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Chapter 28 Zhang Bang [there is at 12 o'clock

"Well, I found a Yangshan Leopard crystal in the book." Zhao Yuan snorted coldly.


"There is also a copy of "Ten Thousand Enemies" that every cultivator has."

"Ahem...Brother Yuan, don't be angry. Ling'er will apologize to you. Otherwise, I will give you the 'little black sword'."

"I don't have spiritual energy, so why do I need that sword?"

"Brother Yuan, you promised not to be angry. Ling'er has already apologized to you. You are a manly man and you can't have the same experience as a woman. Although the little black sword is not as good as the Ice Divine Sword, it is still a good thing and is priceless.

Even if Ling'er compensates you. Besides, it's better than your dagger. It's still very convenient for killing rabbits and so on."

"All right."

"Hehe, I know Brother Yuan is a good person. Brother Yuan, why don't we go dig out that little black sword tonight?" Wan Ling'er saw that Zhao Yuan's expression was a little loose, and he immediately became excited.

"You can go alone." Zhao Yuan frowned.

"I want to go with Brother Yuan. Brother Yuan is my great nobleman. After meeting Brother Yuan, hehe..." Wan Ling'er covered her mouth and giggled.

"...Okay, today should be almost over. It's been half a month and the Chinese New Year is coming again. Those people shouldn't be searching in Xiaoyang Mountain anymore. However, don't expect too much. The snow from the avalanche

, There are thousands of tons if not tens of thousands, and it’s not easy to find your little sword.” Seeing that no one in the bookstore noticed him, Zhao Yuan lowered his voice and said.

"Yeah, I understand. You have to look for it first. If you really can't find it, you can only wait until next spring when the flowers bloom and the snow melts." Wan Ling'er nodded repeatedly.

"Okay, just come find me tonight."


"I have to go."

"Let's go together, I'm leaving too."

Wan Ling'er held a book in her hand and jumped up and down behind Zhao Yuan. Zhao Yuan had no choice but to pretend that he didn't know her and walked ahead with his head buried in the ground.

"Hey, the list was posted! Is there anything new?"

The two of them walked out of the bookstore and passed a fence. In front of the fence, a large group of people gathered around and pointed. They could vaguely see someone pasting a piece of paper on the wall.

"Go and have a look!"

Zhao Yuan turned a deaf ear and rushed forward, but Wan Ling'er grabbed his arm. On this street, for fear of attracting other people's attention, Zhao Yuan had no choice but to follow Wan Ling'er into the crowd in a muffled voice.

I saw two people who looked like Taoist priests posting a portrait. The portrait was of a hunky-backed, ragged, and ferocious uncle. There were three big characters "Wicked Persons List" on the top of the portrait, and some small characters below.

The general idea of ​​those small words is that a reward of 200,000 imperial coins is offered to capture the person responsible for ambushing Huayun Sect disciples and setting the mountain on fire. At the back, there are missing persons notices related to Ma Silong and Sun Hailong.

After the two watched for a while, they squeezed out of the crowd.

There was no expression on Zhao Yuan's face, but Wan Ling'er wanted to laugh but didn't dare, and his face turned red from holding back.

"The villain list...is that a picture of you? You are actually on the villain list...it makes me laugh...haha..." The two of them walked into an alley, and Wan Ling'er finally couldn't help it and started laughing.


Zhao Yuan was too lazy to pay attention.

"Apart from the clothes that look a bit like the one I saw that day, and the person who is too ugly, Brother Yuan is still quite handsome, hehe."

"Just scream, and everyone in the world will know that it was you, Wan Ling'er, who killed the disciples of the Huayun Sect. Then, the Huayun Sect's army came to Xujiaqiao and killed your Wan family until no one was left alive." Zhao Yuan

He stood still and looked at Wan Ling'er coldly.

"Ah..." Wan Ling'er looked at Zhao Yuan dumbfounded as if someone had pinched his neck.

"This matter is related to the life and death of your family. Don't mention it again in the future!"

"Don't mention it, never mention it again." Wan Ling'er nodded repeatedly like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Don't follow me. I'm just a servant. You are Miss Qianjin of the Wan family. Following me will only attract others' attention."

"Hmm...what's so great, hum!"

Seeing Zhao Yuan disappear, the distraught Wan Ling'er woke up, stamped his feet hard, spat in the direction of Zhao Yuan's back, and then returned home.

That night, Zhao Yuan did not wait for Wan Ling'er because Chen, who had gone to her parents' home, suddenly returned home.

