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Chapter 42 The battle begins [Chapter 1]

Because of the overcrowding, the mob could no longer throw bricks away.

However, the charge did not stop, because the tide of people behind them forced the mobs who were stabbed at their feet to squeeze up or trample them under their feet.

At this time, the mob was crowded together and there was no room for throwing bricks. The East Street was actually safer than it was at the beginning.

A brutal and primitive killing began.

At the beginning, the battlefield was mainly concentrated at the end of East Street. Thousands of people were densely crowded on the street, which was less than twenty meters wide. The mobs rushed forward in a frantic manner. Under the huge push from behind, some mobs actually stepped on them.

People climbed up the city wall head and shoulders. As soon as they climbed up, the poles and hoes on the city wall immediately swarmed up...

Blood splatters.

The murderous aura boils.

This is the most barbaric battle. There are no sharp weapons or well-trained soldiers. What is there are some honest farmers. Their weapons are hoes, poles, sickles, wooden sticks, and teeth.

People kept climbing up, and people kept falling. Those who fell were immediately trampled to pieces by the tide of people. Those mobs were extremely brave, and they were simply not afraid of death. Some people actually grabbed the city wall out of thin air.

The weapons that were stabbed down forcefully pulled down the people on the city wall. Among them, some strong thugs actually started to pull the sacks on the city wall with their bare hands.

In the distance, some people began to dismantle private houses and use the wood from the houses to make siege tools...

The end of the small East Street has become a devil's hell, with shouts of death, screams, and shouts. At this time, people have forgotten their fear, and are just fighting and resisting mechanically with the weapons in their hands.

, attacking.

There are more and more corpses outside the city wall. Under the corpses, the city wall is getting shorter and shorter. The situation is extremely urgent.

Immediately, someone started carrying food non-stop.

The strength of the crowd was once again revealed. In just ten minutes, the city wall at the end of the street was increased by more than two meters, reaching a total of five meters. Moreover, the back extended into a slope. Even if the outside of the wall was demolished, it would not be affected.

Will collapse.

Injured people were constantly being replaced.

As time passed, the mob's attacks began to show their fatigue.

After all, the mob was not a well-trained soldier. They started out as a ceremonial guard with a large number of people, and with a moment of bloody courage, their morale was high, and they attacked wildly. In fact, they were all cold and hungry, and their physical strength had long been exhausted after traveling long distances.

Not only was the small city wall not destroyed, but as it grew higher and higher, the willpower of the mob began to waver, especially those in front of the mob who were injured at their feet. The pain was unbearable and they began to retreat.

Those in the back rushed forward, and those in the front retreated. Soon, the mob, which was originally united, crowded together and became a chaotic mess, losing the vigor it had at the beginning.

"The Ma family has more food, everyone go to the Ma family!"

"Yes, yes, Ma's family is on the west side of Qiao, we can go around it..."


Just when the battle was at a stalemate, suddenly, someone in the crowd shouted and someone responded. The mob, whose hearts had been filled with anxiety because they had been unable to attack for a long time, immediately retreated like a tide and rushed into the alleys.

They came and went as quickly as they came. In just ten minutes, tens of thousands of mobs disappeared without a trace, leaving behind rubble, corpses and wailing wounded everywhere.

Zhao Yuan and Cheng Cheng climbed onto the city wall. What they saw in front of them was devastation. In addition to the rubble, corpses and wounded everywhere, there were also a mess of weapons.

After just one hour of fighting, the end of East Street was already in ruins. Countless houses on the other side were demolished and ruined. Some houses even had thick black smoke rising from them.

Wanjia also paid a heavy price.

Twenty-seven people died, 56 were seriously injured, and several were slightly injured. The main cause of death and serious injury to Wanjia was the first wave of brick attacks, because Wanjia was not at all wary of the mob using flying bricks as attack weapons.

Some workers were caught off guard and were directly hit to death by flying bricks.

"Thank you, Zhao Yuan." Looking at the messy end of East Street, the frightened Mrs. Chen breathed a long sigh of relief, finally overcoming the crisis.

Zhao Yuan waved to the people around him, beckoning them to get down.

