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Chapter 5 Ed Luburg (1)

?The faces of the eleven people who were still alive showed expressions of extreme fear. "" Guo Twelve calmly extracted the required information from the soul of one of them. With his powerful soul, the other party was simply unable to resist. After a moment

, Guo Twelve said: "Are you the hunters of Fort Edlu?"

The handsome old man was depressed because he didn't understand a word Guo Twelve said.

Those people looked at Guo Twelve in horror. They didn't understand how this man could suddenly speak his own language. From the beginning, they thought he was a foreigner coming out of the forest. They would never let foreigners go.

, must kill the opponent.

No one answered, everyone stared at Guo Twelve with hatred.

Guo Twelve stretched out his hand and grabbed hold of the prisoners one by one not far from him. Those people were even more horrified. They had never seen such power, especially the countless runes flowing in the hands of the virtual rune, which made them even more frightened.

Feeling surprised and frightened, the way they looked at Guo Twelve looked a bit crazy.

The handsome old man said: "We are the invaders. Haha, it is difficult to communicate with them. Our power system is different. I believe they can see it."

Guo Twelve also had a headache, and he couldn't kill all these people. He thought for a while, walked up to a person, and stretched out his hand to hold his head again. The man suddenly roared: "Agaru...Yaka...

..." A short dagger-like blade appeared in his hand and stabbed Guo Twelve crazily in the abdomen.

Guo Twelve understood this sentence. According to the language here, the meaning of this sentence is roughly "Devil, I want to kill you." Guo Twelve tightened his palms, and the soul waves rushed directly into the soul of the man. In an instant,

, the man's hands and feet became weak, and his arms hung down helplessly. He let out an extremely miserable howl, and the pain in his soul was a hundred times worse than the pain in his nerves.

This time Guo Twelve was no longer polite and forcibly extracted the required information. When he let go, the guy had become an idiot and his soul was completely in chaos.

The handsome old man asked: "How?"

Guo Twelve passed part of the content to the handsome old man and said: "They know very little. They are all hunters from Fort Edlu. This is the Black Wind Forest. It is still hundreds of miles away from Fort Edlu. That kind of

Crystals... they're called ska, well, they're a kind of energy crystal, let's call them spirit crystals, they're one of the most precious things here."

The handsome old man said: "They are coming..."

Guo Twelve casually played a virtual talisman and exploded in the air. A red virtual talisman flower was like a firework in the previous life. Soon, Li Ran, Qi Wuzhen, Aizek, Meili, Zhen Wuji, Geha, Yao

Seven people from Zebusong flew down from the sky. Guo Twelve stepped forward to greet them and asked, "Hey, Harlech didn't come?"

Li Ran smiled and said, "He'll be here soon. He gave me the talisman."

The fear in the eyes of that group of people was even greater. They never imagined that they would encounter such a powerful enemy. They all flew down from the sky. In their world, there are very few people who can fly, and they are all top-notch people.

They have only heard about super masters and have never seen them.

Zhen Wuji glanced at it and asked, "Are these locals?"

Guo Twelve nodded and said: "Yes, you will kill me as soon as we meet, haha, so... I stayed."

Zhen Wuji nodded. He was not surprised at all. He walked up to a person and, like Guo Twelve, stretched out his hand to hold down the person's head. The person screamed in fear and fell to the ground in an instant. A moment later.

, Zhen Wuji said: "It's completely different from us, their force... should be pretty good too."

Then, Li Ran, Qi Wuzhen, Geha, and Yaoze Busong also stepped forward, each grabbed a person, and instantly extracted the memory from the soul. This is the simplest and most effective method, but it is difficult to do this in the Talisman Continent.

Because the people there are cultivating souls, unless the gap is extremely large, few people would collect other people's soul memories in this way, which is extremely dangerous.

Ezek and Meili don't have this concept. They will not extract other people's memories. According to their logic, they can just eat people who are a threat to them.

Harlech just fell from the sky at this time, and he said: "You are all here... Hey, who is this person?" He also walked over, stretched out his hand to hold down a person's head, and soon he smiled and said: "Finally I know.

What’s going on here, damn, I ran for a long time and I didn’t see a single soul.”

Li Ran said: "Let's go to Fort Edlu."

Guo Twelve said: "If we go in like this, it is almost certain that there will be another killing."

Qi Wuzhen said indifferently: "Just kill, this world means nothing to us anyway. To them, we are invaders and it is impossible to coexist peacefully."

Guo Twelve sighed: "Well, it is indeed difficult to coexist peacefully." The encounter just now showed that even if the other party is an ordinary hunter, he is unwilling to communicate with him and will kill him whenever he meets him.

Li Ran said: "As long as they are not hostile, we don't need to kill. We will decide based on their attitude." These people are all peak-level professionals with extremely high force values, and they are not afraid of the other party killing them at all.

Harlech said: "These people... there are still a few alive, do you want to kill them all?"

