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Chapter 5 Conspiracy the Capital Star (1)

Wang Dayang squinted his eyes and asked, "Who is that person? How dare you enter the battlefield?"

Guo Twelve smiled and said: "Maybe you are here to negotiate?"

Li Ran said: "Not necessarily, maybe it's a private spaceship... passing by here?"

It was a small spaceship, not very fast. It stopped some distance away from the space battlefield, and a group of people flew out of the spacecraft. Qi Wuzhen said calmly: "Finally we sent out experts, well, there are Twelve people..."

Guo Twelve quickly blessed himself with an eyesight spell, looked carefully, and at the same time released his soul fluctuations to detect. He said: "It should be a master invited by the United Spirit Kingdom...or a protector raised by the United Spirit Kingdom. Master? Haha, Brother Li Ran and Sister Zhen are here."

The twelve people flying in the air just looked at the battlefield from a distance. After flying forward for a certain distance, they turned around and returned to the spacecraft.

Everyone was puzzled. Guo Twelve asked curiously: "Hey, you're back? What do you mean?"

Li Ran said calmly: "Scared away!"

Everyone was speechless. Seeing the panic of the twelve people, they could feel the feedback from the soul fluctuations even from a long distance away. Kumu said: "Their strength is average, not like Xingyunzi. "

Those secret clan masters were indeed scared away. They got off the spaceship, briefly observed the battlefield, and were frightened back. In this space, there were countless damaged starships floating, and there were also densely packed warriors and fragments floating there. attack planes, although they could still see many armed warriors running around, but they knew that this huge fleet was completely finished.

This couldn't help but frighten people. They actually destroyed so many starships and warriors. They couldn't figure out what kind of monster the United Spirit Kingdom had provoked. This huge fleet had millions of warriors, and nearly a million soldiers. Seven hundred large and small starships, more than half of them were destroyed by seven people. The remaining small part also lost power and became a living coffin floating in space. With such amazing combat power, they simply could not Don't dare to deal with it.

If the fleet was still resisting, they might still have some chance to fight, but when most of a very large fleet was destroyed by seven people, they completely lost confidence and quickly turned around and left, never daring to come near again.

Li Ran and others were also exhausted. They fought continuously and consumed a lot of altar power and a lot of souls. Although they had paid great attention to economy and tried their best to use the souls when they could. Guo Twelve used the sealed Void as much as possible. Insects, he consumed tens of thousands of void insects in this battle.

Especially when dealing with an escaping heavy mothership-class starship, he consumed nearly 700 void insects in one breath, beating a heavy starship as if it had been gnawed by a dog, with big holes all over the hull. , and finally paralyzed the power system of the starship.

As for the soldiers wearing starry sky weapons, almost no one cared about them. Those soldiers and attack aircraft did not dare to approach the seven people at all, but just ran around in space. They had no way to escape, and they did not dare to attack, because the attack would not only be useless , will also lead to a counterattack. As long as any one of the seven people counterattacks, not only one or two people will die, but a large number of people will die, so those soldiers do not dare to attack casually.

In the end, most of the starship was destroyed and some were paralyzed. Those soldiers could only return to the paralyzed starship because they could not escape and the energy of the starry sky weapons was not enough to allow them to escape back to the planet. This is the capital The edge of the star system where the star is located is very far away from any planet, and the energy of the starry sky weapons is simply not enough. At this point, they can only pray in their hearts, hoping that these seven killing gods can leave as soon as possible , so that they can have a chance to escape.

Only after the seven people leave can they piece together and repair some starships, and maybe have a chance to leave here. On heavy and large starships, there are spare small spacecrafts that can take some people away.

The fleet kept sending distress signals, and those who survived desperately sent distress signals to the United Spirit Kingdom one by one, but no starships came again.

Li Ran looked at the fleeing spaceship, sighed and said: "Forget it, after destroying this fleet, I guess the United Spirit Kingdom will not mobilize any large fleets in a short time. What we will face in the future... I guess most of them will It’s a master of the Secret Tribe, or some other powerful character, so let’s take a rest first.”

Guo Twelve smiled bitterly and said: "Although we won cleanly, in fact... with such a large fleet, we will not be able to fight anymore."

Kumu said: "Take the time to rest."

Li Ran said: "Let's go, let's rest in this starship. Hehe, there should be many people in this starship."

