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Chapter 64: Pill World

This is an extremely complex and huge calculation process, and even the slightest error can lead to a huge difference.

If you dig in the wrong direction, let alone ten and a half days, you won't be able to dig out the body, even if you dig until spring comes and the flowers bloom.

Now, Zhao Yuan had to dig hard. He couldn't wait until spring and the flowers bloomed. By then, there would be more hunters active in Xiaoyang Mountain, and it would be easy to attract others' attention. In addition, the snow caused by this avalanche was thick.

It's tens of meters high, and the snow may not necessarily melt in spring, so it's impossible to wait until then to find the body.

Even if the snow can melt, he cannot wait at Xiaoyang Mountain every day. If one day the body is exposed in broad daylight and happens to be seen by the disciples of Huayun Mountain, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Zhao Yuan didn't dare to be lazy. He didn't have the capital to be lazy. As long as he made the slightest mistake, he would fall into eternal disaster.

During the excavation process, Zhao Yuan often had to make repeated calculations and constantly correct the direction according to the excavated terrain. At the same time, when encountering unstable areas, he had to build supports to prevent the excavated snow cave from collapsing.

At first, Wan Ling'er helped Zhao Yuan dig a snow cave, but Wan Ling'er had been spoiled since he was a child. After two days of working, his hands were covered with blisters, so he gave up. Of course, Wan Ling'er was not idle either.

, when Zhao Yuan was digging a snow cave, she kept going in and out. Every time she returned to the cave, she would bring some strange utensils.

Wan Ling wanted to transform the cave into an "alchemy room" and was tinkering with the gadgets he brought with him every moment.

On the seventeenth day, Wan Ling'er's alchemy room was completed, and she also gave it a name - Alchemy World.

Wan Ling'er also argued with Zhao Yuan over this name, and in the end, Zhao Yuan failed.

Wan Ling'er was so proud that he used the Ice Divine Sword to carve the two crooked characters "Dan Jie" on the rock wall at the entrance of the cave.

In just ten days, the alchemy world has already become a decent place, with all the equipment for alchemy in it.

Wan Ling'er began to launch her vigorous alchemy plan.

Every day, Wan Ling'er would have elixirs of various sizes and colors coming out. Wan Ling'er would often trick Zhao Yuan into taking a few pills. However, Zhao Yuan was determined not to be fooled and was very determined, unless Wan Ling'er accompanied him.

Eat them together, no matter if it is through coercion or inducement, Zhao Yuan will never take those weird pills.

However, some things still surprised Zhao Yuan. Wan Ling'er really made countless paper butterflies fly. At most, he made more than two hundred paper butterflies dance in the air.

You can imagine how spectacular and beautiful it is to see more than two hundred pink paper butterflies flying up and down in the fire-lit cave.

Wan Ling'er patted her plump breasts and boasted to Zhao Yuan shamelessly that as long as she wanted to, she could make tens of thousands of paper butterflies fly in the air. She also said that if she had no money to spend that day, she would perform on the streets, adding beautiful women to butterflies.

Guaranteed to make a lot of money and make a lot of money...

Of course, Zhao Yuan still expressed doubts about the aggressiveness of these paper butterflies.

Wan Ling'er also encountered a lot of troubles in alchemy. The most thrilling one was when Zhao Yuan was digging a snow cave. He heard a muffled sound behind him, and the whole cave trembled. The dug snow cave also shook, and countless snow fell from the snow cave.

Quickly, Zhao Yuan was so frightened that he fled back to the cave. However, he saw that Wan Ling'er's face was smoked like black coal, with only two eyeballs left rolling around, and his hair was burnt a lot.

There was an unpleasant burning smell...

After that incident, Zhao Yuan strictly prohibited Wan Ling'er from refining elixirs containing potent ingredients.

Time passed, and Zhao Yuan spent every night in the cave. The excavated snow filled up the side of the cave that was knocked open.

This situation lasted for thirty-eight days.

On the thirty-ninth day, Zhao Yuan shoveled down and encountered something dark, which was the body of the unlucky man Ma Silong.

