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Chapter 8 Yangshan Leopard Red Ticket]

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When Zhao Yuan arrived at the foot of Xiaoyang Mountain, he was stunned.

When you hear the name Xiaoyang Mountain, you may think that the peak is low, but in fact, the peak of Xiaoyang Mountain is extremely steep and the vegetation in the mountain is lush. It is not easy for humans, even birds and animals, to move in this ice and snow. If anything happens

If an avalanche is triggered, it is still a question whether one can make it down the mountain alive.

After only hesitating for a moment, Zhao Yuan gritted his teeth and headed into the mountain to trek through the thick snow.

The road into the mountain was covered with heavy snow. Zhao Yuan was not familiar with the road conditions. It took him a day and a night just to go up the mountain. If he had not developed a good body in more than a year, he would have frozen to death in the mountain.

However, even though Zhao Yuan was young and strong, he was still half exhausted after climbing halfway up the mountain.

The terrible thing is that throughout this day and night, Zhao Yuan did not see even a rabbit, let alone a large herbivore elk.

Xiaoyang Mountain is as if there is no life, except for the white snow covering it, it is still white snow, dead and silent.

At this time, Zhao Yuan no longer expects any elk. As long as it is prey, it is within his hunting range, even rabbits that can always fill his stomach.

The next day, Zhao Yuan found a mountain nest. The mountain nest was leeward and covered with very thin snow. In places like this, most herbivores would visit, looking for snow-covered grass roots to satisfy their hunger.

After Zhao Yuan set some traps on the snow, he found a tree hole downwind to wait. In such a harsh natural environment, he had no choice but to wait and see.

Whether he can capture his prey or not is no longer within Zhao Yuan's control. Everything depends on his luck.

One hour.

Two hours.

Ten hours.


On the night of the third grade of junior high school, it snowed again.

The fierce cold wind blew a sharp whistle, blowing the flat snow on the mountains into giant dragons, rolling against the snow. The storm was angry, like millions of lions roaring and galloping, dragging thousands of

A white tornado rolled up into the sky, and the whole space was filled with white powder, like smoke or mist, but not as soft as smoke. It hit the face like a needle pricking it.

Some hay was laid in the tree hole, and the temperature was slightly higher, but Zhao Yuan was still about to freeze. He was already wearing thin clothes, and could not light a fire to keep warm. In addition, there was not much food left, and the supplementary energy was not enough to provide energy for the body.

Providing enough heat energy made him hungry and cold.

Fortunately, on the afternoon of the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, the snowstorm stopped and the snow in the mountain den became thicker.

"One more day, one more day!"

Zhao Yuan muttered silently, rubbing his body slightly to maintain body temperature. He had already made a decision. If he didn't catch the prey tomorrow, he would go back home, otherwise, his life would be lost on this mountain.

I don’t know if Zhao Yuan’s words had an effect or if something happened, but when Zhao Yuan was drowsy, the God of Luck came.

The drowsy Zhao Yuan inadvertently glanced outside and spotted an elk. At first he thought it was an hallucination caused by hunger. After pinching himself hard, he confirmed that it was an elk inside the den.

The legendary elk.

The brown fur of the elk looks very eye-catching in the snow, and its tall figure is even more elegant.

The elk were very alert, looking around as they walked, occasionally lowering their heads and digging their noses into the snow to look for roots under the snow.

Gradually, the elk walked towards the trap set by Zhao Yuan.

Just when Zhao Yuan's heart was about to jump into his throat, suddenly, the elk stopped, raised its head, opened its ears to all sides, and twitched its nose.

"Did it discover it?"

Zhao Yuan held his breath and did not dare to move, for fear of being discovered by the alert elk and ruining all his previous efforts.


There was a muffled sound.

Before Zhao Yuan could react, a huge yellow shadow swooped down from the hillside opposite the elk and landed heavily on the snow, splashing countless snowflakes.

The speed was so fast that Zhao Yuan didn't even have time to see clearly what kind of beast it was. The yellow shadow had already shot towards the elk like an arrow off the string. The speed was astonishing.

The alert elk was already ready to escape, and turned back and ran towards the mountain.