Wang Dayang asked: "Should we clear them out?"

Guo Twelve smiled and said: "No need, they are just ordinary people, let me do it." He quickly found a passage and flew in. Suddenly, the inside of the starship was in chaos. They had successfully killed everyone in the fleet. No one dared to face them. When Guo Twelve walked by, the soldiers all had pale faces and were trembling all over.

The soul-suppressing cauldron flew out, Guo Twelve raised his hand and slapped it, and a shock wave suddenly flew out. The shock wave ignored the metal bulkhead and spread instantly. The bodies of the still trembling warriors immediately collapsed, and each one Sliding to the ground and falling into a deep coma.

Guo Twelve flew all the way, and within a few minutes, there was no longer a conscious person on the entire starship.

Arriving at the command cabin, Guo Twelve raised his hand, restrained the unconscious officers with more than a dozen purple chains, and threw them directly into the passage. Everyone followed in, and Li Ran said: "It's good here, hehe, you can see outside. "The outside window is a mess, but you can clearly see the movement outside. This is a heavy starship, and its field of view is almost all-round. In addition to the ground, there are also three-dimensional scans that can show the space. scene.

Guo Twelve sat down cross-legged and asked: "Who is on duty?"

Moniel and Sexilin said in unison: "I'll do it!"

Li Ran said: "Okay, you two will take turns, and then I will do it."

Sexilin said first: "I should come first, hehe, I have always been taken care of by Twelve. Basically... I am not too tired."

Everyone didn't waste any time, and immediately sat down cross-legged, placed their altars on their heads, and began to recover. The first thing everyone did after sitting down was to silently chant sutras to recover and refine their souls. This has become a small team. habit.

Guo Twelve was no exception. He also started chanting sutras. This was a major event related to the restoration and strengthening of the soul, as well as reincarnation. He did not dare to slack off at all. After chanting sutras for an hour continuously, Guo Twelve fell down and fell asleep. Sleep It is also a good way to restore the soul, and some of its effects are even more effective than soul scriptures. After a while, Guo Twelve began to snore. Following the snoring, everyone fell asleep one by one.

This sleep lasted for three days. During this period, some soldiers entered the starship and were killed by Sexilin and Monir together.

When everyone woke up, everyone was full of energy and restored their tired souls. Li Ran asked Wang Dayang, who was on duty: "Dayang, is there any change on the last day?"

Wang Dayang smiled and said: "No one came here, but a starship escaped. I don't know what they used to repair the starship. Haha, I am too lazy to catch up."

Li Ran nodded and said: "Well, whatever, they are no longer a threat."

Guo Twelve said: "There should be a small spaceship on this starship, we can use it..."

Li Ran asked: "Can you drive?"

Guo Twelve said: "I can't drive, but there are people who can. Just arrest a few people and you will know." He walked outside the command cabin, where there were a bunch of unconscious officers. He released the soul-calming cauldron and sent out a shock wave. The confused souls of the unconscious officers were immediately sorted out, and they woke up one by one. When they saw Guo Twelve in front of them, their faces turned pale with fear, thinking that they were dead.

Guo Twelve asked calmly: "Who can pilot the spacecraft carried by the starship?"

The officers looked at each other in confusion. They didn't understand what Guo Twelve's words meant. One of the officers was smarter and said hurriedly: "I can drive!"

His words made the other two officers react, and they immediately said: "We will too!"

Guo Twelve asked: "How many people are needed to pilot a small spaceship?"

The officer said: "Four people."

Guo Twelve nodded and said: "For the last spot, who can drive?"

The officer quickly said: "He can do it, come here quickly." He grabbed a person, dragged him to his side, and then looked at Guo Twelve longingly.

Guo Twelve nodded and said: "Very good, just the four of you..." He snapped his fingers, and the others immediately fell to the ground, their souls continuing to be confused. The four people who stood up breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that they were temporarily Survived.

Taking the four people into the command module, Guo Twelve said: "Brother, these four people can pilot, um..." He turned around and asked: "Can the spacecraft on your starship reach the capital star from here?"

The officer replied honestly: "Can't..."

Kumu asked: "Why not?"

The officer smiled bitterly and said: "The spacecraft cannot carry enough energy, so it cannot reach the capital star."

Guo Twelve asked: "If there is enough energy, can we reach the capital star?"

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