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Chapter 266: Put Chen Ermao in the Dungeon

The more he thought about it, the more terrifying it became. Suddenly a cold sweat broke out on Chen Xiaobei's back. If it was really a flash flood, he would have long ago...

Thank God. The past few months since my arrival have been uneventful.

Chen Xiaobei quickly turned around and walked back.

According to what a few people just said, it rains very heavily on Qingniu Mountain, and the flood has to find an outlet, so this is just in case.

He has seen the power of floods before.

A flash flood at the end of autumn is no joke.

Chen Xiaobei turned around and ran towards his ancestor's home.

Seeing him coming, the ancestor seemed quite surprised and greeted him warmly to sit down.

"Xiaobei, why do you have time to come to this bad old man like me?"

"Ancestor, I want to ask you, have there ever been flash floods on Qingniu Mountain back there?"

After hearing Chen Xiaobei's words, the ancestor was stunned for a moment.

He raised his head and looked at the sky, then nodded slightly.

"It rained a lot last night, but Qingniu Mountain hasn't had a flood in at least fifty years."

Fifty years, in this era, many people will not live to be fifty years old.

"Ancestor, I met someone coming down the mountain this morning and said the mountain was very steep. I was worried..."

After listening to Chen Xiaobei's words, the ancestor nodded slightly.

"Yes, if it rains heavily in the mountains, there is a possibility of flash floods."

Thinking of this, he suddenly frowned, "You live outside, so be careful."

"Ancestor, I want to simply repair it down the mountain. A smaller flood might be able to stop it."

The ancestor frowned and thought for a while, then couldn't help but smile.

"You, it's better not to think about it. The flood coming down from the mountain is like thousands of horses galloping. How can you stop it?"

Chen Xiaobei did not say a word, but stood up and left.

Our ancestors are right, there are only two reasons why we can stop the galloping horses. One is that we are coming down from the mountain too fast, and the other is that the exit is too small.

Fortunately, the section at the foot of Qingniu Mountain is relatively gentle.

Therefore, the water flow will not be too fast. That can only be another possibility. The exit is too small. Think about it, the mountain pass is indeed a bit small, and it would be strange if a large flood comes over in a hurry.

But now that the water flow has begun to rise, what should I do if I am improvising?

Chen Xiaobei returned to the foot of Qingniu Mountain again. The water was already up to his knees, and the flow of water to the fish pond was obviously stronger.

This is a dangerous sign.

Just after crossing the current, we walked up for a while.

I used to go up the mountain every day and didn't care about this situation, but today I can see that more than a mile up the mountain, the drainage channel is indeed very narrow. It is not difficult to understand why our ancestors said that.

The only remedy he can do now is to go home quickly and take Cui Hongyu away from his old house temporarily.

At the same time, I pray that my worries are just unfounded and the flood will not be too big.

Just when Chen Xiaobei and Cui Hongyu hurriedly moved to their new home, Liu Rumei looked serious.

According to the reports of the following people, they killed the last few people at the longan location provided by Sima Wushuang.

They thought they had cleared the way for the prince to enter the mountain, but when they were about to go down the mountain, they found that more than a dozen unidentified people had gone up the mountain.

Although these people look like ordinary people dressed up, it is obvious that they cannot be ordinary people.

But it is obvious that these people are not from the Imperial Preceptor. If they were from the Imperial Preceptor, Sima Wushuang would definitely tell them.

If someone is not a national teacher, then who can he be?

Liu Ce raised his eyebrows and asked, "Is the lady on the princess side?"

Liu Rumei nodded slightly, "If that's the case, then he came here for the prince."

Liu Ce waved his fist angrily, "It's just the right time to avenge old and new grudges, and let him die in Qingniu Mountain."

However, Liu Rumei waved her hand, "Don't worry, let's wait until the prince comes. If both sides fight, one will be injured, and the one who will be more effective will be the national master."

"But, they treated the Second Young Master..."

Liu Ce said, his eyes already red.

Liu Rumei nodded gently, "I don't think so, but we have to put the overall situation first."

"Okay, go get ready and follow me to the county seat to meet His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

Just as Liu Rumei rushed to the county seat, the secret report about Chen Ermao also returned to the capital.

After reading the secret report about Chen Ermao, Imperial Advisor Liu Xiangnan couldn't help but slap the table.

"This Chen Ermao is so audacious. He secretly came here to tell the truth while he was returning home to observe his mourning."

Liu Kai, the steward next to him, bowed and said, "Master Marquis, do you want to send him back quietly?"

But Liu Xiangnan shook his head, "If you send him back, you have to send someone to watch him run out. It's going to be troublesome again. Why don't we just throw him into the dungeon and wait until this matter is over?"

Liu Kai immediately bowed and agreed, turned around and came to the backyard.

Chen Ermao in the backyard is sleeping soundly. He has eaten and drank in the past few days, and he is still happy to be in Shu.

Hearing someone knocking on the door, he rubbed his sleepy eyes and sat up.

When he saw it was Liu Kai, the boy was happy, thinking that he was here to give him a reward.

"Butler, you are here, please take a seat quickly."

Liu Kai waved his hand, "I won't sit down anymore, Er Mao, you must have been in our Marquis's house for some time."

Chen Ermao didn't understand what he meant, so he could only follow his words and say, "Yes, yes, I've been here for a few days."

Liu Kai nodded and made a gesture of invitation.

"My Lord Marquis has time today and wants to meet you in person."

Chen Ermao was overjoyed when he heard this, "Really?"

"Then there's still time left, come with me."

Liu Kai glanced at the two people guarding the door, then turned and left.

Chen Ermao didn't know what was going on and followed closely behind him.

Chen Ermao had never seen the world and didn't realize that Liu Kai was leading him around the rockery in the back garden towards a more remote place.

Go all the way to the entrance of the dungeon.

There were two servants standing guard at the door. When they saw Liu Kai coming, they stepped forward to open the cave entrance. A putrid smell filled the air, and Liu Kai couldn't help but slap his nose with his hand.

At this time, Chen Ermao finally realized that something was wrong, but he still smiled carefully and came to Liu Kai, "Butler, what do you mean by bringing me here?"

Liu Kai's expression changed and his face turned cold.

"The imperial court asked you to go home and observe mourning for three years, but you came to the capital privately. Do you know your crime?"

At this time, Chen Ermao realized that something was wrong.

The boy turned around and ran away without saying a word.

But he didn't take two steps before he was stopped by someone. Two people were following him closely.

Although Chen Ermao is a big guy, he doesn't know martial arts. He was knocked to the ground in just three moves and two moves.

The boy lay on the ground and cried uncontrollably, "I have sent you so many important messages, but you treat me like this. The sky has no eyes. The sky has no eyes."

Liu Kai snorted coldly, "Chen Ermao, you still have the nerve to say, who did you give the information to? I'm afraid you don't know yet, do you?"

One sentence made Chen Ermao dumbfounded.

This chapter has been completed!
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