"Madam, there is a very important matter that you need to decide now." After the workers left the city wall, Zhao Yuan said with a serious face.


"Excuse me, do the Ma family and the Wan family have any deep hatred?" Zhao Yuan's eyes were extremely deep.

"The Ma family...that's not the case. It's usually a business competition. Although the Ma family is a bit despicable, it doesn't go beyond the duties of a businessman." Mrs. Chen hesitated and said.

"Well, the Ma family is in danger now. I wonder what Madam's plans are?"

"Why do you say that? Please tell me straight away!" Mrs. Chen frowned and looked at Zhao Yuan.

"Madam, the Ma family and the Wan family are competing in Xujiaqiao, and no one can dominate. In fact, this is a good thing, because with the Ma family, the Wan family will not be lazy."

"You mean, it's the Ma family that is pushing the Wan family forward?"

"Yes, of course, this is not the most important thing. As the saying goes, if the trees are beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy them! Only with the Ma family and the Wan family in Xujiaqiao can they do business with peace of mind, and the Ma family and the Wan family are really

The relationship between dead lips and cold teeth.”

"The lips are dead and the teeth are cold...the lips are dead and the teeth are cold..." Mrs. Chen muttered in a low voice, "What do you mean?"

"I think Madam can rescue the Ma family now. Of course, the timing of the rescue needs to be grasped. It must not only serve as a warning to the Ma family, but also not let the Ma family collapse. Moreover, after the Wan family takes action to rescue, it can be used to communicate with the Ma family.

The easing of the relationship between the Xujiaqiao family and Xujiaqiao can also establish a spiritual leadership position in Xujiaqiao. Madam, think about it, if after experiencing this disaster, the prestige of the Wanjia will rise sharply, the people of Xujiaqiao will definitely look up to the Wanjia. If something happens in the future, as long as the Wanjia

Raise your arms and shout, and your followers will surely gather.”

"Why are you so kind all of a sudden?" Chen asked suddenly.

"..." Zhao Yuan was stunned, not knowing how to answer this question.

In fact, Zhao Yuan didn't think that much. He just wanted to spend this cruel winter quietly. The demise of the Ma family, the first family of Xujiaqiao, was obviously not conducive to the stability of Xujiaqiao.

In theory, protecting the Ma family means protecting yourself.

Of course, the deeper reason Zhao Yuan did not realize was that he did not want the tragedy of the Zhao family's annihilation to happen again to the Ma family.

"Okay, just as you want, after so many years of fighting with the Ma family, if I think about it, there is no deep hatred. Ziyu said that a person must stand upright and live up to his own conscience. No matter what, let him go.

Let’s go home once.”

"Madam, the master is really far-sighted. He is a cultivator. Naturally, he knows the role of the Ma family on the Wan family. Otherwise, with the power of the master, the Ma family can be wiped out in one night."

"Haha, I didn't expect that you have only been in Wanjia for three months and you have such a thorough understanding of my master's character. I have been sleeping with him for decades, but I don't know what he is thinking. I feel ashamed... Okay, you

Tell me, how to rescue the Ma family?"

"Now that the mob has lost its energy, and they have now dispersed into small groups, we only need to open the walls at both ends of the east street, divide our troops into two groups, and enter the alleys at the east end to chase down the lone mob.

Rescue those residents who did not evacuate and protect their property; on the other hand, we headed towards West Street directly to Ma's house. The mob that was abusing Ma's house at this time must be busy robbing property and food. They did not expect that there would be thousands of people.

A sudden attack, as long as we kill them all the way, they will definitely flee..."

"Then what?"

"Pursue the victory, chase and kill all the way, and break up the mob. We must let those mobs know fear and let them know how powerful Xujiaqiao is. Only by letting the news spread, can Xujiaqiao have a quiet winter!"

"Okay, good idea. Our Xujiaqiao and our Wanjia will never allow them to come and go wherever they want!" Mrs. Chen's careful face showed a rare domineering look.

"Madam, let's start taking action. It should be almost done now."

"Well, you make the decision."

"Yes, ma'am."

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