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Chapter 3 Doomsday Scene (Part 2)

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Qi Wuzhen said with a smile: "Yes, it doesn't matter whether it is a new or old road. The road that can reach the destination is a good road. If it doesn't work, just use a boundary break. It will only cost a little energy at most, nothing special."

Li Ran said: "If you can't use it, don't use it as much as possible. Twelve and I have to go to the big world. If there is a problem with breaking the boundary, we will be doomed." He must ensure that the breaking of the boundary can successfully break through the space before he can return.

In the big universe, whether it is tearing apart space or crossing space, breaking boundaries is very important. The sacrificial treasures on both of them are not enough to resist the tearing of space, and even the altar cannot stop it for long.

Qi Wuzhen said: "I know how much weight the boundary-breaking sacrificial treasure I helped you refine has, don't I know it clearly?"

The power of breaking the world is extremely sharp, and it is driven by the soul. It is a powerful soul. If you use it once, you will consume a lot of essence. At critical times, you can also explode the secret realm in the world and use the space of the secret realm to deal with the outside world instantly.

space and gain a precious buffer time. In Luotian Continent, of course, there is no need to use the secret realm in the broken world, just spend some souls.

It's just that after leaving the world of spells, souls are really rare. In the outside world, souls are very weak. Even if they are strong, they are different from those in the world of spells. If you want to use them, you must study them again, but no one has time to study them carefully.

Therefore, the souls brought out became extremely valuable, and it would be heartbreaking to use any of them, which was why Li Ran was hesitant.

Li Ran said: "Let's go first. If there is really no way to go, then we will forcefully open a way out."

Qi Wuzhen nodded and said, "That's fine."

Guo Twelve knows a little about breaking the world. They have been using breaking the world to open a way since they came out of the spell world. He understands the power of this thing. Only Sexilin doesn't understand it at all. The only thing he knows is that they have a very powerful weapon.

Weapons can be used to open roads, but she has no idea how powerful they are.

After crossing the large fissure, there is an underground stone forest. The so-called underground stone forest was originally flat land. The stone forest is below the flat ground. If you look closely, you can see that this is due to the numerous fissures on the ground intersecting and various shapes left after erosion.

The sharp stone pillars are like a super-large trap, filled with sharp spikes, which look very scary. Guo Twelve said: "A natural trap..."

Li Ran cast a few spells, and in an instant, countless purple chains flew out from his fingers and stretched forward quickly.

The purple chain passed quickly from a few meters above the stone forest. Sexilin couldn't help but feel curious. How did she know that this method of using spells is the most basic skill for professionals and has a wide range of uses, whether it is used against

This skill is indispensable for fighting enemies, tying up items, and even exploring dangers.

After testing it and not finding any danger, Li Ran scattered the purple chain and said, "Let's go over there! Be careful not to fall. I haven't tested it below."

Guo Twelve said: "I'll go there first, and then you guys come over."

If one person goes through first, there is still a chance to be rescued if something goes wrong. If they fall together, it will be in trouble. So when they encounter dangerous areas, Li Ran, Qi Wuzhen and Guo Twelve take turns to go first, and the others follow behind.


Soon Guo Twelve flew over the stone forest. He smiled and said: "Come here, there is no problem."

The three of them flew over immediately. Along the way, they encountered countless strange terrains, only a few of which were a bit dangerous. Most of them were able to pass smoothly, mainly because the four of them were able to fly proficiently. Although Sexilin was a little bit behind,

But she got two new weapons, her strength improved a lot, and flying became much easier than before. In addition, Guo Twelve sometimes extended his hand to help, so she followed smoothly.

Of course, this road is not easy to walk. If the four people were not strong, they would not be able to get here. However, when a few people got here, the good days finally came to an end. When they crossed a very high cliff, they saw a

A jaw-dropping sight.

It was a scene of a broken world. The earth was burning, magma was flowing, there were countless space cracks in the sky, and all kinds of strange forces were raging on the earth. Where the four people stood, there was a road several kilometers long.

Everyone can feel the tremors under their feet. From time to time, large rocks fall off the cliff, rolling and whizzing down. Guo Twelve said: "This cliff... I don't think it can exist.

How long will it take, and it will collapse soon."

The space that was originally a bit gloomy, due to the surging magma, the red magma flow reflected the sky with a faint red light, black smoke rose up, and the whole earth seemed to be boiling. Qi Wuzhen took a look and couldn't help but laugh.

: "I like it, this place is nice."

Sexilin's scalp felt numb. Along the way, she saw the abnormal strength of the three of them, especially Qi Wuzhen, who was so impressed that she was in admiration. This kind of strength was completely beyond her imagination, and he could scare her by accidental attack.

Hearing Qi Wuzhen's emotion, she couldn't help but ask: "Why do you like it? It's very dangerous here..."

Guo Twelve couldn't help but laugh: "Sister Zhen is a great master who plays with fire. When I saw Sister Zhen for the first time, haha, to be precise, before I saw anyone, the whole earth was filled with lava."

