeared. The time did not exceed ten seconds. Look.

The crowd was stunned.

The five people hovered not far from the black object, and they all looked at it in stunned silence.

After a long while, Guo Twelve swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said, "Is this thing alive?"

Li Ran's face was solemn, and he didn't know what he was thinking. Zhen Wuji and Hong Yuguang were whispering something. Both of them had serious expressions on their faces. It was obvious that everything in front of them was beyond their imagination.

None of them dared to move. For a moment, the five of them were stunned in the air, not knowing what to do.

After a long while, Guo Twelve said: "You must first understand what this is, otherwise you will not be able to start... First of all, I think this is a good thing, even if it is evil, what do you think?"

Li Ran said: "I can't tell what this is, but... I feel like this thing shouldn't be from this world... It's a very weird feeling, it should be from outside..."

Guo Twelve said in surprise: "From the big world?"

Zhen Wuji didn't know what the big world was. He asked curiously: "What do you mean? What big world?" Hong Yuguang and Hong Mu were equally confused, with inquiring looks in their eyes.

Li Ran waved his hand and said: "Twelve, please explain."

Guo Twelve muttered: "You old man is really lazy." But he just muttered, and then explained the concept of the big world in detail. But seeing the confused look of the three of them, he knew that his words were in vain.

They simply couldn't accept this explanation. He understood very well that if someone had told him about the small world in his previous life, he would have thought that the other person was an idiot and paranoid.

Fortunately, this world itself is rather magical, so although Zhen Wuji and the other two people don't understand it, it doesn't stop them from accepting it.

Zhen Wuji said: "You mean...this thing didn't come from our continent?"

Guo Twelve snapped his fingers and said: "By the way, that's what it means. I can't think of it... What is this thing? It doesn't exist in the inherited memory at all. I believe that you have more inherited memories than me. You

Do you have any memory of this thing?"

Li Ran shook his head and said: "It's the first time I've seen this in this world. I don't have it in my inherited memory, but... there seems to be similar things in my previous memories. Unfortunately... it's been too long, and many things have been blurred. I

I can’t remember.”

Guo Twelve knew that the so-called past memories were memories obtained from the main soul. He said, "Can't you remember it at all?"

Li Ran smiled bitterly and said: "It should have something to do with blood... But I don't know how this thing could come here. If this thing grows up, it should be extremely terrifying... This thing, I can be scared of, even if I am already standing there

This is the pinnacle of the world, but I still feel afraid of it.”

None of the five people dared to move or make random attempts. Li Ran said: "Let's see if there are any changes."

The blood threads gradually became sparse from the mountain pass. After a while, the fluctuations began to intensify. Guo Twelve could even see circles of ripples spreading out from the surface of the black object. The fluctuations spread and hit Li Ran's altar, which was quickly bounced away.

Li Ran said: "This thing is really evil."

Guo Twelve was thinking about the mutated beast at the bottom of the mountain. He said: "If I had known... I wouldn't have come up. I couldn't fight and fight, and I couldn't walk..."

Li Ran said: "Don't worry, let me think about it again, the more I look at this thing, the more familiar it becomes..."

Guo Twelve said happily: "What did you remember?"

Li Ran said: "If you look at its changes more, you might be able to remember something."

The five people just hovered, observing the black object carefully. Guo Twelve said: "This thing is so big, it must be at least a thousand meters in diameter." He always knew that his visual inspection skills were average.

Zhen Wuji said: "One thousand meters, how can it be so small? Such a big one... The diameter is at least three thousand meters, it's only big but not small.

The black object is like a huge olive, with sharp ends and a wide middle. If you pay attention, you will find that this thing is slowly rotating at an extremely slow speed.

The surface of that thing was uneven and pitch-black, and flashes of red light could be seen from time to time, giving people an extremely sharp and bloody feeling. The faint roar coming from the bottom of the mountain made people uneasy.

After a moment, countless blood threads flew up from the mountain pass again. Li Ran observed carefully, and he even used a virtual talisman to directly fish out some blood threads.

Guo Twelve asked curiously: "What is this?"

Li Ran said: "Essence and blood, it's actually essence and blood...and it's extremely pure, even purer than the essence and blood we purify..." The blood thread fell into his palm, and immediately turned into a blood essence bead, in the palm of his hand.

It's spinning around in circles.

Zhen Wuji couldn't bear it any longer, so he also took action to obtain some essence and blood threads, condensed them into essence and blood beads, and observed them in his hands. After a while, he said: "This thing can greatly improve life and exercise the body. It is better than the essence purified from the mutant beasts."

The blood beads are countless times better. I don’t know how they were purified. This is the first time I have seen such pure blood essence.”

Li Ran nodded and said: "Yes, although this blood essence is not of much use to me, it is of great use to you, especially Twelve. It can increase the physical strength of Twelve by more than ten times. As for Zhen Wuji, it can also be improved.

By doubling the number, it will be easier to advance to beyond the ninth level altar in the future."

Guo Twelve tried to collect blood threads, and then he realized that it was easy to collect them after watching Li Ran and Zhen Wuji, but it was very helpless to do it himself. He worked for a long time and only collected a few traces of blood essence, and even a blood essence bead.

It also failed to condense, so he was so angry that he used the tentacles of the ancient peccary to collect them.

Unexpectedly, this move was a mistake. When bloodshot eyes appeared again in the mountain pass, the tentacles of the ancient panda danced wildly, condensing dozens of blood essence beads in an instant, which was even more efficient than Li Ran's.

