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Chapter 123 Go to the top of the mountain

"Yeah, now that this thing is on the Chen Xiaobei shelf, we don't have to worry anymore. We'll go there soon," Sun Gui said with a smile.

Sun Jian shook his head, "No hurry, no hurry, let's wait until it gets dark before going there, otherwise if Chen Xiaobei discovers us, it will appear that we are in the wrong."

On the edge of the canyon, after Lidong arrived, the sky had completely darkened. Looking at the darkness all around, Lidong felt a little timid, "Brother Xiaobei, how about we find a place to rest and wait until daybreak."

In fact, Chen Xiaobei thought the same way. If the visibility was not good at night, it would not be worthwhile if he was really bitten by a snake.

He remembered very clearly that there was a small forest not far ahead.

After entering the woods, Chen Xiaobei picked up branches and lit a bonfire. At the beginning of winter, he went out for a walk and soon came back with two pheasants.

While roasting the fragrant pheasant, the two began to chat about the future.

The appearance of Chen Xiaobei gave Lidong hope. He no longer had to worry about how to feed the mouths at home every day. "Brother Xiaobei, since you became the head of the village, our entire Hetou Village has been getting better and better."

, everyone praises you."

Chen Xiaobei laughed and shook his head, "Why are you praising me? I haven't done much except sharing two kilograms of wolf meat with everyone."

Lidong looked at him, his expression was really serious, "Yes, it's nothing else, but you let everyone see hope. We saw that we no longer just rely on digging in the soil, but we can also make money in other ways."

After listening to Lidong's words, Chen Xiaobei sighed with emotion, yes, there are other ways to make money.

But now I don’t have a good opportunity. Fish farming is just a pilot project. Having said that, if so many nets in the whole village go to the river to catch fish, there will soon be fewer and fewer big fish in the river.

So this is just a temporary measure and cannot be relied upon for a long time.

If you can’t fish, what kind of vegetables? Planting vegetables is also subject to seasonal restrictions. You can plant them in summer, but you can’t plant them in winter.

Alas, plastic has not been invented in this era. If there were plastic, we could build several greenhouses in winter.

So Chen Xiaobei had a headache just thinking about how to find a long-term way to lead people to make a fortune.

The two of them were chatting here. At this time, Sun Jian had already led people through the canyon and was touching it up carefully.

After all, it was getting dark, and they urgently needed to find a place to stay.

But they didn't know where Chen Xiaobei was, so they didn't dare light the torch.

As we walked, Sun Qing, who was scouting the road in front, ran back and said, "Brother, there is a forest over there. There is a fire in the forest. It should be Chen Xiaobei and the others."

Sun Jian nodded, "That's great. We have discovered their whereabouts. Now we feel at ease and can continue to move forward to find a place to stay."

Sun Jian led his men around the woods and continued forward, but apparently he did not expect that the vegetation on both sides became shorter and shorter as they went forward, and in the end only some shrubs were left.

Seeing a patch of dogwood in front of him, Sun Jian had no choice but to make do with it.

"Okay, let's make do with it here. Let's spread out and pick up some branches and bring them back." Sun Jian sat down on the stone and never wanted to leave.

Everyone dispersed in all directions, each doing his or her own thing. While they were busy, they suddenly heard someone's voice.

Sun Jian suddenly stood up, "What's going on?"

After a long while, Sun Qing's voice came over, stammering with a trembling voice, "Just now, there was a big snake, thicker than my arm, which scared me to death."

When I heard it was a snake, I couldn't help but scold him, "A snake will scare you to death. You are so cowardly."

Amid everyone's laughter, Sun Qing walked back with a helpless look on his face, holding a few branches, put them on the fire and sat next to them.

Then, he quickly took out a leg of lamb from the bag he brought with him. The leg of lamb had already been roasted and wrapped in oil paper. It could be eaten simply by heating it.

As soon as the lamb leg is roasted, the aroma will spread out as soon as you scratch it.

Smelling the aroma, everyone who was still busy couldn't help laughing and scolding, "Well, you Sun Qing, if you can't work, eating meat is your first priority."

Sun Qing didn't say anything, but cut off a piece smoothly with a knife, forked it and handed it to Sun Jian.

Sun Jian took the mutton and took a bite. He looked around and finally said, "There are fewer and fewer trees and they are getting shorter. We are probably not far from the top of the mountain."

"Sun Qing, after dinner, you take a few people back and keep an eye on Chen Xiaobei. Report any movements they make immediately."

"Brother, do you think Chen Xiaobei also wants to go to the top of the mountain?" Sun Qing couldn't help but say.

Sun Jian tilted his head and thought for a while, "If he also wants to reach the top of the mountain, it means that our opponent has also found him."

"Brother, not necessarily, maybe he came by himself." Sun Qing looked confused.

Sun Jian pointed to the distance, "There are rocks all around. What is he doing here? Let's take a look tomorrow. If he runs to the top of the mountain, it means my guess is correct."

"Brother, if that's the case, I think we can just forget about him. No one in this wilderness knows about him."

Sun Jian shook his head, "Don't be in a hurry, it's just a small step to the top of the mountain. We haven't fully understood the whole picture of Qingniu Mountain yet, so there is still use in keeping him."

"But when dealing with him in the future, we have to be more careful and not be deceived by him."

The next day, when the sky was dim and bright, Chen Xiaobei and Lidong set out.

Looking at the hazy top of the mountain in the distance, Chen Xiaobei suddenly became interested. He still felt a little regretful that he didn't go to the top of the mountain with Da Laohei last time. Wouldn't it be possible to realize his dream this time?

"Brother Lidong, it's still early, why don't we go to the top of the mountain and take a look and see what Qingniu Mountain looks like?"

Lidong raised his head and looked at the main peak of Qingniu Mountain in the distance, and couldn't help but grin, "Okay, after living half a life, it's easy to get the chance to reach the top of the mountain, why not go."

The two of them chatted and laughed and headed towards the top of the mountain. Sun Jian could see clearly behind them.

Confirming his guess, he couldn't help but sigh, "Chen Xiaobei, Chen Xiaobei, you are a mountain man, why are you getting involved in these things? Just cultivate your fields and catch your fish, isn't it good?


Chen Xiaobei and Lidong didn't know this. They talked and laughed and walked leisurely to the top of the mountain.

The higher you go up, the steeper the mountain becomes, but it is still possible for two people who don't carry much weight, although it is a bit strenuous.

The main peak of Qingniu Mountain is very strange.

It's very abrupt and very small. It gives the impression that Qingniu Mountain is like a big disc, and the main peak is as abrupt as a half chopstick, suddenly coming out in the middle of the disc.

After climbing for three or four miles, we reached the top of Qingniu Mountain.

The top of the mountain is not big, only a few dozen feet in diameter.

Standing on the top of the mountain and looking back at the way we came, the canyon more than ten feet wide looks like noodles.

This chapter has been completed!
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