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Chapter 112 The role of reading

Seeing Lidong coming, Cui Hongyu immediately turned around to prepare today's dinner.

Lidong raised his hand. They were two fish that were more than half a foot long.

"I heard that you are back, and I will send you two fish to try."

Chen Xiaobei looked at the two fish and asked, "How can I make a fishing net for you that is useful?"

Lidong nodded, "It's easy to use. It's easy to use. I only want the one-foot-long ones. I'll put the smaller ones in the fish pond. These two are specially set aside for you."

Chen Xiaobei was not polite, reached out to take it, and handed it to Chen Qiaoer who was standing aside, "Go and ask your sister-in-law to stew the fish."

As he spoke, he turned to look at Lidong and said, "Brother, let's stay and have a meal together tonight. I still have a jug of good wine."

Lidong waved his hand, "There's no need to eat. There are still many mouths waiting for me at home."

"I'm here to remind you. Seeing me catching big fish with an umbrella net every day, Dayong and the others are very envious. I'm afraid they will have to come to you to make an umbrella net."

This was expected by Chen Xiaobei. After all, there are too few ways for people to make money now. When they see others making money, they will definitely follow suit.

"Sure, then I'll prepare a few more. If anyone comes to ask for them, I'll give them to him."

Sure enough, as Lidong said, someone came just after dinner, but the person who came was a little surprised. The first one to arrive was actually Chen Xiaowen.

Chen Xiaowen was carrying two bundles of wild vegetables in his hands.

When I put it on the stone table, I looked a little embarrassed.

"Brother Xiaobei, I'm here to ask you for a favor."

"That's what you said." Chen Xiaobei smiled, he had already vaguely guessed the other party's purpose.

Chen Xiaowen hesitated for a moment, "Brother, I want to ask you to help me make a fishing net like Brother Lidong. I also want to catch fish."

Chen Xiaobei nodded, "Okay, but I have a condition for Lidong, that is, as long as he has big fish that are one foot long, and small fish that are not big enough, put them in my fish pond. Can you do it?"


Chen Xiaowen nodded vigorously, "Don't worry, brother, I won't eat any of the fish, I'll put them all in for you."

Chen Xiaobei smiled and patted him on the shoulder, "That's not necessary. This fish needs to be eaten when it needs to be eaten, and it needs to be released when it needs to be released."

Chen Xiaowen was sent away, and soon someone came. Three groups of people came one night, all wanting a big fishing net.

Cui Hongyu, who was standing next to him, said with a smile, "I think you should just give one land to each family to avoid so much trouble."

One sentence reminded Chen Xiaobei.

Yes, he understands that it is better to teach a man to fish than to teach him to fish.

I am worried that I cannot find any way for the people to get rich.

Catching fish is a better way. There are a lot of fish in the river during this period.

The big fish are sold, and the small fish enrich their own fish ponds.

Yes, just do it.

While they were talking, Chen Dayong, a member of the village protection team, came again and asked him to help him make a fishing net.

After talking about making fishing nets, Chen Xiaobei changed the topic when sending Chen Dayong out, "By the way, I will give Lidong a notice tomorrow morning. A representative from each household will go under the big locust tree, and I will hold a meeting for everyone."

It was getting dark the next day, and at the beginning of winter, they beat the gong and shouted in the village, "A representative from each household hastily come out for a meeting. The mayor has announced something important."

When he heard the shouting, Chen Xiaobei quickly got up, dressed and rinsed his mouth. He didn't even have time to eat, so he hurried to the big locust tree.

When they heard that Chen Xiaobei was going to hold a meeting, the villagers were of course very enthusiastic.

Soon enough people had arrived, and since there were only about 200 households, it was certainly quick to gather them together.

Lidong pulled the heads of the people, counted them once, and made sure that almost all of them were here, then he coughed and said, "Everyone be quiet. Now, please ask Xiaobei Chief to give you a lecture."

Chen Xiaobei waved his hand to everyone, "It's not called a lecture, but there are a few things I want to announce in public."

"The first one is that I went into the mountains two days ago and caught two live wolves, and sent them to the county town to sell them for some money. Anyone who followed me into the mountains that night would get five taels of silver each."

Upon hearing this, everyone had different expressions on their faces. The ones who were most excited were the ones who could get the silver reward.

Of course, the happiest person is Chen Xiaobo. He is worried about where to get the money to buy a donkey. Isn’t this enough?

Most of the other villagers still looked envious. If they had known that they would also join the village protection team and go into the mountains themselves, not only would they have wolf meat to eat, but they would also get money. This small life would be wonderful.

Of course Chen Xiaobei could see the changes in the expressions of most of the villagers, and he went on to say, "Of course, don't feel sorry for those who didn't go into the mountains. Since everyone shares the wolf meat, you also have the money to sell the wolves."

One serving.”

As soon as they heard that they also had a share, the villagers immediately cheered and some even took the lead in cheering.

Chen Xiaobei spread his hands again and signaled everyone to be quiet, "Of course, I said I would have a share, and I didn't mean to share the money with you."

Everyone was stunned for a moment. Look at me, I think you are at a loss. You said you have a share but don’t pay any attention to it. So what should you do?

Chen Xiaobei explained with a smile, "After each person divided five taels, there was still some money left. This is what I thought. I planned to build a school in our Hetou Village and hire a teacher from the city. Not only would he teach

For children to study, in our village, everyone who wants to study can go."

Hearing these words, Chen Sanjin was the first to stand up and said, "Xiaobeili Chang, I won't study anymore. Can you convert my share into silver?"

One sentence made everyone laugh.

Chen Xiaobei also knew that these villagers had no idea about reading. Just when he was thinking about how to persuade these people, his ancestors stood up.

The ancestor walked a few steps forward with a cane and stood next to Chen Xiaobei.

As soon as they saw him coming forward, everyone immediately stopped whispering, and the scene instantly became quiet.

The ancestor stared at Sanjin, who was timid and guilty, so he hurriedly laughed and said, "Ancestor, I was just joking with Xiaobei, just kidding."

Seeing his performance like this, the people burst into laughter again.

The ancestor cleared his throat, paused his crutch and said loudly, "I agree with Xiaobei's suggestion. I still have two jujube trees in my backyard. I will chop them down and send them to the school to make beams."

Chen Xiaobei was in awe when he heard this. Having a tree these days is a big fortune. This ancestor seemed to sincerely support his work.

At this time, the ancestor continued, "Have you ever thought about why our ancestors have been farming in Hetou Village for generations?"

"Why can someone win a high-ranking official position and be able to ride any horse?"

After hearing his words, everyone was silent for a while. Chen Xiaobei understood such a profound truth, but many people present did not understand it.

"I tell you, it's because they have studied and can read."

"If you don't know a few Chinese characters, no matter how stupid the emperor is, he won't be able to let you serve as an official."

After hearing this, everyone couldn't help but burst into laughter. They laughed again and again, with a hint of admiration in their expressions.

Even Chen Xiaobei admired this ancestor very much for being able to express the role of reading in such a simple way.

This chapter has been completed!
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