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Chapter 1 Strange Life Form (Part 2)

Chapter 1 Strange Life Forms (Part 2)

Li Ran's face became serious, and the speed of the spell began to slow down. Moreover, the spell in one hand was a golden rune. Every golden rune falling on a black object would cause violent tremors.

Guo Twelve whispered: "It's almost successful!"

The handsome old man was also watching carefully, and he said: "Not necessarily... this thing contains huge power, you see... its size is no longer shrinking..."

A trace of red light bloomed little by little, and more and more red light came out from the silver virtual talisman, as if the light of a flame emanated from the furnace. Guo Twelve said: "No, this light is wrong..."

Just listen to Li Ran shout: "Get away!"

Zhen Wuji and Guo Twelve quickly retreated without hesitation. They resisted the chaotic airflow in the sky and retreated a thousand meters away in an instant.

Li Ran began to get nervous, and he found that his virtual talisman could no longer suppress the black object.

The black object suddenly shrank. This time the amplitude was extremely large. It suddenly shrank from ten meters high to the size of a sesame seed, as if it suddenly disappeared. In the blink of an eye, it expanded again. Between contraction and expansion, the virtual talisman exploded with a bang.


The black object, which looked like an olive, turned into a blood-red object, and suddenly shot towards Li Ran, like a speeding bullet, with a roaring sound. Guo Twelve and Zhen Wuji couldn't help being shocked. Guo Twelve was shocked.

Shout: "Be careful!"

Li Ran was very calm. He raised his hand to hit the virtual talisman's big hand, and teleported to the side in a blink of an eye. The virtual talisman's big hand quickly condensed into substance and slammed into the bloody object, making a loud metal collision sound.

The two collided, and the big hand forcefully knocked back the blood-colored object. However, the big hand condensed with virtual talismans also collapsed and turned into virtual talismans all over the sky, dissipating in the air.

The bloody thing seemed to be able to recognize who the enemy was, and turned around to continue attacking.

At this time, Li Ran was ready, and a silver long knife suddenly struck out. He sneered and said: "Cut!"

The blood-colored object was not afraid at all, and hit the silver sword hard, making another bright metallic sound. Choking, the silver sword and the blood-colored object collapsed backward at the same time. Li Ran's expression was slightly suffocated, and he did not expect it.

The blood-colored substance was so hard that he shouted: "Come again!"

Guo Twelve was stunned and said: "Good guy, that blood-red thing can actually turn into a long knife!"

The silver sword turned into a silver dragon and fought with the blood sword. As time went by, everyone discovered that the blood sword that had been suppressed became more and more powerful. Li Ran was secretly surprised, this thing is so strange

, I couldn’t figure it out for a while, so I could only continue to deal with it.

Guo Twelve saw something interesting on the side and shouted: "Brother Li Ran, it seems to be learning!"

Zhen Wuji also discovered it, and he said: "This thing... we must defeat it as soon as possible, and we cannot delay it!"

Li Ran suddenly realized. He slapped the top of the altar, and countless purple chains suddenly shot out, quickly wrapping around them. In an instant, he fixed the bloody sword in the air. His silver sword turned into countless silver lights and pierced through crazily.

There were popping sounds. This time the black object could not be blurred. It struggled violently and blood holes appeared on its body. Li Ran stood up suddenly, waved his hands and shouted: "***!"

The attack this time was different from the one Guo Twelve had seen last time. It seemed to be a move targeting individuals. In an instant, the sky turned gloomy, and countless thunder and lightning mixed with silver light penetrated into the body of the black object. With an earth-shattering sound,

The explosion was filled with blood mist, crackling arcs flashed, and a crazy wave spread, causing the three of them to retreat.

*** is Li Ran's strongest move. There are many variations in it. This is the strongest move to deal with a single individual. Although the black object is extremely powerful, this move also severely damaged its vitality and left it floating miserably in the air.

Li Ran said: "How can you resist this time?" When he played the virtual talisman again and wanted to collect the black object, the thing suddenly shrank and turned into an olive-shaped blood-colored object only five meters long.

On Zhen Wuji's altar, with this blow, Zhen Wuji and his altar were smashed away.

Before Li Ran and Zhen Wuji could react, the bloody object shrank again and turned into a bloody shadow, which suddenly hit Guo Twelve's altar, scaring Guo Twelve to yell: "Ah? Ah..."

Li Ran and Zhen Wuji were also startled and immediately teleported over, but there was no trace of the thing. Li Ran hurriedly asked: "How is it?"

Guo Twelve opened his mouth wide and looked at Li Ran and Zhen Wuji blankly. After a long while, he said: "It...it...seems to have crashed into my altar...handsome old man!"

The handsome old man popped his head out and said: "Don't panic, don't panic...it's okay, that thing entered the ancient ink lotus and was locked by the ancient ink lotus...it's still struggling, you can find a way to calm it down!"

At this time, Guo Twelve's altar began to tremble violently. He seemed to be sitting on a trembling machine, and his body was shaking like chaff. He asked urgently: "How can I make it...make it...calm..."

No one expected this result, and Guo Twelve was also in a hurry. If it weren't for Gu Molian, and his altar was a rare altar to heaven, he estimated that his altar would definitely collapse.

Suddenly, Guo Twelve's altar flew into the distance involuntarily, faster than he could control it. He heard him yell, and flew away with a "whoosh".

Li Ran and Zhen Wuji looked at each other and immediately chased after them.

When the black object entered Guo Twelve's altar, the world of Dayuantan was in chaos.

All the mutated rune beasts below the bone mountain are desperately escaping into the distance. Even the seriously injured mutant rune beasts and alienated rune beasts are also desperately crawling down the mountain. The fluctuations that restrained their power suddenly disappeared, and they also understood that if they continued

If you stay in Gushan, you will be finished soon.

