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Chapter 584 Perfect World

Thousands of animals were continuously sent into the world of the spiritual platform covered with green.

This kind of thing seems extremely simple, but in fact, it is extremely complicated, because Zhao Yuan must send the animals to a place suitable for survival according to the final recommendations provided by the Y scientific research team, and in this arrangement, it is also necessary to

Consider the food chain formed by carnivores and herbivores.

There is no doubt that this is a huge and arduous process.

Currently, Zhao Yuan is unable to establish a large-scale biological chain in the Lingtai world. He can only arrange it locally to form small ecological environments. Then, through the accelerated evolution of nature, the food chain gradually expands its territory.

If you want to establish a perfect ecosystem similar to the earth in the Lingtai world, it will never be completed in ten days. Even if Zhao Yuan has the ability to accelerate evolution, it cannot be done overnight, because there are thousands of species on the earth, and there are countless species.

There are billions of them, including all kinds of bacteria that are invisible to the naked eye. These bacteria also play an extremely important role in the ecological balance of the earth.

In addition to various bacteria and animals, there were also some insects and birds. In more than ten days, Zhao Yuan could not take care of them all.

Currently, Zhao Yuan is mainly targeting large carnivores and herbivores.

The ecological environment formed by herbivores provides a local environment for carnivores to survive, and also creates a platform for microbial reproduction.

In fact, because Zhao Yuan's Lingtai world has water and air, amino acids have been formed, and microorganisms unique to the Lingtai world have evolved. These microorganisms, with the help of time, will naturally form an ecological environment for the Lingtai world.


Most of the immortal Lingtai worlds replicate the Earth's ecosystem. However, because each Lingtai world has a unique environment and bacteria, during the process of evolution, species that are not found on Earth will appear. This is why some

The reason why there are strange beasts in the world of Lingtai...

Zhao Yuan mainly divides the territory of some herbivores, and then arranges a small number of carnivores according to the proportion of herbivores to form a connected ecological environment.

In fact, Zhao Yuan's Lingtai world has already formed a microbial ecological environment when plants exist, because not only are there bacteria and insect eggs in seeds and plants, but also in animals, there are also various kinds of microorganisms.

Germs, these germs come from the earth, and they will multiply and grow rapidly in an environment suitable for animal survival...

According to the scientific arguments of the earth, ordinary people cannot understand the acceleration of time in the Lingtai world. However, a common saying can vividly describe the time concept of the Lingtai world.

One day in heaven and three years on earth.

According to a cultivator's concept of time, an hour in the world of Zhao Yuan Lingtai is several months, and a day is several years. During these years, both animals and plants will grow rapidly.

With the addition of plants, Zhao Yuan's Lingtai world quickly formed biological chains one after another. During the evolution of this biological chain, animals also quickly multiplied into large races.

Of course, it is worth mentioning that Zhao Yuan's Lingtai world cannot be compared with the earth that has evolved for hundreds of millions of years in terms of animal races and plant categories. Some species are slightly thin and not rich. However, this lack is not

The transformation of the overall environment that affects the world of Lingtai.

In just three days, Zhao Yuan's Lingtai world already had countless perfect biological chains, and these biological chains formed a huge ecological environment among themselves.

In this kind of evolution, because plants have already formed an ecological environment in advance, Zhao Yuan no longer needs to care. What he needs to focus on now is the development of animal populations, because there needs to be a balance between carnivores and herbivores. If this balance is broken

, then this biological chain will suffer a devastating blow.

Zhao Yuan traveled non-stop to major zoos and wild animal trading markets, purchasing large quantities of herbivorous animals to provide as much food source as possible for the carnivores in Lingtai World.

On the sixth day, the ecological environment in Lingtai World gradually improved, and the number of herbivores far exceeded that of carnivores. Under this situation, there was no need to care about carnivores.

In the process of maintaining balance, Zhao Yuan must constantly maintain ecological balance, and in this process of maintaining balance, Zhao Yuan needs to constantly show miracles. For example, in order to maintain a certain animal population, Zhao Yuan

A huge number of predators have to be killed to maintain balance.

This process of revealing miracles has left a very deep impression on some intelligent animals. For example, a certain group of primate monkeys will always remember Zhao Yuan in the process of evolving into adults.

They were passed down from ear to ear, forming one myth after another, and Zhao Yuan was also able to gain the power of faith from them...

Unfortunately, Zhao Yuan did not have the patience to wait for those primates to evolve into adults and become his first loyal followers. He needed to make the world of Lingtai directly enter the primitive society dominated by humans from the wild world where beasts were rampant.

The critical moment has come.


Although the migration of animals and plants is a bit troublesome, it is just a trouble. Compared with migrating humans, migrating animals and plants is not worth mentioning.

Whether they are animals or plants, they are all very rich in species and can easily form a perfect biological chain, while humans have only one race.

This is an unattainable goal in the short term.

If you want to gain the power of faith, the more ignorant migrating humans are, the better, preferably those who are babbling. However, young humans lack the necessary conditions for survival.

Zhao Yuan faced not only the difficulty of human beings being unable to migrate on a large scale, but also the time difficulty of human evolution.

Most animal populations have excellent reproductive genes. As long as they have the environment to survive, it only takes three to five years to have a huge race.

For humans, it takes at least fifteen years to conceive a child, and humans cannot give birth to many babies in a year like animals, or more than a dozen babies at a time.

According to Zhao Yuan's evolution speed, even if Zhao Yuan migrates a group of children to Lingtai World to provide them with shelter, it will take at least a month. To form a human population, it may take several years...

This is an unbridgeable gap.

Only then did Zhao Yuan realize that it was simply impossible for him to quickly obtain the power of faith from the world of Lingtai.

However, Zhao Yuan did not expect that according to the maximum time he expected, he would be able to obtain powerful and pure power of faith in only three to five years, which had already subverted the world of cultivation.

In the world of cultivation, it would take hundreds or even thousands of years to harvest the power of faith in the Lingtai world.

If the news spread that Zhao Yuan could gain the power of faith in just three to five years, it would definitely cause a sensation in the cultivation world...

The ninth day.

Zhao Yuan stood in the nursery of City C Hospital, with a look of hesitation on his face.

This is a difficult decision.

There is still one last day, tomorrow, when he will return to the Great Qin Empire with the Dragon God.

This chapter has been completed!
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