Sexilin opened her mouth in an incomprehensible way. She couldn't understand, how can people control magma? What kind of power is this? Among the people here, even Li Ran doesn't have Qi Wuzhen's ability. Maybe he can

Use spells to forcibly control part of the magma, but you must not cause magma riots on a large scale like Qi Wuzhen did. This is a talent of spells, which is extremely rare even in the world of spells.

Qi Wuzhen smiled and said, "Let me explore here first!"

Li Ran nodded and said: "Well, this is a world you can control. Be careful and pay attention to space cracks. I found there are quite a few."

Qi Wuzhen's expression looked a little excited, which was very different from his usual cold appearance, and her face also looked extremely charming. She smiled sweetly and said: "Just wait, I will find a way and I will send a letter to notify you."

." He said and jumped directly from the cliff.

The cliff was a thousand meters high. In the blink of an eye, Qi Wuzhen turned into a small black dot and quickly jumped towards the ground. Just when she was about to hit the ground, her body suddenly flew up flat, as if shot by a sharp arrow.

Got out.

The magma that was originally flowing slowly suddenly accelerated and rushed towards Qi Wuzhen. Because Qi Wuzhen was flying at high speed, the magma seemed to be pulled by an invisible rope, surging crazily and chasing after the flight.

Qi Wuzhen. This formed a spectacle. Qi Wuzhen was flying in front, and the magma formed a huge wave peak. The top of the wave was Qi Wuzhen, and the wave was the magma.

Sexilin said in horror: "Oh my God, this...how is this possible...the magma will follow her..."

Qi Wuzhen suddenly stopped in the air, and the lava flow coming from behind suddenly drowned her. Li Ran and the other three could see clearly. Li Ran and Guo Twelve were both calm and composed. Sexilin couldn't help but exclaimed: "Wow

...was...was...swallowed by the magma! She...she..."

Guo Twelve said calmly: "Even if she is in the magma, nothing will happen to her."

Qi Wuzhen can not only control magma, but also draw strength from it. After coming to Sacrifice Stars to advance continuously, she urgently needed to replenish her strength, so as soon as she saw the magma flowing here, she planned to draw strength here. In the earth

Magma contained various powers that she urgently needed to replenish, so she couldn't help but feel ecstatic when she came to this place filled with geothermal magma.

The moment the magma submerged Qi Wuzhen, she had already dived underground, following the pipe of the magma spewing, and went down to the extremely deep underground, where the best place to absorb power was.

Li Ran stood on the cliff and waited quietly. Guo Twelve also understood why Qi Wuzhen entered the magma. He knew how powerful this woman was. When he first discovered Qi Wuzhen, it was in the underground magma river.

They didn't really meet each other. If they had met at that time, Guo Twelve's bones would probably have been melted in the magma. At that time, Qi Wuzhen didn't have any sense, and his first reaction when meeting someone was to kill.

Sexilin didn't know the details of Qi Wuzhen, so she was very worried. She was not worried about Qi Wuzhen's life or death, but she was worried that once she lost Qi Wuzhen, the team's strength would drop a lot. She asked: "

Will she...will she die...uh, aren't you worried?" Even though Guo Twelve said there would be no problem, she still couldn't believe it.

Guo Twelve said: "I don't know how long Sister Zhen will stay there. I hope she won't go crazy."

Li Ran said: "Well, she should be collecting the power of fire. I hope it won't take too long. It feels very uneasy here."

"Are you crazy?"

Sexilin was dumbfounded. Playing in such an environment? She couldn't imagine or believe it, but seeing the calm and composed look of Li Ran and Guo Twelve, she knew in her heart that Qi Wu was probably playing. She couldn't help but envy her.

At the extreme point, this woman is too powerful. When she can reach this level, she will be the top master in this world. She clenched her fists and secretly determined that reaching Qi Wuzhen's strength is her goal in this life.

Guo Twelve said: "It should be soon." His tone was a little hesitant. God knows how long Qi Wuzhen will stay. With her temper, she always does as she pleases.

It didn't take long for Qi Wuzhen to emerge from the other end. She didn't stay in the magma for too long because the firepower and spell world here were a little different. With her absorption speed, it didn't take a lot of time. The temperature of the magma here was too low.

, and there was no fire demon. She emerged from a distance with a little disappointment, and at the same time typed out a talisman to notify the people behind her to follow.

Li Ran was stunned for a moment after receiving the letter, and couldn't help but laugh: "Haha, she has passed, let's go too!" As he said that, he flew forward, and Guo Twelve and Sexilin followed.

The magma flow on the ground has gradually condensed after Qi Wuzhen's tossing, and a large amount of heat was extracted from it. The entire magma area began to cool down, forming a strange black terrain, especially the huge central area brought up by Qi Wuzhen.

The magma flow formed a surging mountain peak several hundred meters high, which looked very spectacular.

The three of them quickly passed through and soon arrived at Qi Wuzhen's side.

Guo Twelve asked with a smile: "Sister Zhen, why don't you play more?"

Qi Wuzhen said: "The magma here is different from what I imagined."

Li Ran asked: "Why is the magma here different?"


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