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Chapter 605 Cosmic Hunter

Meng Yi seemed to be irritated by Zhao Yuan's actions. He suddenly opened his huge mouth, revealing a pair of sharp fangs, and made a roaring movement. Then, his powerful hind limbs suddenly kicked on the meteorite, which was covered with beautiful

Mao's body suddenly jumped up and rushed towards Zhao Yuan like a black lightning, with a terrifying momentum.


Zhao Yuan punched suddenly.

Now Zhao Yuan has advanced to the realm of illusion, and his "speed" has been cultivated to an extremely terrifying level. This punch full of wild power has reached a speed that cannot be judged by the naked eye. It suddenly appeared without any warning.

In front of Mengyi.

At this time, Meng Yi's pair of forelimbs had stretched out sharp claws and blocked his chest. Unfortunately, its sharp claws could not block Zhao Yuan's indestructible fist.

Huang Dong saw that the long-haired young man's fist directly shattered one of Mengyi's forelimbs. Then, he drove straight in and hit Mengyi's chest with his fist... In this flash of lightning, Huang Dong's heart felt inexplicably.

There was a crazy beating, and he saw Mengyi's chest collapse, as if he heard the sound of bones breaking.

Without any suspense, Mengyi's huge body of nearly a thousand kilograms flew backwards as if it was hit hard by a heavy truck...

Before Huang Dong could react from the shock, his eyes were dazzled, and a sharp and bright sword was already pressed against his throat. He felt the coldness emanating from the sword.

Huang Dong opened his mouth wide and looked at the long-haired young man in front of him with an indifferent expression. He couldn't figure out how the other person found him, let alone why he suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Who are you?" Zhao Yuan stared coldly at the horrified young man in front of him. The long sword in his hand was motionless, like a rock.

"Ah... you... you can talk... ah... I can hear my own voice..." Huang Dong had a dull expression on his face.

"Who are you?" Zhao Yuan naturally understood what this young man meant. In this space, sound cannot be transmitted, and human speech has no meaning. Of course, this is not a problem for him. He can create a field at any time.


"I...I am Huang Dong...I came from the City of Exile..." Huang Dong did not dare to disobey. He felt the fierce murderous aura exuding from this long-haired young man. When this young man spoke, there was an air of intolerance.

Doubtful decision, if you resist, the other party will definitely kill him without hesitation like killing that fierce beast.

"City of Exile." Zhao Yuan frowned. When he heard the name, he knew it was not a good place.

"Who are you?"

"Zhao Yuan."


"Take me to the City of Exile." Zhao Yuan put away his sword.

"Hmm...can I take that beast away?" Huang Dong, who was frightened, mustered up his courage.


Zhao Yuan glanced at Meng Yi's body, and found that Meng Yi's body had flown far into the void, at least several kilometers away.

After getting Zhao Yuan's consent, Huang Dong was overjoyed. He suddenly jumped up with his legs and rushed towards a huge meteorite. Zhao Yuan watched Huang Dong's agile jumping movements with great interest. He found that although Huang Dong could not

Flying, however, he has amazing jumping ability, and his speed is extremely fast. Each jump is at least tens of feet, and the farthest can even reach hundreds of feet. His movements are smooth and smooth, and are not restricted by the environment at all.

It is really incredible that human beings can move freely in space without using any tools.

Zhao Yuan sighed, no knowledge is absolute, and the earth's scientific system cannot be applied to the entire universe.

After entering the meteorite belt, Zhao Yuan discovered that the meteorites were not as dense as he imagined. In fact, most of the meteorites were several kilometers or even tens of kilometers apart, with occasional gravel mixed in. Judging from Huang Dong's jump,

In the past, humans were not able to fly, but relied entirely on meteorites for strength.

It seems that hunting in this vast group of meteorites is also a technical job. You must know that if you are not careful, you may never come back and float in the endless void...

"Hey...it turns out that these meteorites have gravity."

While Zhao Yuan was waiting for Huang Dong, he stood on a huge meteorite. He actually felt the obvious gravity. The most amazing thing for him was that the meteorite was actually covered with a layer of moss-like plants.

Moreover, the roots of the plant showed signs of being chewed.

When he was burning incense, Huang Dong came back with Meng Yi on his back. The heavy Meng Yi was like a hill on his back, which looked extremely exaggerated. However, Zhao Yuan knew that Huang Dong would not be too tired because

, there is no gravity in space, and the gravity of meteorites is also extremely limited.

When Huang Dong came back, he looked at Zhao Yuan with a look of horror, because when he got Meng Yi's body back, Meng Yi's chest had completely collapsed and his sternum was shattered...

Along the way, Zhao Yuan gained a general understanding of this magical place.

The meteorites here are different from ordinary meteorites. They not only have gravity, but also grow plants. The most important thing is that the meteorites here repel each other like magnets with the same pole. This effect keeps the meteorites

A certain distance avoids catastrophic chain impacts caused by external forces.

No wonder such a dense group of meteorites did not have a large-scale collision!

Zhao Yuan secretly sighed at the magic of the universe.

In addition, humans here need oxygen just like humans on Earth. However, unlike humans on Earth, humans here can go without breathing for several hours. It is said that some space hunters even do not need to breathe for several weeks.

Human oxygen comes from moss-like plants on meteorites. When you need to breathe, you just need to put your nose close to the meteorite. On the face of the meteorite, there is a thin layer of oxygen...

City of Exile.

Zhao Yuan also had a prototype of the City of Exile in his mind.

The City of Exile is a city built on a huge meteorite. That city is the only place in the meteorite belt where you can stand, breathe and talk, because there are very rich plants and the concentration of oxygen is also very high, forming a thin


On the way, Zhao Yuan encountered countless animals living in the meteorite belt. Among them, most of them were herbivores. Most of them had long legs, well-developed muscles, and extremely terrifying jumping ability. They came and went like the wind, and they were often spotted when they were discovered.

, are already dozens of kilometers away, and without a clear line of sight in space, it would be difficult to spot them.

There were not many carnivores, but during his several days of running around, Zhao Yuan encountered at least hundreds of large herbivores of all kinds gathered together, passing by like thunder and lightning, but he only saw one.

A carnivore with a snake-like head.

The snake-like carnivores are called ferocious dragons by Huang Dong.

Of course, the ferocious dragon does not really look like a snake. It is many times larger than a snake, reaching ten feet in length. Moreover, its whole body is covered with a dense layer of scales. Although its limbs are very short, its jumping ability is much better than those of snakes.

Herbivores are no different.

According to Huang Dong, herbivores living in the meteorite belt are generally faster than carnivores. Usually, carnivores need extraordinary patience and excellent hunting skills to hunt herbivores, rather than just being poor.

Reluctant to chase.

There are countless carnivorous beasts in the meteorite belt, and the fighting power of the ferocious dragon is even second to that of the fierce dragon. However, the dragon is the only carnivore that can hunt with speed.

Zhao Yuan was stunned when he learned that the human food source in the Exile City mainly came from hunting. However, Huang Dong was relieved when he said that the humans supported by the Exile could go without eating for several weeks and still maintain strong physical strength.

One Meng Yi is enough for Huang Dong to eat for several years.

Zhao Yuan didn't find it strange, because after a cultivator reaches the state of fasting, it doesn't matter if they don't eat for three to five years or even decades. Compared with cultivators, it doesn't matter if humans don't eat for several weeks due to meteorites.

Not surprising.

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