The entire ice field was in chaos, and countless mutated runic beasts rushed outside.

Guo Twelve was driven by a force so powerful that he couldn't control it, and the altar rushed out like a madman. For a moment, he had no way to start. He heard him yell strangely: "Handsome old man, handsome old man, what's going on?


The handsome old man said in horror: "That thing is taking over the altar by force! You have to control, you have to control..."

Guo Twelve couldn't help but swear: "I can't control myself!"

The handsome old man said firmly: "Even if it's a fart, you have to control it!"

Guo Twelve said frantically: "Bah, ah! Fart! Control the fart... control the fart! Damn it... I'll control it!

The handsome old man was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly and said: "Boy, you are a fart! Hahaha...haha." Being interrupted by him, Guo Twelve also regained his composure. He shouted angrily and used his soul power with all his strength.

, after all, this altar belongs to him. Suddenly, the altar began to shake violently.

Li Ran and Zhen Wuji were chasing after each other. Even though they were super experts, the pursuit was extremely difficult. Not only was Guo Twelve's altar fast, but also the altar was moving east and west, south and north, and in a blink of an eye it was up to the sky.

It fell to the ground again, with no pattern at all, like a headless fly, scurrying around.

Guo Twelve was still complaining: "Fucking bastard, it's not like I'm beating you... Why are you running into my altar? Just run in, why bother? You're going to exhaust me to death... Oh,

What bad luck... Handsome old man, I can't communicate with it... What do you think we should do?"

The handsome old man said: "If it controls the altar, you will die! If you control the altar, it will die... It's your choice!" In fact, what he said was not complete. If that thing controls the altar, it will be Guo Shi.

If two people die together with him, neither of them will survive.

Guo Twelve shouted angrily: "Fight!" He had no choice but to fight hard. If he didn't fight, he would die. He couldn't bear the consequences. At this point, he had no choice but to risk his life. It would be impossible not to play. Once he loses control, he will die.

It's really not even shit anymore.

Most of the power of the soul poured into the altar. In an instant, Guo Twelve felt like he was being evacuated. He swallowed a handful of soul beads without hesitation, and the violent soul suddenly merged into it. He suddenly felt dizzy and had to

Start chanting sutras silently.

When the soul fluctuations caused by the scriptures began, not only did he calm down, but the handsome old man also calmed down. What he didn't expect was that the black thing that looked like a violent madman also calmed down.

The handsome old man said in surprise: "Hey, it's not moving? Boy, don't stop...don't stop...let me control the altar, and you can chant as much as you can!"

As waves of fluctuations spread, the black object in the ancient ink lotus also fluctuated. It soon found a place, staying on the side of the ancient ink lotus. The handsome old man entered the ancient ink lotus excitedly.

, using the virtual talisman to connect the black object with the ancient ink lotus, and at the same time, he kept blessing the confinement talisman. He didn't want to do it again. The danger just now made him very clear in his heart. He and Guo Twelve could suppress it together.

Can't live with this thing.

Guo Twelve couldn't help but sigh again. This soul scripture is really an unparalleled weapon in this world. Although it can't attack or defend, in this huge soul world, it is a big killer.

Li Ran rushed to Guo Twelve's altar. He immediately felt the soul fluctuation and said in surprise: "Twelve, what's wrong?"

Guo Twelve rolled his eyes. He was busy chanting sutras secretly and could not answer Li Ran's questions. Fortunately, the handsome old man was smart and came out to explain: "I have calmed him down. That thing almost killed me just now."

The altar exploded, but fortunately the Temple of Heaven... uh, it's okay." After saying that, his head shrank and disappeared. He was even busier than Guo Twelve and needed to keep blessing the sealing runes.

Li Ran came to Zhen Wuji in a flash and said, "It's okay. Let's wait here. Well, just help guard him. He can solve it himself."

Zhen Wuji was surprised and said: "Can you solve it by yourself? It's amazing!" He stopped moving on and stayed aside to guard it.

Guo Twelve's altar slowly landed on the ground. He sat on the altar and continued to recite sutras silently. He could not stop reciting sutras until the handsome old man completely sealed the thing.

At this time, they had arrived not far from the bone mountain. This place was originally a fierce battlefield, but now it was quiet. All the living mutant rune beasts had fled. In addition to the corpses of countless mutant rune beasts, there was strong blood on the ground.


Guo Twelve sat quietly on the altar, chanting sutras over and over again. After about half an hour, the handsome old man popped his head out of exhaustion and said: "It's okay for now. I will strengthen the seal when I have time."

...I don’t know if I can seal this thing yet, I hope the confinement rune will be useful.”

Guo Twelve carefully inspected the altar and saw that the thing was attached to the wall of Gu Mo Lian. It could not be noticed without paying attention. It was not big in size. Compared to Gu Mo Lian, it was like a small beetle.

.The huge black thing back then has no resemblance to what it is now.

When Li Ran saw Guo Twelve put away the altar, he immediately flew over and asked, "How is it?"

Guo Twelve smiled bitterly and said: "It is temporarily sealed in the altar. I don't know whether this is a good thing or a bad thing. There is nothing I can do about it for the time being. I can't take it out, so I have to seal it inside. I hope I can figure out what it is in the future.


Li Ran nodded and said, "That's all we can do." He looked up at the bone mountain and said, "I think... this bone mountain is a treasure mountain."

Zhen Wuji also followed, and he said: "With so many mutated rune beast corpses, this must be a treasure mountain."

Li Ran shook his head and said, "That's not what I mean."

Guo Twelve asked curiously: "What is that?"

This chapter has been completed!
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