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Chapter 125 That's Batu

Because the distance was too close, all ten arrows hit the wolf.

However, none of them seemed to have hit the vital point. After being hit by the arrows, the three wolves suddenly went crazy, opened their bloody mouths, and rushed toward Lidong.

Seeing this scene, Lidong did not hesitate and opened fire immediately.

The three wolves opened their mouths wide, exposing their fatal weakness. Almost all ten arrows from Lidong hit the wolves' mouths.

The mouth and throat are the most vulnerable parts of the wolf, and some arrows came out directly from the back of the neck.

The momentum of the three wolves' charge came to an abrupt halt.

The wolf lay on the ground, rolling and struggling. After a while, it gradually stopped moving.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xiaobei sighed with emotion. People died for money and birds ate for food. The same goes for wolves. In order to survive, they had to intercept them halfway. He and Lidong.

Of course, he had to kill these three wolves in order to survive.

Lidong stepped forward and kicked the three wolves with his feet, shaking his head with a trace of regret in his eyes.

"Oh, it's a pity. This wolf can eat several more meals if you take it with you."

Yes, a wolf weighs nearly a hundred pounds, so there is a lot of meat to divide.

"Well, brother Lidong, how about each of us carry one on our backs."

Facing Chen Xiaobei's suggestion, Lidong looked at him in surprise, "We still have thirty or forty miles to go down the mountain. Can you carry this thing on your back?"

Chen Xiaobei nodded, "It can be done, trust me."

Lidong thought for a while, untied the rope around his waist, tied the two wolves' heads together, and then wrapped the rope around his waist.

The wolf's head was almost touching his thigh.

In this way, the wolf is half dragged on the ground and half lifted.

"This way I'll drag two, you drag one, and we'll take all three with us."

Chen Xiaobei had to admire that Lidong was more ruthless than himself.

Of course, this also shows that the people in Hetou Village are really afraid of poverty and do not want to waste any resources.

Chen Xiaobei also took off the rope from his waist, tied one end to the wolf, and the other to his own waist.

Although this may seem a bit strange, it is still much easier than carrying it on your back.

In this way, the two of them dragged the wolf and carried the snake and began to go down the mountain with difficulty.

With the sudden addition of nearly 300 kilograms of burden, the two of them were obviously much slower. They originally planned to go down the mountain before dark, but after just two walks, they arrived at the second watch.

When he returned home, Cui Hongyu was dumbfounded when he saw these four big snakes and three dead wolves.

"How did you, how did you bring these back?"

After listening to Chen Xiaobei's story, Cui Hongyu had tears in her eyes. Of course she knew why Chen Xiaobei brought the wolf back?

Chen Xiaobei asked Lidong to call the village protection team, get the three wolves under the big locust tree, and slaughter them quickly, otherwise they would stink tomorrow.

Of course, Chen Xiaobei also had selfish motives this time. He asked Lidong to distribute the wolves to the village protection team members. As for the villagers, he would wait until next time.

Fortunately, the villagers didn't have much objection to this. After all, Chen Xiaobei brought the wolf back, and whether he gave it to him or not was up to him.

After everything was settled, Chen Xiaobei looked excited and took out the ginseng in his arms to show Cui Hongyu.

"Kuyu, look what this is."

Cui Hongyu took the ginseng and looked at it several times under the oil lamp, with excitement and surprise on her face.

"This tree is not only a hundred years old, but this one is hundreds of years old. By the way, those snakes are guarding this ginseng."

Chen Xiaobei nodded.

Cui Hongyu stood up immediately, "No, you have to release these snakes quickly. They are the snake kings. If you catch the snake kings, countless snakes will come to our village."

After hearing this, Chen Xiaobei wanted to laugh but couldn't. In this era, the understanding of natural phenomena is still very limited.

He and Lidong carried these four snakes and walked fifty or sixty miles in the mountains, and even climbed over a canyon. Even if his sons and grandsons were looking for them, how could they find them?

"Don't worry, it's okay. I will take these four snakes to the county tomorrow and see if I can sell them for a good price."

Seeing that the persuasion was ineffective, Cui Hongyu had no choice but to shut up.

Early the next morning, Chen Xiaobei and Lidong set out.

Originally Lidong didn't want to go and wanted Chen Xiaobei to sell the ginseng by himself, but Chen Xiaobei refused and insisted on letting Lidong follow.

Chen Xiaobei has his own plans. Many things in the future need to be shared by Lidong and other villagers. He can't rely on himself for everything. Then he, the head of the village, will be exhausted.

Just as they were heading to the county seat, Yang Zhi and Yang Bo also made new discoveries.

The two of them got up early and rushed to the crossroads of Xiaojia Town. They squatted by the roadside and stared at the pedestrians coming and going. From what they learned about the situation from the innkeeper, they roughly figured it out.

There are two official roads running north-south and east-west. They intersect here, so the town is very prosperous.

So you might be able to find something if you stay here.

With little effort, Yang Bo noticed the situation. He tugged Yang Zhi's arm, "Second brother, don't you think that is Batu?"

Looking in the direction of Yang Bo's finger, right? A carriage came from a distance.

The person sitting on the carriage was none other than Batu. He leaned his head on a large wooden box, half-squinting his eyes, and the carriage moved forward slowly.

"Ba..." As soon as Yang Bo shouted a word, Yang Zhi covered his mouth and dragged him back a few steps and hid in a corner.

"Brother Zhi, that's Batu!" Yang Bo was a little anxious.

"I know it's Batu. Follow him and see where he's going." Yang Zhi said in a low voice.

"But..." Yang Bo wanted to say something else, but was interrupted bluntly by Yang Zhi.

"But what, at least half of the brothers rushed out, why is Batu alone?"

After hearing what Yang Zhi said, Yang Bo fell silent.

The two watched Batu walk more than ten feet away, and then quietly followed him.

Batu drove the carriage and walked south for about five or six miles in a leisurely manner, stopping at an inconspicuous house on the side of the road.

He jumped out of the carriage and came to the courtyard gate, raised his hand and pressed it lightly a few times.

Soon, there was a creaking sound. The courtyard door opened, and it was a young woman who opened the door.

Batu clasped his fists respectfully, "Miss Xiaocui, long time no see."

The woman named Xiaocui smiled, her eyes full of amorous feelings.

"Leader Batu, you are here. The financial owner is inside, please invite me."

Batu nodded and handed the reins to Xiao Cui'er.

Then he shook out his robe and walked inside.

There were only three main rooms in the yard. Batu came to the door of the middle room, stretched out his hand and knocked on the door twice.

"Is this Batu Gang Leader? Come in." A deep voice came from the room.

Batu then gently pushed the door open. The light in the room was a little dark. After getting used to it for a while, he saw that there was a table directly in front of him and two chairs beside the table.

This chapter has been completed!
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