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Chapter 217 Businessman's Decision

What Zhao Yuan didn't expect was that his idea of ​​joining the army received strong support from three people.

After communicating, Zhao Yuan understood the three people's thoughts.

Currently, Liaoyuan Trading Company is located in Blackwater City, which is also under the jurisdiction of the military. Many things are inextricably related to the military and require dealing with the military. Although the Qiu family has a good relationship with the military, that is

The relationship between the Qiu family and not the Liaoyuan Trading Company was that the three of them all hoped that Zhao Yuan could establish his own influence in the military, and joining the army was the most direct and effective way to establish a relationship with the military.

It is worth mentioning here that the relationship between the Qiu family and the military is extremely profound. The main reason is that the Qiu family provides logistical support for the military, and some military supplies are monopolized by the Qiu family.

During the conversation, Zhao Yuan discovered that the three shareholders seemed to be a little bit worried about the Qiu family borrowing Xiao Cui to invest in Liaoyuan Trading Company, and they were faintly wary. However, what pleased Zhao Yuan was that the three shareholders were worried about Xiao Cui.

Cuidu received unanimous praise.

Zhao Yuan can understand the concerns of the three people. After all, this is Blackwater City, and the Qiu family has been operating here for nearly twenty years. It is deeply rooted. If the Qiu family wants to be detrimental to Liaoyuan Trading Company, Liaoyuan Trading Company will not have any means to counterattack.

There is no doubt that this is a good sign for Zhao Principle, because with the checks and balances of the Qiu family, the three shareholders do not dare to act rashly even if they have different intentions.

Of course, whether it was good or bad, Zhao Yuan was not very interested.

For Zhao Yuan, this is not his ambition. Liaoyuan Trading Company does not mean much to him. Even if it goes bankrupt and closes down tomorrow, he will never feel sad at all.

In the end, the three shareholders reached a unanimous decision, and the three shareholders contributed funds to pave the way for Zhao Yuan to establish his own strength in the military.

Zhao Yuan knew that refusing would be in vain, so he could only agree with a wry smile.

He naturally understands why the three shareholders are willing to contribute capital. The reason is very simple, that is, they want to hide it from the Qiu family and be wary of the Qiu family. If the three people contribute privately, there is no need to pay the money, and the Qiu family will not be aware of it.

Zhao Yuan was helpless about the three people's thoughts and could only appease them and settle the matter.

After the meeting, Zhao Yuan walked around Liaoyuan Trading Company alone before heading back home.

At this time, it was already late at night on the main street, the autumn wind was rustling, and everything was depressed.

Zhao Yuan walked alone on the street.

Inexplicably, he thought of the two nuns from Tomorrow and Mingyue.

When he was with Ming Ri Mingyue, Zhao Yuan was thinking about how to escape from the "claws" of the two nuns, but now, Zhao Yuan discovered that he was actually a little reluctant to let go.

Although the two nuns are arrogant, their thoughts are simple. It is clear what they are thinking. When you are with them, you can see what they are thinking without using your brain at all.

Zhao Yuan misses that kind of life a little.

Perhaps, I am thinking about the beautiful scenery every night...

A wry smile appeared at the corner of Zhao Yuan's mouth, he shook his head, shook off the two graceful figures in his mind, and looked up at the majestic city wall. There was darkness above the city wall, and patrolling soldiers could be vaguely seen.

After joining the army, will he be like them doing boring patrols in this desolate night?

What if one is scheduled to be idle?

Thinking of what Qiu Xiaochong said, Zhao Yuan suddenly felt worried.

What Zhao Yuan wants is the opportunity to practice "war" by fighting and killing enemies, rather than treating the army like a nursing home like Qiu Xiaochong.

Immediately, Zhao Yuan thought that his worries were unnecessary, because the three shareholders of Liaoyuan Trading Company had secretly bribed the relationship, and by then, he would not be able to go anywhere he wanted.

After figuring it out, Zhao Yuan became more confident.

The next day, my enlistment went very smoothly.

Mr. Qiu personally took Zhao Yuan and Qiu Xiaochong to Heishui City to meet with the recruiting officials.