As the five people desperately collected blood threads, the black object began to erupt in waves of vibrations, and more blood threads appeared below.

Guo Twelve said in surprise: "Hey, does it know that someone is snatching it?" The handsome old man's head has popped up, and he said: "This thing is actually alive? Strange thing, boy, speed up, grab it!"

Not only did Guo Twelve speed up, Li Ran and the others also speeded up. Li Ran and Guo Twelve had different ideas. He needed to see the reaction of the black object, while Guo Twelve was purely trying to grab the blood.

In fact, the ancient peccary is also secretly absorbing blood essence, which is also a great tonic for it and can make the body more concentrated.

Guo Twelve and the handsome old man continued to eat secretly. The stuff melted in their mouths without any taste. It had a slight fragrance. When they swallowed it, they felt a warm current flowing into their bodies and felt very comfortable.


Li Ran and others were also eating, and they ate more vigorously, stuffing handfuls into their mouths.

After all, Guo Twelve was at the lowest level. He felt a little unbearable after a dozen essence and blood beads. He immediately stopped and said, "This thing is quite delicious!" He began to feel the changes in his body, which was a feeling he had not seen for a long time.

, that is, when he was young, after his body was blessed by the body refining talisman, he felt that feeling of becoming stronger quickly. You must know that he is already a professional on the six-level altar. Every time he is promoted, his body will be strengthened. In addition to being promoted, he has

It's hard to get your body strong again.

This essence and blood bead actually strengthened his body quickly, and greatly increased the strength of the body. The benefits that followed made Guo Twelve elated. He could once again swallow a large amount of soul beads. The strength of the body and the strength of the soul were greatly enhanced.

Growth, the two complement each other. If the body is not strong and the soul is too strong, the body may collapse, leaving the soul body, just like the handsome old man, so he was extremely excited to be able to strengthen the body in this way.

Li Ran had stopped collecting blood threads. His eyes were focused on the black object, with a trace of curiosity in his eyes. He still didn't remember what it was, but he knew in his heart that this thing was definitely a rare treasure, but

He began to have trouble with how to collect it. After a little experimentation, he knew that this thing could not be stored in a closed secret realm.

After a moment, the black object finally absorbed enough blood threads and then stopped. No more blood threads flew out from the mountain pass. Guo Twelve knew that as long as he waited for a while, the black object would suck out countless blood threads from the mountain pass, but he did not*

**The idea of ​​​​black objects, this thing is too mysterious, there is an invisible wave on the surface, he does not have the ability to contact it at all. Of course, he does not covet the black objects too much, because Li Ran and Zhen Wuji are present, and with their strength

As for taking action, it is also their business.

Neither Guo Twelve nor the handsome old man is greedy. They both know in their hearts that some things can be snatched and some things cannot be snatched. Once they do it, they may lose their lives, so they both wait patiently for the bloodshot to float again.

This is a really good thing to use.

Li Ran hesitated for a long time. He didn't even collect the blood streaks. He just stared at the black object blankly.

Zhen Wuji was similar to Li Ran. He was also staring at the black object. He was even more hesitant in his heart. As soon as his body came slightly closer to the black object, his soul began to tremble violently, as if to warn him not to continue getting closer.

Only Guo Twelve and Hong Yuguang, the couple, still focused on the floating blood threads. As long as there were blood threads floating, the three of them went all out to collect essence and blood beads.

In addition to eating some essence and blood beads from time to time, Guo Twelve desperately directed the ancient peccaries to grab blood threads. He has now obtained more than 700 essence and blood beads, each one is as big as a quail egg, and contains extremely fine life essence.

Pure, countless times better than the blood essence beads he collected and purified himself.

The handsome old man smiled and said: "Not counting the harvest at the bottom of the mountain, even if you count these blood essence beads, you will make a lot of money this time."

Guo Twelve said excitedly: "According to the purity of this essence and blood beads, my body can quickly adapt to the discomfort after promotion, and I can advance at a high speed in the future... Haha, no, we need to collect more essence and blood beads, so that I can let the Eagle Demon in the future

Uncle and Uncle Luo can also advance quickly, but their levels need to be improved, otherwise they will suffer a loss when they reach the big world."

After staying at the top of the mountain for more than ten days, Guo Twelve also collected thousands of blood essence beads. He said with emotion: "How many mutant beasts must have died to have so much blood essence?

I don’t know what this thing is, it’s so weird.”

In the past ten days, Li Ran has been testing. Sometimes he uses virtual talismans, sometimes uses soul induction, or uses other special means to continuously detect and test, trying to find the weakness of the black object and distinguish what it is.

I just haven't gotten any useful information.

Guo Twelve hoped that Li Ran would continue the detection test so that he could get more blood essence beads, but it was obvious that Li Ran was getting impatient.

Li Ran said: "Zhen Wuji, you take the three of them down below. I want to try...attack and see what effect it has."

Zhen Wuji nodded. He also seemed a little impatient. He had been testing for such a long time and did not get any useful information. He said: "Be careful, this thing is really weird. I feel... it is alive."


Li Ran nodded and said: "Well, I have the same feeling. This is alive, and it is not local, it should be something imported."

Guo Twelve went up to Zhen Wuji's altar with regret, and said, "It's a pity. If I have time, I can still collect some blood essence beads."

Li Ran said: "If you figure out what this is, its value will definitely exceed that of blood essence beads. Well, you can stay away."

This chapter has been completed!
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