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Chapter 3 Starship Attack (1)

The crew on the starship discovered in horror that the starship suddenly cracked open, and the powerful suction force sucked all the unfixed people and objects into space. Those were ordinary people who could not resist it and died instantly in space. .

Guo Twelve laughed loudly. Although the sound could not be transmitted in space, Sexilin heard it clearly from behind him and couldn't help but laugh: "Twelve, hit the head of the starship!"

The moon blade suddenly slashed down following Sexilin's words, splitting open the command module of the starship in one fell swoop.

Guo Twelve only attacked this starship twice before it was completely destroyed. Even if some people were fine hiding in the cabin for the time being, most of the combat functions of this starship had been lost and it no longer posed a threat, but it was still A large number of people wearing starry sky weapons poured out of the starship and rushed towards Guo Twelve crazily, launching various attacks at the same time.

Guo Twelve smiled slightly, and with a flick, the Void Insects were ejected one by one and crashed directly into the crowd. He ejected a total of four refined Void Insects, and saw countless small space cracks appearing. Due to the Space is extremely stable, so the space cracks that appear are as thin as a hair, and they cannot last long. They can only last for about five or six seconds. Even so, its lethality stunned Guo Twelve.

A refined Void Insect can form a trap with a radius of about 100 meters in space. Anyone who passes by this time and place will be cut into pieces. Four refined Void Insects, It can form a small barrier, and anyone who attacks or tries to pass through will be shattered.

Five or six seconds seems very short, but in space, people wearing starry sky weapons are also very fast. Often they can't see any changes after they pass through quickly, but as long as they move a little, their whole body will change. and weapons immediately shattered into tiny pieces of flesh and metal.

Like exploding fireworks, everyone who rushed over suddenly dispersed in space, just like blooming flowers blooming in space one by one. Anyone who saw it couldn't help but tremble all over. This scene is too weird.

In just five or six seconds, four refined Void Insects killed nearly a hundred people wearing starry sky weapons, plus ten attack aircraft.

Guo Twelve led Sexilin to the rear of another starship, and casually shot out a void insect, aiming it at the starship's propeller. In an instant, the entire propeller disintegrated.

There were only seven medium-sized starships in the first wave of attacks. However, in just two minutes, they were destroyed by the terrifying attacks of seven people. Attack aircraft and people wearing starry sky weapons were flying all over the sky. All the starships were destroyed. Among them, The worst starship was Qi Wuzhen's handiwork. She directly fired the talisman fire into the starship. The entire starship turned into a huge torch in space, burning from the stern to the bow. No matter how hard the people on the starship put out the fire, it was to no avail. You must know that Qi Wuzhen is a famous master of playing with fire in the world of spells. Her fire can burn for a while even in the void.

A thousand-meter-long starship actually burned less than 500 meters, and was burned into a huge metal strip floating in space.

Whether it was an attack aircraft, a small attack spacecraft, or thousands of people wearing starry sky weapons, they all fled away desperately. They never imagined that seven people could easily destroy seven medium-sized starships, five of which were It is an attack-type starship, and it is simply terrifying to the extreme. No one dares to fight such an enemy. Even the strongest warrior cannot think of resisting when encountering such an enemy.

This is like a person with bare hands, asking him to deal with a person wearing high-level starry sky weapons. The two are not on the same level at all. No matter how brave and fearless he is, he can't muster the desire to fight. He can only escape. It is the right choice. As for whether you can escape, it depends on everyone's luck.

Li Ran's team had no intention of letting anyone go, and they were really furious. The United Spirit Kingdom launched an attack inexplicably, making the seven people crazy. Due to the rapid advancement after leaving the passage, everyone's strength increased sharply, making them Their confidence was unprecedentedly high, and they did not take any enemy seriously. In this state, they did not hesitate at all. One by one, they bravely pursued and attacked, using various means. In a moment, most of the attack aircraft and attack spacecraft It was shattered, and the space was filled with all kinds of debris and garbage.

Of the seven starships, only two still maintain their original appearance. The others have been torn apart. The two starships that barely remained intact are also miserable. One of the starships was disemboweled, with a huge crack from the bow of the ship. It was cracked all the way to the stern of the ship, and countless corpses and metal fragments were floating not far above the starship.

The seven chased them for a while and then got together again. Qi Wuzhen said: "It's really unpleasant. Let's just kill them. Their second wave of starships is already very close!"

Li Ran nodded and said: "Since you want to kill us, then we don't have to be polite. In the big world... once there is a conflict with the country, it will end in death. They have huge connections and resources, as well as huge armed forces. , if we escape, we will be very passive, let’s kill!”

Deadwood simply said one word: "Kill!"

Wang Dayang smiled bitterly, but he did not object. He found that these guys were extremely murderous, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, whoever provoked whom was really unlucky, would have provoked evil stars like them.

