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Chapter 10 Temptation (1)

The journey went smoothly this time. The four of them quickly found the ruins, which was also a city. However, the four of them did not search for items because this was a ruins that had been raided by the Tianling tribe. Otherwise, there would not be such a clear trace. Before arriving, Li Ran and the others knew that this place was of no value, but it was still a good place to rest.

A few people found an empty house and went in. There was nothing in the room. Guo Twelve smiled and said: "The search was really clean, nothing was left."

Sexilin said: "That's for sure. Any items here are very valuable outside, especially for a large race like the Tianling clan, because these are items left by their ancestors, and everything is available to them. The meaning of each item is the same, and it is different from the purpose of other races. Just like us, we are only interested in precious and valuable items and do not want other things."

A word popped into Guo Twelve's mind: antiques. Maybe these items are valuable antiques to the Tianling tribe.

A strong wind appeared in Li Ranyang's hand, and the dust in the room was swept away immediately. He then sat down cross-legged and said with a smile: "Twelve, I haven't eaten the talisman food you made for a long time. Let's get some. , Haha, I have been busy traveling all these years, and I have never had a good meal of talisman food."

Qi Wuzhen also knew how delicious the talisman food cooked by Guo Twelve was. She raised her hand and said: "I agree, Twelve, cook more delicious food." At this time, she turned into a lovely girl again, and then Then he said: "Also, and... bring out the wine you brewed. I want the best."

Sexilin said inexplicably: "What is talisman food?"

Li Ran said: "It's a special food cooked by our Talisman clan professionals. Well, you'll know after you eat it."

Guo Twelve said with a smile: "I have almost forgotten the taste of fu food. In addition to noodles, what I have eaten these years is all kinds of braised meat and various kinds of dried meat. I have long been tired of eating it. Haha, that's fine. I There is also a lot of fresh meat left." As for vegetables, fruits, and the like, there are countless in the small secret realm of the altar. They are collected and planted in the secret realm on a daily basis, and are managed by the handsome old man. Many mature edible plants are planted by the handsome old man. It is pickled into various pickles, sauerkraut, and various dried vegetables and fruits, so he has a lot of ingredients.

As for the wine, there is a super good water soul spring in the small secret realm of the Guo Twelve Altar, which is used to make wine. It is countless times better than the best wine he has ever seen in his previous life. In addition, the handsome old man has blessed the wine with the surname of water. The runes and brewed wine are all stored in a dark place in the secret realm. That is the most conducive location for fermentation, making these wines even more outstanding.

After years of brewing and fermentation, as long as you add a little blending, it will become a unique good wine. Of course, if you take out the puree wine, the taste will be absolutely invincible, but drinking it directly is wasteful. Sometimes the handsome old man will blend some wine and put it in a In a large storage room, it would take some time to settle, but he had plenty of time.

Guo Twelve casually took out four talisman bottles, which contained the liquor that was later brewed and blended, and said: "One bottle per person, one bottle weighs about thirty kilograms." The characteristic of the talisman bottles is that they have a slightly larger space. The filling will not be one catty of wine, but between thirty and one hundred catties of wine.

Qi Wuzhen picked up a bottle of wine and lightly touched the bottle mouth with his finger to remove the sealing runes so that he could drink it. Guo Twelve reached out and handed a bottle to Sexilin, and also wiped off the seal on the bottle mouth. Rune, otherwise Sexilin would not be able to drink the wine in the bottle at all, and she would not remove the rune from the bottle.

Sexilin hesitated for a moment, and soon she was defeated by curiosity. She followed Qi Wuzhen's example, raised the bottle and took a sip of wine. As soon as the wine entered her mouth, she was stunned. After a long while, she said: "This ...This...is something good to drink."

Qi Wuzhen smiled slightly and said, "You'll know if you drink more."

Sexilin stupidly drank it down in one gulp, just a few big gulps. Her physique was different from ordinary people. Although the liquor was a bit spicy, she didn't care. She drank seven or eight gulps in a row. She was still confused because there was nothing. Feel.

Guo Twelve shook his head and said, "You are wasting my good wine."

Li Ran laughed loudly. People of all races are different. Not all races will fall in love with wine, and drinking is gradually addictive. If you drink it directly, few people will like the taste of wine, even if it is good wine. Useless.

A stream of heat flowed into her stomach, and Sexilin felt a little dizzy. She drank so hard that she almost downed a bottle in a few mouthfuls. She said, "Why am I feeling dizzy?"

Guo Twelve said angrily: "Of course you will get dizzy if you drink this way. Wait for a while before drinking. Wait for me to cook the talisman food first, and then eat and drink at the same time."

Sexilin still didn't understand why she felt dizzy after drinking, but she was very obedient and immediately put down the bottle and said, "Oh... okay."

Guo Twelve took out the specially made kitchen utensils, including various casseroles and woks. When the handsome old man had nothing to do, he made a lot of kitchen utensils and blessed them with runes. He did it because he thought it was fun. Guo Shi Twelve After using it, I thought it was very good, so I kept it. These kitchen utensils were much easier to use than the original ones. When I took out this complete set of kitchen utensils, even Li Ran showed a surprised expression. This was the first time he had seen runes blessing on kitchen utensils.