Guo Twelve said: "Even if we don't kill them, they are finished. There are many wild beasts here. They smell the blood and will come soon. They can't resist. Let's go."

Everyone no longer hesitated, immediately flew into the air, and disappeared in the air in an instant.

Edlu Castle is at the edge of the Black Wind Forest. There is a mountain range blocking the edge of the Black Wind Forest. Edlu Castle is at a pass and is the outpost castle guarding the Black Wind Forest. The Black Wind Forest is used for hunting in spring, summer and autumn.

The season when people are active, but winter is different. Castle Edlu is closed throughout the winter, because once winter comes, a large number of wild beasts will attack the castle. Every year, many hunters die in the tide of beasts.

Most of the hunters in Fort Edlu are active on the edge of the Black Wind Forest. Few people dare to go deep into the forest to hunt. Everyone knows that once they go deep into the Black Wind Forest, very few can come back alive. Black Wind Forest

The spiritual beasts in the depths are not something ordinary hunters can deal with.

This period of time is the best hunting season for hunters, so there are countless hunters active on the edge of the Black Wind Forest.

The Edlu Castle is controlled by the Edlu family. The meaning of this family is different from that of the families in the Talisman Continent. The families in the Talisman Continent are like a country, or an alliance. Their scale is incredible, and the families here are really

It is just a family with a small number of people. It controls a small army, and most of the officers are served by members of the family.

The sphere of influence of the Edlu family is within a few hundred miles of Edlu Castle. The entire Edlu Castle has no more than 50,000 people, and the largest part of them are hunters, with about 6,000 people. In the castle

There are about 3,000 soldiers in the army, and most of the others are merchants and family members of the castle combatants.

Along the mountains that block the Black Wind Forest, there are hundreds of such castles, most of which are of this size. Different from the Talisman Continent, the population base here is very small. The number of hundreds of millions in an ancient family in the Talisman Continent is considered small.

Some ancient families even have billions of people, and there is absolutely no comparison between the two.

On the way, Guo Twelve and others quickly exchanged the intelligence they had obtained, and quickly figured out some basic information. Li Ran passed on the local language system to Aizek and Meili. These two guys don't know how to extract souls.

Memory can only be passed on to let them learn the local language. Otherwise, they will not understand anything, which is also a troublesome thing.

Goha said: "The people here... should be called Moss people. They are such a strange race. We have never seen them there."

Guo Twelve said: "They are completely two worlds. It's normal. Haha, they also have professional levels... Have you noticed?"

Li Ran said: "Well, I have discovered it a long time ago. It is completely different from our professional system, but don't worry. If you haven't played before, you can't compare."

From memory, I learned that the professional system here is the so-called brute spiritual power. Of course, this is just a translated vocabulary. As for whether it is correct or not, Guo Twelve and the others did not delve into it, as long as it has a name.

There are nine levels of brute spiritual power. The ninth level of brute spiritual power is the top level in the world. It is called Huska here. Guo Twelve directly translated it as king-level master. He was too lazy to translate the others.

They are respectively the eighth-level wild spirit master, the seventh-level wild spirit master, and so on, the lowest is the first-level wild spirit master.

The group of people defeated by Guo Twelve were probably second-level wild spirit masters, and their levels were very low. However, this was only an estimate. They could not know what the high-end force of this place was before comparison.

Li Ran said: "Maybe we can learn something, hehe, you know... we are proficient in the art of souls and can directly get memories from each other's minds, and what does memory represent... That is inheritance, I will not reject this world

If we can learn the force system... we will have one more ability!"

These words immediately made everyone excited. Guo Twelve said: "We can act separately and learn separately. When we get together, we can pass on to each other... Haha, inheritance is the real power of the soul!"

Qi Wuzhen nodded and said, "That's a good idea. Let's enter Edlu Castle first and then decide where to go."

Ezek and Meili were depressed. Neither of them had this kind of skill, and they were completely uninterested in the force system here. Their promotion methods were different from others. After all, they were humanoid alienated rune beasts. Ezek asked

: "Hey, what should we do?"

Meili said without hesitation: "I'll go with Xiao Ha'er!"

Ezek was furious and said: "You come with me! Stupid woman!"

Harlech trembled with fright and said, "I'll go by myself! No one needs to follow me."

Meili said: "Ezek, you follow others... follow Guo Twelve! I follow Harlechi, we can't go together at all!" What she said makes sense. With their appearance, they will cause trouble wherever they go.

, although they are not afraid of fighting, fighting all the time is not an option.

Harlech's face seemed to be dripping with bitterness. He tried his best to evade: "I like to act alone!" He kept cursing in his heart, but he couldn't beat beauty. This kind of naked pursuit made him very depressed.

He was almost bored to death. He had never seen such a shameless woman. No, she was a shameless humanoid alien beast, or a fucking mother.

Ezek snorted angrily: "No, I will follow, and I will follow Harlechi!" He was really worried because his wife liked someone, so how could he feel at ease?

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