Guo Twelve said: "We should act separately so that the starship's long-range weapons can't work... Damn it, here we go again!" He and Sexilin immediately disappeared from the spot, and the others teleported away to avoid it.

Several beams of light hit, and the seven people had already disappeared. The disemboweled starship behind them was hit by the beam, exploded, turned into a sky full of sparks, and fragments flew around. In fact, there was still something in that starship. There are many survivors, but it is absolutely impossible for anyone to survive this time. Such a powerful long-range attack can knock off the starship's defense cover and severely damage its hull, even if it is intact, not to mention that this is a damaged ship. Remnant ship.

The seven people spread out and rushed towards the starships coming from a distance. There were sixteen starships in the second wave, including a heavy starship. According to Guo Twelve's understanding, this should be an aircraft carrier-level starship. Its length reaches more than 10,000 meters, and other starships appear relatively thin around it. In addition to this heavy aircraft carrier-class starship, there are also two large starships and eight medium-sized starships, which are the same as the first wave of starships. , the other five starships are not combat ships, but communication, supply, transportation and other starships.

Since the seven members of Li Ran's team had dispersed and the starship could not lock on to them, the starship battle group used the most insidious and shameless trick, which was to use coverage attacks. As long as they found traces of people, they would activate all long-range attacks. Cover that area directly.

Wang Dayang suffered a big loss first. He was a little careless and kept dodging in the attack circle. Among the seven, he had the least murderous intention, but he received the most attacks. He couldn't help but curse. The long-range attack of the starship was quite powerful. Terrifyingly, Wang Dayang was not hit head-on, but just brushed against his defense, causing him to roll endlessly in the air.

The rune defense shield was broken first, and then the defensive sacrificial treasure was greatly damaged. After finally stabilizing, another beam of light came, and Wang Dayang screamed strangely and teleported out quickly.

But Wang Dayang's luck was too bad. As soon as he revealed his figure in space, the covered long-range attack hit him. In an instant, he was hit with fire and countless runes flying.

Wang Dayang spurted out a mouthful of blood, and the altar suddenly enlarged. He was already sitting on the altar. Countless runes flickered. He turned his defense to the maximum, but countless attacks also fell on the altar. In space, this target was very obvious. More starships locked onto him.

Li Ran was almost approaching the starship group. When he saw Wang Dayang being attacked, he yelled: "Idiot... move quickly!" He rushed towards the front starship, which was a medium-sized starship, and kept moving. The ground launched a long-range attack, and the star cannon on the bow of the ship was firing fiercely.

Guo Twelve was still nearly 10,000 meters away from the starship. He also discovered that Wang Dayang was in a desperate situation and couldn't help shouting: "Get out of the way!" But the sound could not be transmitted in space. He knew that he was too late to rescue him, and continued The two flickered and quickly rushed towards the starship. The best defense is to attack, he knew this very well. The moon blade turned into a kilometer-long crimson brilliance, flickering and slashing down.

Qi Wuzhen's face turned red with anger and he cursed angrily: "You bastard!" She rushed towards a large starship. The large starship was three thousand meters long and was a huge thing.

Deadwood pulled Moni'er and quietly came to the starship group from below. He said: "Let's destroy the starship above first!"

Wang Dayang resisted a wave of attacks. At that moment, he felt that life was worse than death. The power of the entire altar was almost exhausted. The altar shrank rapidly and entered his body in an instant. The altar was severely damaged, and he felt extremely heartbroken. How can he replenish his recovery? But now is not the time to hesitate. With the strong defense of the altar, he withstood a wave of attacks. If there were another wave, he knew that he might die here.

Continuously teleporting, Wang Dayang finally escaped from the long-range attack coverage area. He spat out a mouthful of blood again, his soul was scattered, and he knew in his heart that he had hurt his roots. He sighed secretly, and he glanced at the starship group in the distance with hatred. , said: "Haha, I didn't expect it to end like this. Well, in that case... let's fight!"

In front of Qi Wuzhen, there were hundreds of warriors wearing starry sky weapons. She smiled coldly and said, "Go to hell!" In an instant, countless light points flew out, and the warriors in the starry sky weapons were horrified to find that the sirens were sounding rapidly. The ground rang, and they had no way to avoid it, as they saw flames rising up. Even in space, the starry sky weapons could be ignited by the flames, and in a few breaths, they turned into space junk.

The incoming starry sky weapons were ignited one by one. They could not resist or dodge at all. As long as they entered Qi Wuzhen's effective attack range, there was basically no way to escape. No matter what kind of starry sky weaponry, even the latest type. Even the starry sky weapons could not resist her. Originally, Qi Wuzhen was not that powerful, but since she entered the void and came to the big world to advance, her strength has grown rapidly again, and it is very easy to deal with these warriors wearing starry sky weapons.

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