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Chapter 27

Chen Xiaobei held a torch and shouted as he walked.

Not far ahead, he first ran towards the place where he first spotted the pheasant.

Chen Dachun has been to this place.

After shouting several times and getting no response, Chen Xiaobei then thought that he had already picked up all the wild eggs. Even if Chen Dachun came, he would have left long ago.

Thinking of this, he turned around and walked up the mountain again.

Unconsciously, after walking another two or three miles, Chen Xiaobei began to think about it in his mind.

I have observed today that the habitat of pheasants is within three miles of the foot of the mountain, which means that the pheasants do not go to too high a place. If I really want to pick up pheasant eggs, I will shout like this, and he will definitely hear it.

Could it be that spring has gone up the mountain?

But there are no pheasants on the mountain.

Suddenly he slapped his head.

For the past few days, I have been going into the mountains alone, and I have not seen Da Chun enter the mountains.

In the afternoon, I went to the mountain with Cui Hongyu and sent Qiaoer to Dachun's house. In the afternoon, Dachun went to the mountain.

This means that they must have asked something from Qiaoer's mouth.

Chen Xiaobei figured it out instantly.

Qiaoer must have told Dachun about his discovery of ginseng, so Dachun also wanted to go into the mountains to find ginseng.

After understanding this, Chen Xiaobei has a goal.

Although he was not sure whether Dachun would know where to find ginseng in the mountain temple, one thing was certain, Dachun would definitely go deeper into the mountain.

Therefore, if you run towards the mountain temple or even continue upward, you may find Dachun.

While walking in the mountains and forests, Chen Xiaobei would occasionally hear disturbed insects and birds, and the sound they made still made Chen Xiaobei feel a little scared.

But listening carefully, there was no other sound except that tiny movement, which made Chen Xiaobei feel more at ease.

Walk around and shout, shout and go.

Unknowingly, Chen Xiaobei arrived at the Shanshen Temple.

When Chen Xiaobei came to the mountain temple, he walked around but there seemed to be no trace, which surprised him.

When he and Dachun were young, the most they went to was the mountain temple. Would he continue to go up there?

He shouted again at the top of his lungs, and at this moment, he heard a strange noise.

It was a rustling sound.

And it's not far away.

Chen Xiaobei looked around and could only hide in the mountain temple.

After all, the mountain temple is still a house, although a big hole has been exposed in the roof.

But the strange thing is that the movement is just a feeling in the same place and does not come towards him.

Chen Xiaobei became bolder. He shouted twice more in the direction.

Hearing his shout, the movement stopped.

But after a while, the sound started to sound again.

Chen Xiaobei groaned again, and the movement stopped again.

At this time, Chen Ping and others at the bottom of the mountain heard Chen Xiaobei's strange cry, looked at each other, and suddenly stood up.

"What's going on Captain?"

Sanjin tilted his ears and listened, "It doesn't sound like a human voice anymore. I must have encountered something."

While he was talking, Chen Xiaobei howled a few more times.

Now everyone was no longer calm, some turned around and ran down the mountain.

Someone took the lead, and the morale of the army was in chaos.

Seeing everyone running down the mountain in a hurry, Chen Ping shook his head towards the mountain, "Oh, you can't blame me. Brother Xiaobei, please take care of yourself."

At this time, Chen Xiaobei had already left the mountain temple and moved slowly towards the place where the sound was coming from. Now he looked carefully and saw several small trees under the cliff not far ahead.

That's where the noise comes from.

Chen Xiaobei came to the edge of the cliff, stretched out his torch and looked down. The scene in front of him shocked him.

There seemed to be a person lying in the dark place below.

He tried his best to stretch the torch downward again, and he was convinced that the person lying underneath was a person.

I looked around and saw that there were a few protruding rocks that I could get down to.

Without saying a word, Chen Xiaobei inserted the torch into the crack in the stone next to him and jumped down after three strokes.

This man was two feet away from the road above and looked seriously injured.

But when Chen Xiaobei came closer, he suddenly felt a little strange. This person didn't look like Dachun.

Yes, it's not spring.

Perhaps he felt someone approaching, so he raised his head, faced Chen Xiaobei, and uttered two words with difficulty, "Save me."

After saying that, he just lay there and never moved again.

Chen Xiaobei felt a little disappointed. He came to see Dachun, but this person was not Dachun. However, this person seemed to be seriously injured, and he could not ignore it.

It seems that this person fell from the cliff and was injured. At any rate, this person's life was saved by these small trees. Otherwise, he would have died directly if he fell to the bottom of the cliff.

Chen Xiaobei finally decided to save people. After all, saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda.

But how to get this person up? It's two feet high from the top.

Chen Xiaobei took off all his belt, shirt and trousers and tied them into a rope.

But this is not enough.

Having no other choice, he stepped forward and took off the injured man's clothes.

Tie the clothes into a knot and twist them into a rope. Tie a small stone and throw it to the top. Then tie the man from below the shoulders.

The rope is enough.

But back on the cliff, Chen Xiaobei was worried again. It was so bare that there was no place to rely on. Could he pull this man up with his hands? There was no way.

This is how to do?

In desperation, Chen Xiaobei had no choice but to give up this method. Finally, he gritted his teeth and decided to use the stupidest method to go down and carry this man on his back.

Chen Xiaobei went down to the cliff again, helped the man up, tied him to his back and climbed up step by step.

One step at a time, Chen Xiaobei felt that he might fall down every step he took.

But at this moment, his thin body burst out with huge energy.

Thinking about Cui Hongyu still waiting for him to go back, and thinking about Chen Qiaoer's lovely face.

Chen Xiaobei gritted his teeth and held on.

Even though the stone wall cut his arms and legs, he was still not afraid.

After climbing step by step for who knows how long, Chen Xiaobei finally climbed up.

He turned over and finally pushed the man onto the cliff, and he also lay down on the cliff.

His chest heaved violently and he was breathing heavily.

Suddenly the person next to him reached out and grabbed his arm.


Chen Xiaobei sat up slowly and looked at the man carefully by the firelight.

This man is quite thin, but it can be seen that his body is full of muscles.

Having said that, it's a good thing that this man is thin. If he were really fat, he really wouldn't be able to carry it.

Chen Xiaobei sighed slightly, "Brother, please stay here for a while, I have to find someone else."

But the man suddenly pointed downwards, "Below, there are people below."

"I, I, he, he..." After the man finished speaking, he passed out again.

Chen Xiaobei was startled. There was a cliff next to someone below. It was at least seven or eight feet high. If he fell to the bottom, I'm afraid...

Chen Xiaobei picked up the torch that he had been reluctant to light and lit it, then walked cautiously to the bottom of the cliff.

When he got down to a height of more than four feet, he could vaguely see that there was someone else below.

This chapter has been completed!
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