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Chapter 4 Capture Memory (Part 1)

Piaotian Literature Device: No ads, full text, more handsome. The old man said, "Boy, there may be a lot of useful material here. I just checked it out."

The materials on the bear you collected are different from the materials in the spell world. There are some special places. I can study them when I have time in the future. Of the materials collected so far, only this yellow crystal has the most value."

Guo Twelvefei walked all the way forward at the top of the tree. He smiled and said, "I know that different materials in the world here will be different, but I insist that all materials will be useful, it's just that we don't know how to use them."

According to custom, several people headed in one direction. Guo Twelve flew towards the south. He did not release the altar and flew along the treetops. His soul trembled slightly and looked at the beasts below. The beasts here were different from the mutant rune beasts and were much more powerful than the beasts in his memory.

Almost comparable to alienated rune beasts

With the slight vibration of the soul, the feedback of the soul vibration allowed him to distinguish the location of the beast below. Soon Guo Twelve found a beast. He slowly came to the top and looked down. It was a leopard-shaped beast lazily.

Crawling among the tree branches, it didn't notice Guo Twelve above its head.

Guo Twelve exchanged words with the handsome old man, "Handsome old man, I'm not used to it. The beasts here are too small. They are completely different from the rune beasts we have there. This leopard is only five meters long, including its head and tail. I don't know if I should release it."

Come to the altar"

The handsome old man smiled and said, "Won't you know if you try it?"

Guo Twelve nodded. He reached out and grabbed a virtual talisman. A big hand appeared and fell from the sky. He grabbed it with a bang. The branches and leaves seemed to explode. The big virtual talisman destroyed most of the trees in an instant and fell straight down.

The big hand of the virtual talisman was tens of meters long and completely enveloped a big tree. The leopard let out a roar and rushed out like lightning. The big hand of the virtual talisman slammed down and rubbed its body, smashing the entire big tree into pieces.

The leopard didn't dare to resist at all and ran away desperately into the distance.

Guo Twelve couldn't help but was stunned. He didn't expect that the leopard was so fast that it could escape the grasp of the virtual talisman. He said, "Hey, it's really fast enough..." and his body had already followed him.

The handsome old man laughed and said, "Boy, you underestimate the beasts here. Idiot, you should use weapons. The soul power of the beasts here is almost different from our power system. Don't suffer a loss and go back and cry."

Guo Twelve said, "You're crying, this leopard can't threaten me at all..." However, he still took out a talisman knife. For him, sacrificing a treasure with one's own life was really a fuss. Even though the handsome old man reminded him, he didn't take it.

The leopard saw that this leopard was too small. Even a beast as big as the Talisman Continent was not as big as the Talisman Beast. He could not pay attention to this leopard.

The leopard was desperately escaping in the dense forest, leaping from one tree to another at a speed as fast as flying. Until then, Guo Twelve could clearly see that the leopard-shaped beast had a purple-black body with a golden thread on its back.

It was a blond máo with a slender body that was strong and strong. What concerned him most was that the leopard's body would emit a faint purple light from time to time when it was running away.

Guo Twelve couldn't help but praise, "What a beautiful leopard...skin."

The handsome old man smiled and said, "I knew you were attracted to this skin, so it's bad luck."

Guo Twelve said, "I'm not interested in the skin, I'm interested in... the crystals in its body!"

The handsome old man said, "It's not the same, it's all dead anyway."

Guo Twelve flew faster than a leopard on the treetops. After all, leopards jump and fly in the woods. Although it is extremely flexible, there are still a lot of branches blocking it. Unlike Guo Twelve, it is simple and direct to fly in a straight line, so Guo Twelve flies very quickly.

At twelve, we reached the sky above the leopard and walked side by side with the leopard.

With one strike, a talisman light extended from the talisman knife and cut straight through.

Swish... click boom!

The knife grazed the leopard's body and chopped down thick branches. A knife mark dozens of meters long appeared in the dense forest. The frightened leopard hurriedly turned to Guo Twelve and followed him. He did not expect that the leopard could escape.

He couldn't help but laugh and said, "What a cunning guy, he's so flexible."

Boom! Boom! Boom...

Countless rays of sword slashed down, and immediately the trees below were flying and broken branches and leaves were flying. The leopard suddenly found that all the trees around him were shattered, and a huge open space was created almost instantly. It could no longer escape to other trees and could only fall on the ground.

Guo Twelve fell slowly among the broken trees

The leopard purred menacingly, a pair of dark red eyes stared at Guo Twelve, and his hair stood on end. It opened its mouth and exposed its four canine teeth, making a purring sound. Its body arched and fell to the ground.

Looks like he's about to rush out

Guo Twelve had already changed his weapon. He took out a rune gun and hovered it one meter above the ground. He also stared into the leopard's eyes.

The leopard suddenly felt a huge threat. One person and one leopard faced each other.

