Turn off the lights
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Chapter 155 The first in this life

Several craftsmen first wrapped the iron chain around the hill, and then used a dozen one-foot-long iron nails to fix the iron chain on the stone.

This is the first step. Just in case, we need to use three more iron chains to pull this thick iron chain and fix it in different directions.

Each chain requires more than a dozen iron nails.

All of this is to ensure that the chain bridge is foolproof.

I have to say that the attitude of these craftsmen at work was a bit beyond Chen Xiaobei's expectation. His idea was that the iron chain would be circled around the hill and fixed, but he did not expect that they would do it.

Perform secondary reinforcement.

There are ready-made rivets in the link between every two iron chains. They have to check it again and again to confirm that it is correct, and they will use chopstick-thick iron wire to tie the connection part ten or twenty times, just in case there is a rivet.

The problem is, these iron wires are enough to ensure that the iron chain will not break immediately.

In order to prevent rust, these craftsmen also applied tung oil on the iron chain.

Seeing the meticulous movements of these craftsmen, Chen Xiaobei sighed inwardly, professionalism.

Absolute professionalism. In my previous life, these people must have been engineers.

At the same time, Chen Xiaobei also secretly expressed his gratitude that they were here.

I couldn't have imagined these details, really.

What if there were some flaws and something went wrong within a few days of the cable bridge being built? Wouldn't that make people laugh? The joke is still light. If it breaks or cracks and people fall off, wouldn't it be a disaster?

There are many processes, so the speed is naturally slow. When it gets dark, an iron chain has just reached the middle of the canyon.

Putting aside the time it takes to set up ropes in the morning, at this speed, it’s not bad to be able to pull one rope in a day, not to mention the subsequent work of laying planks and so on.

Based on this calculation, it would take more than ten days to build such a chain bridge.

With this time point, Chen Xiaobei felt confident.

What made him a little surprised was that at noon the next day, everyone was taking a break for lunch, and Lidong brought people up. According to the time, they should have entered the mountain in the middle of the night yesterday.

"Brother Lidong, you are a bit brave. What if you encounter a wild beast while walking at night?"

Lidong chuckled, "Brother, I've figured it out. We will go up the mountain in the middle of the night. At dawn, we will go to the cliff and steep slope. After lunch, you will go back. Before dark, you will climb up the slope. Then go further.

You will be safe even if you come down from the mountain temple."

Chen Xiaobei was secretly surprised. He didn't expect Lidong to have such thoughts on this time arrangement, but think about it. With this arrangement, the night road will be in the area just entering the mountain, which is relatively safe. It will also be relatively safe in the deep mountains during the day.

Safe and improved efficiency.

Yes, that's a good idea.

After lunch, Chen Xiaobei said goodbye to Lidong and Chen Dachun one by one. Especially to Chen Dachun, Chen Xiaobei specially warned him a few more words, "Brother Dachun, when I go down the mountain, you must listen to brother Lidong. You are a man."

Don’t break your promise.”

Chen Dachun patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, brother, I will do what I say and I promise to listen to Brother Lidong."

Chen Dachun was Chen Xiaobei's pet peeve, so he took Lidong aside again and gave him a few words of advice.

"Brother Lidong, just in case, when you get to the edge of the canyon, you have to send Dachun to the other side."

Lidong couldn't help but laugh. This was a good idea. He couldn't do it even if he went to the other side.

After bidding farewell to the beginning of winter, Chen Xiaobei led everyone back.

This time he brought Chen Dayong back with him, so that if something happened to him and he couldn't go into the mountains, Chen Dayong could lead the team.

Moreover, there is no need for large numbers of people to enter the mountains in the future. The only materials left to be transported are wooden boards, and the rest are basically all gone.

Therefore, it is even more necessary to cultivate a few backbones as soon as possible.

As we were walking, Chen Dayong suddenly shouted again, "Look, that light has appeared again."

Looking in the direction of Chen Dayong's finger, right? Another rainbow appeared on the hill in the distance.

Seeing rainbows twice in succession, Chen Xiaobei's curiosity was piqued. He must see it next time he goes into the mountains to see what is going on there.

It was already midnight when they returned to the foot of the mountain, but what surprised Chen Xiaobei was that through the crack in the door, they could clearly see that the lights at home were still on.

Chen Xiaobei lightly knocked on the courtyard door, and Cui Hongyu rushed out immediately. Hearing Chen Xiaobei's movement, he took three steps at a time and rushed to open the door.

As soon as the courtyard door opened, Chen Xiaobei couldn't wait to squeeze in.

"Husband, you are back!" Cui Hongyu's words were choked with emotion. He was extremely excited.

Perhaps it was the words "net net empty" that made Cui Hongyu worried. When she saw Chen Xiaobei, her body began to tremble slightly.

Chen Xiaobei was even more excited and stretched out his hand to take Cui Hongyu into his arms.

The two of them were so close together that they could even hear each other's heartbeat.

With the faint light in the room, Chen Xiaobei could see that there were faint tears in Cui Hongyu's eyes.

The two looked at each other for a few seconds, and Chen Xiaobei suddenly kissed them.

This time Cui Hongyu did not dodge or refuse, and boldly catered to Chen Xiaobei's demands.

Obviously, just kissing could not extinguish the raging fire in Chen Xiaobei's heart.

He picked up Cui Hongyu across his waist and strode into the house.

Cui Hongyu obviously understood what was going to happen next. She hugged his neck shyly and whispered, "No, Qiaoer just fell asleep."

How could Chen Xiaobei care so much? He put out the dim oil lamp as soon as he entered the room.

Although it was pitch dark, Chen Xiaobei still untied Cui Hongyu's clothes accurately.

Just when he reached for his bellyband, he was stopped by Cui Hongyu.

"Husband, if I take off my clothes again, will I be able to pass the trial?"

The new bed that Carpenter Zhang had just built seemed to be unable to withstand the intense Tai Chi, and there was a squeaking and joyful song.

There was silence outside, and the four puppies were lying there and stopped barking sensibly.

Even the two little wolves just stared at the room with wide eyes curiously.

The stars in the sky covered their eyes in shame, and the moon also hid behind the dark clouds.

Gathering the aura of heaven and earth, the essence of the sun and the moon, Chen Xiaobei finally got his first shot in life. (Praying secretly, he must pass the trial.)

The next day, Chen Xiaobei was shaken awake while he was still in a daze. When he opened his eyes, he saw Chen Qiaoer standing in front of his bed, with an excited look on his face.

"Brother, brother, you are back." Chen Xiaobei realized that it was already dark outside and he had slept for so long.

"Qiaoer, where is your sister-in-law?" Chen Xiaobei asked subconsciously.

Chen Qiaoer pointed outside, "Sister-in-law is cooking. She said you were too tired and wouldn't let me call you. But, yes, Qiaoer misses her brother."

This chapter has been completed!
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