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Chapter 175 Fighting the Herd Alone

Update time:2013-02-26

This is the weakness of the Blood Barbarian Bull.

Fifty feet.

Thirty feet.

Suddenly, a huge bloody bull raised its head and looked in the direction of Zhao Yuan with a pair of blood-red eyes. Almost at the same time, the bodies of Wu Yifan and a group of mercenaries were in a still state, and they held their breath.

That was a cow, the leader of the bloody bulls.

Zhao Yuan also held his breath, his body frozen like a sculpture.

Suddenly, Zhao Yuan's pupils shrank. He saw that the senior brother of the Fanjing Sect, who was less than three feet in front of him, suddenly turned around and gave him a mysterious smile. That smile was full of endless ridicule, and then stood up slowly.

Get up...

not good!

Kill with a borrowed knife!

Borrowing a cow to kill someone!

In just a blink of an eye, Zhao Yuan understood what his senior brother was thinking.

"Run away!" Zhao Yuan shouted suddenly.

"Despicable!" Wu Yifan turned around and saw the senior brother standing up. He immediately understood what was going on and said angrily.

"Hey, everyone, I won't accompany you for the time being. I will wait for you in the woods."

The senior brother laughed loudly, flipped his palm, and actually pulled out a boat-shaped magic weapon. The magic weapon rose in the wind. Soon, it rose to several feet. The senior brother climbed on the magic weapon and flew away in the wind at a low altitude.

"Yin Yang Ship!" Wu Yifan yelled angrily and struck out with his sword. The sword light fell on the magic weapon and made an earth-shattering muffled sound. However, the magic weapon did not move at all and carried the senior brother away leisurely.

There was a commotion among the blood barbarian cattle, but instead of running away, they gathered together. Hundreds of blood barbarian cattle gathered together, which was extremely spectacular, like a sea of ​​rushing blood.

A violent energy surged in the air.

Everyone looked at it with a wry smile on their faces.

At this time, everyone was in a dilemma.

Obviously, the senior brother wants to kill people and silence them. If everyone retreats towards the woods at this time, they will definitely be ambushed by the senior brother of Fanjingmen. Moreover, this place is hundreds of feet away from the woods, and everyone has no magic weapon to fly, so they cannot outrun the blood barbarian.

Bull, by the time they rushed to the woods, they would have already been exhausted by the blood-savage bull, so the senior brother would just add insult to injury and take advantage.

Neither is Jin.

Neither does retreating.

If you retreat to the woods, you will surely die!

Seeing the blood bull running wildly, Zhao Yuan's eyes seemed to be flashing with blazing flames. Driven by the crazy fighting spirit, Zhao Yuan still kept his head clear and began to tie the knife cloth to his palm in an orderly manner.

On the handle of a long black-backed sword.

When he fought the armored pig for the first time, Zhao Yuan once cracked the tiger's mouth and let go of the long knife. Having learned from the past, Zhao Yuan became cautious. What's more, this blood bull is a monster many times more powerful than the armored pig.


The collision of bloody bulls like a torrent of steel is coming.


The fighting spirit in Zhao Yuan's veins was aroused by the brutal aura of the Blood Barbarian Bull, and he burst out with a burst of stubbornness. He shouted suddenly, the black-backed long knife shook in the air, making a powerful concussive sound, and then, he aimed at the Blood Barbarian Bull.

The crowd rushed over.

Put yourself to death and live again!

At this time, only a desperate fight can gain a chance of survival.

When everyone saw Zhao Yuan charging towards the blood-barbarian cattle, a wry smile appeared on their faces, and they shouted and charged towards the cattle.


The cattle seemed to be angered by a group of ignorant humans. They let out a low roar, lowered their heads and charged towards Zhao Yuan and the others with their sharp blood-red horns.

More than five hundred bloody bulls charged together. Their power was so terrifying that the ground shook. The surrounding herbivores fled for cover. For a moment, the prairie seemed to have turned into a rolling oil pan.

