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Chapter 147 Prepare to burn lime

Exercising at the beginning of winter is just one aspect. Now Chen Xiaobei has a more difficult problem.

Two hundred kilograms of vegetables can meet Lao Wu's needs, and another two hundred kilograms can meet the needs of these restaurants in the county.

But there are more than a dozen families in the village growing vegetables. Even if each family only receives 50 kilograms, that is far more than the county's daily demand. If the vegetables cannot be sold within a few days, the vegetables will become old.

This will undoubtedly greatly dampen people's enthusiasm for growing vegetables, and will also make them distrust themselves.

On the way back to Hetou Village, Chen Xiaobei thought hard about how to expand sales.

After thinking about it, he suddenly slapped his head.

I am really stupid.

Go to Xiaojia Town. Both sides of Xiaojia Town are full of restaurants and inns. The demand there must be huge.

I will go to Xiaojia Town tomorrow to get a feel for the situation, so the important task of delivering food to the county town must be left to Lidong.

When he returned to Hetou Village, Chen Xiaobei immediately found a piece of paper, wrote down the number of dishes ordered by each restaurant today, and handed it to Lidong.

Lidong held this note as if he were holding a hot potato, hesitating and speechless.

Chen Xiaobei also understood his timidity. He smiled and said, "If you are really scared, just ask Xiaowen to go with you."

Hearing this, Lidong grinned. At least he had a companion, and he felt less afraid.

After lunch, Chen Xiaobei took a break from his busy schedule and went to the fish pond to look at the fish food he had made.

When the lid was opened, Cui Hongyu and Chen Qiaoer subconsciously took a step back.

The reaction of the two people was expected by Chen Xiaobei, but frankly speaking, the chicken manure was almost fermented after being mixed with leaves, and it didn't smell as bad as expected.

There's just a faint weird smell.

Chen Xiaobei took a shovel, shoveled the chicken manure, put it on a stone, and then gently smashed it into fine powder with the shovel.

Then he took the shovel again and spread it on the water. Soon ripples appeared on the water.

There were fish swimming over and grabbing the chicken droppings.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xiaobei breathed a long sigh of relief, and his fish food was successfully made.

Cui Hongyu also looked surprised. Perhaps this method was far beyond her knowledge.

In this era, when people eat fish, they always go to the river to catch it, and there is no way to artificially breed it, so it is completely normal that she does not know how to feed it.

Chen Qiaoer jumped up and down happily, "Fish, fish, eat quickly, eat and drink enough, grow fast."

Don't tell me, this Qiao'er is really smart and can sing such a jingle.

The three of them were feeding happily here, and Lidong came over there again.

"Brother Xiaobei, the school building is ready. Come and take a look."

Yes, the school has been under construction for a while, but Chen Xiaobei never went there. He didn't expect it to be completed so soon.

As soon as they heard that the school was built, Cui Hongyu and Chen Qiaoer also became interested and went with Chen Xiaobei to see what was new. After all, Chen Qiaoer was going to school soon.

The location of the school was chosen about fifty meters further north from the big locust tree.

This can be considered a relatively central location in the village. After all, there are children going to school, so it is safer in the village.

The school is spacious and bright, with three square main rooms, each of which can accommodate more than a dozen tables.

Yes, Chen Xiaobei is quite satisfied. Although the doors and windows have not been installed yet, he can already imagine what it will be like in the future.

Just walking around in a circle, he always felt that there was something missing.

Suddenly he figured it out.

Oops, blackboard, there is no blackboard for teachers to teach at this time.

How can this be done? Just make it more modern.

But if you want to make a blackboard, you have to solve two problems. It's easy to dye the blackboard with ink, but you have to have chalk. Chalk is obviously hard to find in this era.

But the chalk is hard to find, but the other kind is easier to find.

That's lime.

There are plenty of stones in Qingniu Mountain, so it is not difficult to burn some lime.

As long as he has lime, he is sure to make him chalk that can write.

When Chen Xiaobei returned home, he immediately got busy.

I called Chen Dayong and several other village protection team members to find a long and narrow pit in the woods to the west of the village.

The pit is about one person deep, one foot wide, and four to five feet long, which is just enough to make a small lime kiln.

Chen Xiaobei explained to Chen Dayong while gesturing, first cut a layer of wood and lay it on the ground, then put a layer of stones on top, then put wood, then put stones, and finally pile a pile of thick branches.

Then, just sprinkle some tung oil, ignite the branches, and let them burn continuously.

When he was a child, he had seen that the traditional way of burning lime would take several days. Of course, coal was used to burn it at that time, but that doesn't exist these days, so he could only use tree branches.

Although the yield rate of the lime burned in this way is low, if it is used to make chalk, a few percent yield rate will be enough for a period of time.

Everyone was working in full swing, and they could hear bursts of noise in the village.

Some people exclaimed, some shouted.

Even the dogs in the village started barking.

Chen Xiaobei didn't know what happened, so he quickly got up and ran to the village.

As he was running forward, Chen Xiaowen rushed over, "Brother Xiaobei, go and have a look. They, they, are back from the tiger hunt."

Tiger hunting is back?

So fast? This was a bit beyond Chen Xiaobei’s expectation.

Following Chen Xiaowen and running to the big locust tree, the scene in front of him still shocked him a little.

Three tigers.

Two of them were covered in blood and seemed to be breathing weakly. They were probably the two that he and Lidong had injured.

The one next to it was smaller, as if it was asleep. It was just breathing heavily, but it was motionless.

Oh my god, Yang Zhi and the others actually captured three live tigers.

Seeing Chen Xiaobei coming, Yang Zhi seemed very excited. He pointed at the three living tigers and said, "Brother Xiaobei has brought you some living animals. You can keep them well."

Chen Xiaobei said to himself, no matter how awesome I am, I can’t keep this thing as a pet.

"Brother Yang Zhi, you are joking. I don't dare to raise this thing. By the way, tell me quickly how you caught these three tigers."

Yang Zhi laughed and patted Chen Xiaobei on the shoulder, "When we followed the blood stains and found them, these two guys had no strength anymore and there was too much blood, so there was no need for us to do anything.


"Of course, this little tiger is much easier to deal with. Once you sprinkle the drug on it, you will be hooked quickly. I will bring you the whole family of three."

Chen Xiaobei's mood was very complicated. The tiger hurt people and had to get rid of them. But to be fair, it was not easy for the tigers and them. A family of three should be enjoying themselves.

Chen Xiaobei felt compassion and hurriedly went to Cui Hongyu and asked her to treat the two injured tigers.

This chapter has been completed!
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