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Chapter 129 Batu takes risks

At this time, Yang Zhi finally figured it out. He recalled what Liu Rumei said when he was at Liu's house. Isn't it possible that there is something wrong within the Suzaku Gang?

If you let them go so easily, maybe the mole is hiding among them.

But who could it be? A thought suddenly flashed through Yang Zhi's mind, and that was Batu. According to everyone, Batu rushed to the front with Latour, the third child, but the third child died, and Batu

But he is still alive, and the most important thing is that Batu has become the leader of the gang.

But these were just his guesses, and there was no basis for them yet, so Yang Zhi buried them in his heart and remained silent.

"Brother, I will ask the brothers to evacuate first. It is not good for so many people to be in other people's villages."

Raldo nodded, "Okay, you let them go back and settle down. I have to leave here too. I can't disturb Brother Xiaobei all the time."

Yang Zhi came out and called everyone together and asked them to go back first.

Hu Laoqi was indeed the first to stand up, "Second Master, just let me stay. I will take care of the gang leader."

The rest of the people also expressed their opinions one after another. Even Batu was very active and said that he wanted to stay.

Yang Zhi waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

"Okay, okay, brothers, listen to me. I have discussed it with the gang leader. You go back to the inn to clean up. Tomorrow, the gang leader will be taken over to live with us."

Hearing this, everyone cheered.

Batu even took the opportunity to stand up and said, "In that case, let's go back and clean up quickly to welcome the return of the gang leader."

Seeing the members of the Suzaku Gang dispersing chatting and laughing, Lidong finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He hurriedly came to report to Chen Xiaobei. At this time, Xiaobei was leading people to dig holes at home.

The water tank will arrive early tomorrow morning, and the hole must be dug today no matter what.

After listening to Lidong's report, Chen Xiaobei was also very happy. After all, people's hearts were at odds with each other, and he was not that familiar with the Suzaku Gang.

Saving Yang Zhi and Laldo was only out of morality and had nothing to do with personal feelings.

While they were talking, Yang Zhi also came to the door, "Brother Xiaobei, brother Lidong, I want to take my eldest brother away tomorrow. There has been a lot of trouble these days."

Chen Xiaobei held back a few words, but Yang Zhi's attitude was very firm, "Brother, thank you for your kindness, but the gang leader is not with his brothers, which is a bit unreasonable. I asked them to go back and clean up, and I will pick up the gang leader early tomorrow morning


At this time, Batu and everyone had left Hetou Village and walked to the official road.

Sitting on the carriage, Batu's mind began to race rapidly. When Raldo and Yang Zhi returned, he would completely lose his right to speak, and the plan to besiege Liu Rumei would not be implemented, so he had to do it as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, he stopped the carriage and said to everyone, "Brothers, the gang leader will be back soon. Do we have to prepare a meeting gift for him?"


"Yes." Everyone responded in a hurry.

"Brothers, let's go to the county seat and kill Liu Rumei. What do you think?"

Batu's proposal received unanimous response from everyone, "Let's go to the county seat, go to the county seat."

At this time, Yang Bo suddenly said loudly, "Don't be anxious, everyone, you should wait until you ask the gang leader for instructions before making a decision."

Batu stared, pointed at Yang Bo and yelled, "You are just a coward."

"Brothers, tie Yang Bo up for me and throw him into the woods over there, and let him go when we come back from the county seat."

The main purpose of Batu's doing this was to prevent Yang Bo from informing.

Hu Laoqi and others swarmed up and tied Yang Bo tightly. Then they threw him into the woods nearby and everyone walked away.

As night fell, Chen Xiaobei asked Cui Hongyu to make some more rice, and he served some to Yang Zhi and Lardo.

Seeing Chen Xiaobei bringing food, Yang Zhi seemed a little embarrassed.

"I feel sorry for always bothering you like this."

Chen Xiaobei smiled calmly, "It doesn't matter. I also need to eat, so I made some more."

While talking.

Suddenly there was a howl in the distance.

Chen Xiaobei was shocked when he heard this, and Yang Zhi immediately blurted out, "It's a wolf howling."

When Chen Xiaobei heard what Yang Zhi said, his heart trembled because the voice sounded so close.

But after listening to it twice more, Chen Xiaobei felt a little strange. The wolf howled sounded weak.

At this moment, the sound of gongs was heard in the village, and some village guards were shouting loudly.

The content of the shouting was divided into two parts. One was to ask the villagers to close the doors and windows at home and not go out. The other was to call for the village protection team to assemble quickly.

Soon, Lidong and a dozen village protection team members gathered under the big locust tree.

Seeing that Chen Xiaobei was there, Lidong breathed a sigh of relief, "I went to call you just now. Sister Hongyu said you were here."

Chen Xiaobei nodded, "Everyone must have heard the wolf howl just now."

The village protection team members nodded in unison, "Chief, tell me, what should we do?"

Chen Xiaobei thought what else he could do, go to my house to get a serial crossbow, this thing is the best.

While he was talking, there were two more howls. Yang Zhi listened and smiled, "Brother Xiaobei, there is no need to engage in such a big battle. Judging from the sound, they should be two little wolves."

Little wolf?

"Yes, it's a little wolf, listen." Sure enough, the wolf's howl was short and not as loud as those heard on the mountain.

"It's strange, why did the little wolf run down the mountain?" Chen Xiaobei didn't understand for a while, but Lidong next to him suddenly came back to his senses, "The wolves we caught yesterday can't be his parents."

One word awakens the dreamer.

Chen Xiaobei and Yang Zhi looked at each other, and Yang Zhi nodded, "Just go and have a look and you will know."

Although Yang Zhi said it was a little wolf, Chen Xiaobei was still very cautious. He went home and took two serial crossbows, handed one to Lidong, and took the other one himself.

The group of people marched out of the village holding torches.

In the woods to the west of the village.

As soon as he entered the woods, Chen Xiaobei saw two pairs of small green eyes in the distance.

Seeing them coming, these two pairs of little eyes stepped back a few feet.

Chen Xiaobei also saw this movement clearly. As Yang Zhi said, they were two wolf cubs, not even as big as a newborn lamb.

Seeing these two little wolves, Yang Zhi sighed, "You must have left a scent along the way, so these two little wolves were able to find and chase you."

Chen Xiaobei thought to himself, that's right. He and Lidong dragged the wolf all the way down the mountain, so it would naturally leave a scent behind.

"Brother Yang, do you think this little wolf can starve to death?" Chen Xiaobei suddenly felt compassion. Wolves are also alive.

"It's definitely not okay for such a young wolf to prey on rabbits and pheasants. If it could feed itself, it wouldn't go down the mountain to look for its parents."

If you can't even catch pheasants and rabbits, you can't hurt anyone.

This chapter has been completed!
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