Zhao Yuan was the fastest and bore the brunt of the attack.

Seeing the horns of a bloody bull coming towards him, Zhao Yuan had no time to think. He held the knife with both hands and used all his strength to slash at the bull's head. With a loud "peng" sound, Zhao Yuan felt that he had hit an invisible wall.

, a huge counter-shock force bounced Zhao Yuan's body high.


Zhao Yuan fell to the ground.


Zhao Yuan, who fell to the ground, bounced up like a spring. He once again took the knife and struck at the bloody bull above him. "Peng", this knife made Feng Yun change his color. With a loud sound, the bloody bull was struck.

The cow was unable to hold on and was struck by a knife and fell to the ground. Dozens of bloody bulls behind it were caught off guard and tripped over. For a moment, the scene was extremely chaotic.

Wu Yifan and others who were following from a distance looked horrified and stopped charging.

Zhao Yuan's fighting power exceeded their imagination. They never dreamed that Zhao Yuan could actually confront the Blood Barbarian Bull head-on. If this news spread, I'm afraid the entire cultivation world would be shocked.


Zhao Yuan didn't have time to think too much. He was already overwhelmed by the herd of cattle. He could only stab one after another mechanically. The "war" that had been suppressed for a long time broke out heartily at this moment.

Zhao Yuan's tightly tied hair was loosened and his long hair was flying.

Zhao Yuan's long sword was like a zigzag of lightning, constantly making chopping movements in the air, and streaks of silver light with black lines falling in the air.

One knife!

Two swords!

Three swords!

Thousands of knives.

Zhao Yuan himself didn't remember how many cuts he made. In his eyes, as long as he saw the red shadow, he would subconsciously make a cut. This was completely an instinctive reaction of the body.

Zhao Yuan could not kill the Blood Barbarian Bull. The most he could do was split open the Blood Barbarian Bull that was close to him. His fierce long knife could not cause any harm to the Blood Barbarian Bull. However, his surging fighting spirit attracted the attention of the Blood Barbarian Bull.

Killed all the bloody bulls.

Wu Yifan and the others stared blankly at the astonishing scene in front of them.

They were around the herd of cattle, but the bloody bulls simply ignored their existence except for surrounding Zhao Yuan and charging at him.

Zhao Yuan attracted hundreds of terrifying blood bulls with one person.

Wu Yifan quickly woke up from this incredible scene, greeted a few mercenaries, and quietly retreated towards the woods.

As long as they don't consume their energy by fighting the blood bull, they are not afraid of the senior brother of Fanjing Sect.

Sure enough, when the senior brother saw Wu Yifan and others leaving the herd unscathed, he did not dare to act rashly. He just stared at Zhao Yuan, who was surrounded by the blood-red sea, with his mouth open. At this time, the cattle seemed to be moving with Zhao Yuan's body.

And moving, gradually entering the depths of the grassland...

Zhao Yuan was immersed in the artistic conception of "war" and couldn't extricate himself.

The heavy black-backed long knife was swung mechanically in his hand. His body was like a tireless machine, doing some cookie-cutter chopping movements. Under these cookie-cutter movements, Zhao Yuan's sword skills became more and more powerful.

He became more and more fast and precise. With each knife, he was able to hit exactly the right spot on the Blood Barbarian Bull's horn. This landing point could make the Blood Barbarian Bull's tyrannical body lose its balance.

One hour.

Two hours.

Three hours.

seven hours.

It was getting dark, and Zhao Yuan was still fighting among the cattle.

Zhao Yuan was tired.

Hundreds of bloody bulls are also tired.

However, the battle is not over.

Hundreds of bloody bulls were inspired by Zhao Yuan. Although they were helpless towards Zhao Yuan, they refused to let him go and still surrounded him.

On the grassland, an extremely strange scene occurred.

Hundreds of bloody bulls surrounded a young man with disheveled hair holding a long knife. They fought for a while and took a break.

{Piaotian Literature www.ptwxz.com thanks all book friends for their support, your support is our biggest motivation}

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