Li Ran smiled and said: "You are about to become a chef. If nothing else, this set of kitchen utensils is very powerful."

Guo Twelve said: "Of course, it is necessary."

Guo Twelve is proficient in frying, frying and frying. With the skills of his previous life and the unique techniques of a spell professional, his cooking skills have reached a level of perfection. If he were to return to Earth at this time, I believe he would be the best in the world. The best chef in the world.

Because the kitchen utensils were blessed with runes, Guo Twelve cooked the dishes at an extremely fast speed. In a short time, a table of dishes with full color, fragrance and flavor was completed.

Guo Twelve did not cook any special dishes. From the perspective of earthlings, this is just a table of home-cooked dishes. The difference is that neither the vegetables nor the meat are of the variety found on earth. In addition, the portion is astonishingly large. A portion of braised pork is just It weighs hundreds of kilograms. A serving of sweet and sour pork ribs, one of which weighs five or six kilograms. Although a large pot of ribs may look like a lot, in fact there are only a few in total.

There were also a lot of stir-fried vegetables, several pots of thick soup, and a very rich table of dishes. Guo Twelve specially cooked a pot of rice, and also steamed a pot of large meat buns.

Guo Twelve said to Sexilin: "Please taste the special talisman food of our talisman professionals."

In fact, these dishes are very different from Fu Shi. They are somewhat similar to the dishes Guo Twelve cooked on earth in his previous life, but the taste is a hundred times stronger than in his previous life, because Guo Twelve’s ingredients are very good, and it is impossible for him to have such delicious food in his previous life. Excellent food.

Among these four people, only Sexilin has never eaten talisman food, while the others have eaten it countless times, so Guo Twelve introduced it to Sexilin.

Sexilin looked a little flattered and asked: "Can you eat it like this?" She reached out to grab it. Guo Twelve hurriedly said: "Wait a minute." He handed her a pair of chopsticks and said: "Use these. Eat it with a sandwich."

Li Ran couldn't help but smile and said: "Forget it, it's better to give her a knife and a spoon, otherwise she won't want to eat it."

Sexilin looked at Guo Twelve, then at Li Ran, and said at a loss: "This...can't you grab it with your hands?" She usually eats with a knife, because it's all meat, mostly meat. It is rarely cooked in a pot when grilled. Even if a large pot is used to cook, super large pieces of bone and meat are put into the pot. After cooking, it is cut and eaten with a knife. It is normal to grab it with your hands, so you can see it is so delicate. She didn't know what to do with the food. The food exuded an extremely tempting fragrance. She knew without thinking that these things must be very delicious.

Sexilin finally ate the first piece of braised pork. Her eyes almost flew out of her sockets. She had never eaten such delicious meat in her life. She was completely impressed. Every dish surprised her. Soon, Sexilin threw away the knife and spoon and grabbed the food directly with her hands, because it was the fastest and easiest to grab the food and put it in her mouth. She was not interested in rice at all, but she liked the big meat buns very much. .

The first time she ate a big meat bun, Sexilin couldn't understand it at all. Even in her busy schedule, she couldn't help but ask: "Why is this meat...in there?" She couldn't see any cracks and couldn't figure out how to put the meat in. into it.

Li Ran laughed loudly, Guo Twelve shook his head and said: "Don't worry about how you put it in, is it delicious?"

Sexilin's eyes shone brightly and she said vaguely: "It's delicious. It's very delicious. It's the best meal I've ever had in my life. I never knew it would be so delicious, hmm." , I understand now... being able to eat this kind of food is me... it's my luck, it's my luck, I... I want to eat it in the future..." She ate while talking, like a person who was about to be hungry. When the dead man saw a pile of food, he couldn't bear to stop at all, so he had to eat and talk.

Li Ran, Qi Wuzhen and Guo Twelve ate in a more gentle manner. After all, they had eaten many times. None of the three of them wolfed down the food. Instead, they drank fine wine and chatted casually while eating. They looked very relaxed. Only Sexi Lin was eating in a hurry, her hands often spread out to reach for two kinds of dishes. The three of them couldn't help but laugh at it. Even a pig couldn't compare to her eating appearance. Although smiles appeared on the faces of the three of them from time to time, it didn't matter. They didn't find it strange, because they had seen many people eating the delicacies cooked by Guo Twelve for the first time, and almost without exception, all of them looked like they were reincarnated from starvation.

Gradually, only Sexilin was left eating non-stop. The other three people were holding wine bottles, drinking wine slowly, chatting here and there. At this time, they were completely relaxed. The effect of wine This place is used to relax, because no matter how strong the alcohol is, it is useless to the three of them. With their physiques, they will not feel drunk even if they are soaked in alcohol.

Li Ran said: "We have to run a little further. I have found a clue. This is probably a passage away from the projected starry sky. Through the royal weapons in the ruins, I judge... they crossed the border through this crack. It's just that for some unknown reason, they can never go back. The so-called Ancient Sky Spirit Clan is a human race in the universe."

Guo Twelve said happily: "Great, so... we will have a chance to go out soon."

This chapter has been completed!
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