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Chapter 296 Outside is a canyon

What was displayed in front of him was a large area of ​​huge stalactites.

My good boy.

This should be placed in my previous life, with lights of various colors, it would be a proper five-star tourist attraction.

But now it seems there is no other value.

"Look at that, it looks like a stalagmite."

"Look at that one, that one looks like a carrot."

"Look, look, does that look like a chicken?"

"Look, that curved one looks like a snake."

Listening to their busy discussions, Chen Xiaobei was also shocked that various middle stones could actually transform into so many similar shapes in the natural biological world.

It's really a miraculous workmanship, a miraculous workmanship.

But for now, these don't have much practical significance to him.

After allowing everyone to enjoy the wonders of nature, Chen Xiaobei led everyone out of the cave.

Huge signs were specially made on the roadside, and there were more than one sign.

Going up further, the space starts to become smaller and smaller.

The water surface became wider and shallower, and they had to move forward through the water.

After walking another two miles, space seemed to have come to an end.

The space in front can no longer even accommodate a person standing through.

The water is also shallower, and in some places it looks like water seeping out from the cracks in the rocks.

I walked all the way to the end and found nothing.

Everyone couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Chen Xiaobei stopped there and said, "Okay, let's take a rest and eat something. Let's go back."

Everyone was still scattered in twos and threes, each finding a slightly dry place to prepare to eat.

Could it be that we just returned from this expedition and found nothing?

Chen Xiaobei was still a little unwilling.

After eating a few mouthfuls of dry food, Chen Xiaobei raised his head and took a long breath.

Just when he accidentally looked up, Chen Xiaobei saw something flashing on the stone wall opposite.

Chen Xiaobei felt happy and rushed forward with a torch.

The stone wall is only one person tall, so you can see the whole thing clearly.

He was just a little disappointed. There was only one hole in the stone wall, which was about three feet thick.

This person can only walk around lying down inside.

Strange, what was that flashing?

But what surprised him was that the wind in this cave was quite strong.

And you can clearly feel that the air in the cave is moving out.

Chen Xiaobei was overjoyed. Could it be that there is a different world in this cave?

Chen Xiaobei held a torch and slowly got into the cave.

The flames on the torch quickly grew a lot, and were blown out quickly by the wind.

The rest of the team members also saw it, and they all gathered around after Chen Xiaobei discovered it.

When Chen Sanliang saw this scene, he couldn't help shouting in surprise, "It looks like the hole can lead to the outside."

Really? After running so far, if you can find another entrance and exit, it would be considered a discovery.

Chen Xiaobei crawled in for about another ten feet.

There are some gravels in front, but you can see that there is light on the outside of the gravels.

Only then did Chen Xiaobei realize that what he had just seen flickered. It must be that he happened to see a glimmer of light outside at a specific angle, and that was all.

In that case, the exit is outside the rubble.

Chen Xiaobei, excited several times, put his hand on the gravel and tried to push it.


A piece of gravel was pushed down.

There was the sound of stones hitting stones outside.

The gravel is falling.

There is a free world out there.

Chen Xiaobei became excited.

Excited as he was, Chen Xiaobei was very cautious. A sudden bright light could easily blind him, so Chen Xiaobei needed to get used to it for a while.

Chen Xiaobei first leaned against the wall and covered his eyes tightly with his hands.

In order to prevent accidents, Chen Xiaobei turned to Chen Sanliang and others and said, "The sun outside is too strong. You should close your eyes first, like me."

Chen Xiaobei covered his eyes tightly with his hands and stayed there for about a quarter of an hour. Then he took his hands away and tried to adapt to the light outside with his eyes closed.

It took another quarter of an hour before he slowly opened his eyes.

First I tried to look outside. The sunlight outside was a bit dazzling, but I was still able to adapt.

After making sure that there was nothing unusual, Chen Xiaobei crawled forward a few steps. He carefully took down the gravel piece by piece and put it into the hole. He worked hard to clear out a space that could accommodate his body. Then he slowly explored

Get out of your head and see what's going on outside.

You wouldn't know it, but at first glance, Chen Xiaobei's heart couldn't help but beat wildly.

The Grand Canyon, there was actually the Grand Canyon in front of me.

Yes, it was the Grand Canyon where he came down from the top of Qingniu Mountain and walked for three days. Chen Xiaobei still vividly remembered every plant and tree here.

This is the cliff at the end of the Grand Canyon.

They climbed up again from here and returned to the mountain road.

Stretching out again, Chen Xiaobei looked at the cave entrance carefully.

Guaguai, this cave entrance is in the far right corner of the cliff.

Not to mention that the entrance to the cave was covered by gravel at that time.

Even if half of the hole is exposed now, it is difficult to detect.

After all, the cliff is too big, and the cave entrance is too small. Moreover, there are several huge rocks surrounding the cave entrance blocking the view.

When I looked down from here, my line of sight was severely blocked. It is conceivable that if I stood in the canyon and looked up, I would not be able to find the existence of the cave entrance.

Chen Xiaobei retreated into the cave and briefly explained the situation outside.

No one from the escort team he brought this time walked with him through the Grand Canyon.

Therefore, no one has much interest in the outside world. Everyone turns back after taking one look.

Chen Xiaobei was hesitating whether to walk back along the cave or climb up the cliff and take the mountain road back.

Chen Sanniang looked at the canyon outside, drew back and sighed.

"I don't know what the top of this cliff looks like."

Another person looked at him with a smile and said, "Go up and take a look. Maybe you will meet those people who go into the mountains to collect medicine."

This sentence reminded Chen Xiaobei.

If he climbed up this cliff, he would have to pass through a steep slope when going down.

The condition of the steep slope is still unknown. It would be too risky.

Thinking of this, Chen Xiaobei piled the rubble back again, blocking the entrance of the cave almost completely.

In fact, having said that, even if there is no blockage, it is difficult to find.

"Okay, we found an exit. Our adventure has been fruitful. It's time to go back."

For Chen Xiaobei, this discovery was not just as simple as finding the exit, but also confirming the time. It was almost noon outside, which meant that they had been in the cave for a day and a half.

Calculating the time, if they start walking from now on and take less rest, they will be able to leave the cave tomorrow morning and return home before dark.

Just when Chen Xiaobei and the others were happily embarking on their return journey, the leader of the Lotus Husband suffered an old sin.

Keep walking along the river bank, and it becomes more and more rugged and difficult to navigate. Not only are the rocks rugged, but there are also some thorns growing in the cracks between the rocks.

I couldn't walk a few miles in one day, and I walked more than a dozen miles in two days.

This chapter has been completed!
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