The elk's running movements are vertical and horizontal, and the thick snow has no impact on its speed.

There is no doubt that this is a showdown of speed and power.

This is a life or death moment.

Facing this sudden beast, Zhao Yuan was stunned. He never thought that there was a ferocious carnivore lurking not far away.

It seems that this elk cannot be caught...


Suddenly, the running yellow figure fell suddenly on the snow. The ferocious inertia made its huge body roll on the snow, making a thrilling roar, and the earth seemed to be shaking.

By this time, the elk had already fled without a trace.


Seeing the yellow figure flopping and struggling in the snow, Zhao Yuan suddenly woke up. When the beast was chasing the elk, it happened to pass through the trap he had set.

Without any time to think, Zhao Yuan rushed out of the tree hole with a dagger in hand and ran towards the beast.

Zhao Yuan set up a chain trap, not a trap for predators. The beast had just been trapped and struggled in panic. Once it woke up, it would bite off the chain trap with its sharp teeth.

Now, Zhao Yuan has no choice. He must kill the beast before it bites the rope.

The ferocious beast discovered Zhao Yuan and swooped madly in the direction of Zhao Yuan. Unfortunately, the chain loops on its legs trapped it tightly, so it could only move in a small area.

After Zhao Yuan arrived, he kept a safe distance from the beast and kept provoking the beast, consuming the beast's energy and not giving it a chance to bite off the chain.

It was only then that Zhao Yuan carefully observed this beast that he had never seen before.

This beast has a mouth full of sharp teeth and a ferocious gaze. It is more than four meters long and weighs at least 500 kilograms. It has bright yellow hair mixed with some irregular small black spots in the middle. It looks extremely noble and beautiful.

What is this?

Looking at the ferocious gaze of the beast, Zhao Yuan felt a chill running down his spine. Fortunately, the beast was trapped in a chain trap. If he met it on a narrow road, it would definitely be a dead end.

The beast has an extremely strong temperament. Under Zhao Yuan's provocation, it kept jumping up and trying to catch Zhao Yuan, but fell heavily to the ground every time. Dozens of times like this, the beast was exhausted and opened its tongue wide, spitting out hot words.

of heat.

Zhao Yuan did not dare to be careless and looked for some branches and rocks, still provoking the beast and squeezing the opponent's physical strength.

After a full hour, the beast really lost its strength and lay motionless on the ground.

Zhao Yuan carefully walked around the back of the beast and poked it with a branch. The beast managed to stand up and resist, and then fell heavily to the snow.

Zhao Yuan repeatedly provoked him from all directions, and finally, the beast's entire body was bound by a series of nooses.

Whether it is the sharp teeth or sharp claws in the beast's mouth, they are deadly weapons. Even a slight scratch will kill someone.

If he was injured in this wilderness, it would be no different from death. Zhao Yuan did not dare to take it seriously.

After confirming that the beast was completely trapped, Zhao Yuan cut off the beast's trachea. After the beast was completely dead, Zhao Yuan drank a few mouthfuls of hot blood to replenish his strength before starting to skin it.

Zhao Yuan was very careful in his movements, trying to keep the fur intact. He knew very well that the meat of this carnivore had little value, and he couldn't take it away even if the mountain was blocked by heavy snow. The most valuable thing was the fur, and the more intact the fur, the more valuable it was.



Zhao Yuan chewed the raw meat in his mouth, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and looked at the flawless animal skin on the snow with satisfaction.

"Did you hunt him?"

A voice suddenly sounded behind Zhao Yuan.

The sound was so sudden that Zhao Yuan was not prepared at all. He suddenly rolled over and stood up, looking behind him with a look of embarrassment.

A few feet away, stood a young girl.

The girl is tall and tall, with long hair draped over a vest, held gently by a purple ribbon. In this ice and snow, she is actually wearing a thin pink dress, standing on the white snow, her skin is better than snow, her beauty is incomparable, and her face is beautiful.

It is extremely beautiful, shining brightly, as if there is light haze, and it cannot be looked at closely.

Although the girl looks arrogant, she is a bit immature. She is only fifteen or six years old.

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