Mrs. Chen returned home at sunset. After returning home, she immediately rushed to the East Courtyard. Everyone in the East Courtyard worked overtime to prepare the porridge.

Tomorrow is neither the first day nor the fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year, but the thirteenth day. There are still seventeen days before the Chinese New Year.

Everyone was confused by Chen's decision, because for decades, the Wan family had always given out porridge on the first and fifteenth day of the lunar month unless there was a happy event in the family.

The amount of flour and gruel prepared this time also exceeded the historical record. Just the flour for steaming the steamed buns and fermenting there were several large vats. In order to speed up the fermentation, fires were also burned around. As for the gruel, all the gruel was used up.

The utensils used to cook porridge are incalculable.

The Wanjiadong courtyard was brightly lit all night, and the kitchen was very busy. Zhao Yuan had been helping Guo chop wood with an axe.

Everyone was busy and talking about it, but they couldn't find the reason.

In the middle of the night, Mrs. Chen rushed to the east courtyard again and ordered some cheap winter clothes to be moved from the east courtyard and placed behind the gate of the west courtyard. Zhao Yuan helped carry the winter clothes.

In the west courtyard, Zhao Yuan met Xu San, whom he had not seen for a long time.

Xu San looked rosy and energetic, and seemed to be living a good life. In fact, Xu San was indeed living a good life. The Yangshan leopard skin was sold for 7,000 imperial coins, which greatly improved his stretched financial situation.

For a family like Xu San's, 7,000 imperial coins is a huge amount of money, and his annual salary is only over 20,000 imperial coins.

When Xu San saw Zhao Yuan, he was very affectionate, asking questions and asking questions. Zhao Yuan also took the opportunity to ask Chen why he suddenly offered porridge.

It turned out that Mrs. Chen saw many hungry people on her way to Tongcheng. When she returned home, she saw groups of hungry people gathering together. Therefore, Mrs. Chen immediately decided to give porridge.

Vaguely, Zhao Yuan felt something was wrong.

According to Zhao Yuan’s understanding, the Wanjia family has been giving out porridge for decades, and the porridge-giving time is fixed on the first and fifteenth day of the lunar month. It is absolutely impossible to suddenly give out porridge just because the number of hungry people increases. They also distribute winter clothes. According to the workers, this is the Wanjia family’s porridge-giving time.

For the first time ever.

If there were no other reasons, Mrs. Chen would definitely not give porridge suddenly.

Usually, everyone has some fixed living habits. The longer the time, the harder it is to change the habits. For example, if you stay in bed in the morning, you must leave a little in the bowl when eating. To change these habits, there must be force majeure factors. For example,

, People who are used to going to bed early and suddenly getting up early must have important things to do; they must get up early; people who have leftovers in the bowl must be extremely hungry.

As for Chen's charitable purpose, Zhao Yuan didn't take it seriously.

Most kindness for the purpose of charity has motives, especially for wealthy families like Wanjia. Most of them are to gain some good reputation and establish extensive local connections for themselves.

There is no doubt that judging from the business Wanjia operates, Wanjia's charity in Xujiaqiao is not just for charity.

Real charity is to teach people how to fish, not to teach people how to fish. Or it is to solve other people's emergencies, such as medical treatment, etc. Wanjia always gives porridge on the first and fifteenth day of the lunar month, which has become a kind of charity.

Fixed formulas cannot solve those emergencies.

Of course, Mrs. Chen's love cannot be denied. After all, some people are not even willing to show off, and Wanjia has been giving porridge for decades, and that is real money.

The West Courtyard was also very busy, with some servants coming in and out, and many shopkeepers appearing. Those people should be the shopkeepers of the shops outside the West Courtyard.

Five hours before dawn, Zhao Yuan had nothing to do in the east courtyard, so Zhu Dapao asked him to take a nap.

After just sleeping for a while, Zhao Yuan was called out to help. When he saw the sky, it was clear that he had slept for more than three hours at most.

When Zhao Yuan finished washing and rushed to the kitchen, his face suddenly became dull.

The steamed buns in the kitchen are packed in baskets and pots for drying goods. They are piled up like a mountain and look spectacular. They are at least twice as much as the last time they served porridge. Inside the steamer, they are still steaming.

The kitchen is still very busy. Chef Luo and Chef Lei are wearing short coats and kneading dough, sweating like rain; while Sister-in-law Luo and Sister-in-law Lei are busy steaming steamed buns; Guo Ax is naked and is chopping firewood.

An iron ax danced up and down in the air at a jaw-dropping speed...

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