It was the leopard that couldn't keep calm and attacked first. Guo Twelve was suspended calmly in the air. He didn't know how many powerful mutated rune beasts and alienated rune beasts he had killed. He really didn't take this kind of beast seriously. Of course, he wouldn't be careless.


The body flashed slightly and the talisman gun was shot out. The leopard flew towards me and as soon as I saw it, I felt that my head was hit by a huge force. It flipped over and smashed its head into the broken wood. Then it felt a pain in the throat. A talisman

The gun has penetrated the leopard's throat

With a clean blow, Guo Twelve shook his head and said, "Although it runs very fast, it is still too weak."

The handsome old man smiled and said, "It's not that it's too weak, it's that you are too strong."

Guo Twelve was already very skilled in the basic skills of a professional, such as disemboweling the body and stripping the skin and tendons. Soon he found the crystal in the leopard's body. It was a sea blue crystal. It was very beautiful. The rhombus-shaped crystal was like a diamond cut in the previous life.

It is hard and glows with a faint sea blue light, which also has surging vitality. It is as big as a chicken egg.

Guo Twelve sighed, "It's so beautiful."

The handsome old man said, "It's different from that bear's crystal."

Guo Twelve said, "Well, the appearance and color are different, but the same powerful vitality seems to be something else, but I can't distinguish it. What we are powerful is the soul and the spell. We don't know what is powerful in this world."

The two crystals are different, but with Guo Twelve's ability, he can't tell the difference yet. He said, "We may be able to detect it if we continue to hunt and collect more crystals."

The handsome old man said, "This is the only way... The soul power of the beast here is not good. I analyzed its strength... That bear can fight with the professionals of the fifth-level altar. Of course, the long-range attack is much worse than the melee attack.

Professionals on the upper level altar may not be able to win."

Guo Twelve agreed, "Well, even with Harlech's level, he has suffered a lot."

The handsome old man said, "That's what he deserves. It's a strange thing to fight without suffering a loss based on his level."

Guo Twelve continued hunting and killed more than a dozen beasts of various kinds. He discovered that crystals also have different sizes. The strength of the crystal determines the size of the crystal. He encountered an extremely fierce winged beast. Although it could not fly, it didn't matter.

The attack power and defense power were both outstanding. He had to release the altar and use the Moon Blade to kill it. The crystals in his body were as big as an adult's fist, which surprised him.

Along the way, Guo Twelve didn't find a single person or beast, but more and more beasts. That day he found a group of wolf-shaped beasts. Of course, they were somewhat different from the wolves he had seen before. First, the body was more than three meters long, and the head was slender. The hind limbs were slightly shorter than the front limbs.

He has thick, powerful dark brown hair with many black spots. His chirping sound is also very strange, and the chirping sound sounds like a bird.

Guo Twelve said, "This thing looks like a dog and a wolf. I don't know if there are crystals..." He was already obsessed with crystals. When he saw wild beasts, he thought of crystals. With his collecting personality, it would be bad luck for these wild beasts to encounter him.

Guo Twelve killed the group of wolf-shaped beasts in a short time. He also peeled off the flesh and collected the crystals. He found that the crystals collected this time were very small, only about the size of a quail egg. They were light green in color. Although they were beautiful, they contained vitality.

Much difference

During this period, many strange plants were also discovered. Guo Twelve didn't know what the uses were for the time being. But he has an altar secret, so he transplanted them all in. When he has time, he can slowly test them. As long as there is one plant, it is useful.

Then the effort was not in vain

Unknowingly, nine days passed and Guo Twelve was about to return. His soul wavered as usual. Suddenly he raised his head and looked into the distance and said, "Handsome old man... there is someone!"

The handsome old man said impatiently, "Someone is doing something strange... uh, someone... let's go over." He suddenly realized that they had met a local.

Guo Twelve did not move. He carefully felt the vibrations coming back and said, "There are more than a dozen people... whose souls are not strong. Compared with us professionals, they are just ordinary people."

Guo Twelve flew quickly along the treetops. Within a few breaths, he came to the vicinity of those people. Guo Twelve asked, "Handsome old man, should we fly over or walk over?"

The handsome old man said, "If you want to scare them, just fly over. If you want to interact with them, it's better to walk over."

Guo Twelve thought about this. People who can fly must be powerful people, so it is not easy to communicate with others. He fell into the woods and quickly approached those people. Soon he stopped on a huge ancient tree and leaned out.

When I came back, I saw a group of people sitting in a small open space.

After thinking for a while, Guo Twelve typed out a letter to tell Li Ran the situation and left the location and coordinates. Then he started to observe the people not far away.

With Guo Twelve's eyes, he could clearly see those dozen people

Those people were wearing brown linen clothes and simple leather armor. They were of different heights. The tall one was about two meters tall and the short one was about 1.7 meters tall. The tall one was wearing half a piece of mail and a two-handed sword.

There is a pig-shaped beast with a length of more than two meters. Around a dozen people are sitting around a bonfire, grilling a pig-shaped beast, chirping and saying something.


This chapter has been completed!
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