Ma Silong's body was curled up into a ball, and he was covering his chest with both hands. The small ink-colored sword almost penetrated his chest, and the tip of the sword peeked out a little from his chest, and there was fear in a pair of eyes that were staring at death.


Zhao Yuan found a low-lying and hidden place in the cave to bury the body, and then made a series of disguises.

No one could find Ma Silong's body.

No one knows what Ma Silong was thinking at the moment of his death.

Although Ma Silong is young, he is a disciple of Huayun Sect of the Long generation, and is one of the four disciples of the sect leader Liu Xingwang. It can be said that he has a bright future.

Compared with Sun Hailong, Ma Silong is much less talented and has only entered the first level of junior level. However, because Ma Silong is much older and has passed his thirties, he has been honing his skills in the world for a long time, both in terms of life experience and combat experience.

They are far inferior to Sun Hailong. Perhaps, he never dreamed that one day he would die in the hands of an ordinary person and be buried among the rocks in this wilderness without even a tombstone...

Now, Zhao Yuan encountered a problem.

How to plug up the cave wall that was knocked open by the avalanche?

It is foreseeable that in the hot summer, after the snow melts, the opened hole will be exposed to the broad daylight.

The exposure of the cave entrance had no impact on Zhao Yuan. The location where he buried Ma Silong's body was extremely hidden. Finding a small body in a huge cave would be like looking for a needle in a haystack. However, Zhao Yuan still

I don’t want the cave to be exposed. After all, there are too many secrets in this cave, not only the body of Ma Silong, but also the remains of the senior cultivator Yun Ke and the cemetery of Yangshan Bao.

There is no doubt that this is a huge project.

Zhao Yuan did not have the ability to block the huge gap in the cave wall. With his own efforts, it would take at least several years to block it.

However, Wan Linger has it.

When Wan Ling'er learned about Zhao Yuan's anxiety, he looked disapproving and took out a yellow talisman from his body, saying that one stick of incense was enough.

Zhao Yuan gave Wan Ling'er a moment to burn incense. He waited for Wan Ling'er at the entrance of the cave and observed Wan Ling'er's alchemy realm.

Not even a stick of incense had passed before Wan Ling'er came out with a proud look on his face.

"How is it?" Zhao Yuan didn't believe that Wan Ling'er could complete such a huge project so quickly.

"It'll be ready soon!"


Boom boom boom!


As soon as Wan Ling'er finished speaking, there was a muffled rumbling sound from the cave, and then the cave shook, as if a mountain collapsed and the ground cracked.

Huge rocks fell from the top of the cave from time to time. The two were so frightened that they ran away with their heads in their hands, pulling each other and running towards the entrance of the cave.

The earth trembled and the mountains shook.

The two of them escaped to the entrance of the cave. A strong wind surged out of the cave, and dust flew up, as if a hurricane was sweeping through them. It was extremely frightening.

The two were so frightened that they hugged each other and huddled in a depression under the rock, motionless, for fear of being smashed into pieces by the rocks falling from above.

Finally, the trembling earth stopped shaking, and the flying dust gradually subsided.

"What did you do?" Zhao Yuan asked Wan Ling'er, who was so frightened that his whole body felt like chaff.

"Hug... I'm sorry... I miscalculated... I was wrong... the amount of elixir on the talisman was too much..." Wan Ling'er, who was in shock, turned pale and stammered.

"You almost buried us alive in it."

Zhao Yuan had a wry smile on his face. He could never have imagined in his dreams that Wan Ling'er, who was messing around, would actually use a talisman to make such a big move. You know, the distance between the place where the cave wall was knocked open and the entrance of the cave was hundreds of miles away.

Meters away, it can be seen how powerful Wan Ling'er's creation is.

"Are we not dead now?" Wan Ling'er recovered from his fear and pinched Zhao Yuan's face.

"Why are you pinching me?"

"Does it hurt?"

"Pinch yourself and you'll know if it hurts." Zhao Yuan pinched Wan Ling'er's chubby face angrily.

"Oh..." Wan Ling'er let out a scream, and immediately broke away from Zhao Yuan, dancing and jumping happily.

"Oops, I buried a lot of crystals not far from the entrance of the cave. Don't get buried..."

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