Blackwater City is a collective name, and like other places, the city is used as a place name. Likewise, Blackwater City is a city, and it is a city within a city.

Blackwater City is a city built on the cliff at the end of the canyon near the Great Qin Empire. The city is not an ordinary city. It has two gates, one on each inside. The outer gate is closed to resist the invasion of foreign enemies. The inner gate

Close to prevent spies from infiltrating.

The length between the two city gates is more than fifty feet, forming a city within a city, which serves as a barracks for soldiers.

There are 200,000 soldiers guarding Blackwater City. Because Blackwater City is steep, easy to defend and difficult to attack, and because Blackwater City is restricted by canyons, the internal space is extremely narrow, and there is a lack of water sources. Usually, there are only 20,000 defenders, and the remaining 18

Ten thousand people were stationed in three barracks less than fifty miles away from Heishui City, forming a defensive force against Heishui City. They could rush to the aid of Heishui City in less than an hour at most.

Zhao Yuan observed the landscape of Blackwater City all the way, and soon arrived at the recruitment office.

Master Qiu is indeed a very popular figure in Blackwater City. Soldiers with some status along the way will greet him. The so-called interview is just a formality. The interviewing officer just took a look and signed a series of enlistment documents.

Zhao Yuan's identity was not even verified.

After going through the formalities for enlisting in the army, Mr. Qiu gave a lot of advice and left after nagging him.

Zhao Yuan and Qiu Xiaochong sat there for a long time without anyone paying attention. It was not until the afternoon that a fat soldier rushed into the room, found the interview official who started the interview, and went through some handover procedures.

, Zhao Yuan was taken to a warehouse in the barracks by the soldiers to wait. The fat man seemed to be very busy and had no time to talk to Zhao Yuan at all. He left the two of them behind and left in a hurry.

After waiting for nearly two hours, the fat soldier with sweating profusely appeared. Behind him, there were more than a dozen disheveled soldiers leading dozens of ponies.

Like a deserter who escaped from battle.

Zhao Yuan and Qiu Xiaochong looked at each other.

Is this a soldier?

Looking at a dozen soldiers leading a group of ponies, a suspicion arose in their hearts.

"Are you Qiu Xiaochong?" The fat man wiped his chubby hand on his forehead, then swung it into the air, sweat spilled from his hand like a fairy scattering flowers, and then reached for his buttocks with the other hand.

He grabbed two handfuls of them with an extremely dirty and obscene movement, breathed a long sigh of relief, and looked comfortable.

"Yes..." Qiu Xiaochong followed the example of other soldiers in Blackwater City and straightened his chest, but he didn't know what to call Fatty and just stared at Fatty's military uniform without military rank in a daze.

"I am Captain Han of the Logistics Department, and I belong to the Third Infantry Battalion of Blackwater City. It's not a regular army anyway. You can be more casual. If you see me feeling uncomfortable, just call me Captain. If you like, you can call me Fat Brother."

"Captain... no... no, fat brother, fat brother."

"Hehe, that's right. Look at how big and thick you are. You're fooling around with me. That's right! Are you Zhao Yuan?" Captain Han's eyes fell on Zhao Yuan.

"Yes, Fat Brother." Zhao Yuan followed Qiu Xiaochong's example and stood up straight.

"Hmm, you're a little weak, so you need to strengthen your nutrition. Don't worry, our logistics department has nothing but good nutrition." Captain Han said with a smile.

"Thank you, fat brother."

Zhao Yuan secretly smiled bitterly. There were probably few people in this world who didn't look fragile standing next to a giant like Qiu Xiaochong.

In fact, as long as he is not wearing a scholar's robe, Zhao Yuan's figure is very strong. However, Qiu Xiaochong's body is too strong, and he is more than a head taller than Zhao Yuan. In front of Qiu Xiaochong, Zhao Yuan

That strong body also looked frail.

"It's getting dark, let's hit the road."

Captain Han yelled, waved his hand, and the dozen or so dirty soldiers led the horses out of Blackwater City. They were noisy and undisciplined, and they didn't look like soldiers at all.

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