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Chapter 3 It's Time to Find a Wife

Hearing this, Chen Xiaobei felt nervous, rushed into the kitchen, took the kitchen knife, and immediately turned around and rushed out.

In my memory, his home was located in the northernmost part of the village. There was a wasteland not far from the village, where Chen Qiaoer usually dug wild vegetables.

Chen Xiaobei shouted several times at the top of his lungs, but there was no response at all.

Oh no, Chen Xiaobei secretly thought it was wrong and turned around and ran to Chen Ermao's home.

When he arrived, the door of Chen Ermao's house was closed and no one was at home.

Chen Xiaobei thought for a moment, then immediately changed direction and ran towards the outside of the village.

He remembered what Chen Ermao and the others had said, that they wanted to sell Qiao'er to Yuan Zhao in the county. If it was really Chen Ermao and the others who had robbed Qiao'er, they would go to the county. There was only one way from Hetou Village to the county, and he

Follow the instructions and you can catch up.

Sure enough, after chasing for two miles, I saw a donkey cart in front of me.

The small donkey cart was crowded with Er Mao, Monkey, Er Leng, and two people from other villages. Among them, Monkey and Er Leng, one grabbed Qiaoer's arm, and the other covered her mouth tightly.

It seems that Chen Ermao and the others are here well prepared. They have been prepared for a long time and are going to snatch it hard.

Chen Xiaobei sighed secretly, fortunately the second aunt next door reminded him in time.

If I wait until I finish my work to find Qiaoer, I'm afraid I really won't be able to catch up.

At this time, several people sitting on the donkey cart also spotted Chen Xiaobei. The monkey shouted loudly, "Brother Ermao, hurry up, hurry up, Chen Xiaobei is catching up."

Chen Ermao looked back and saw Chen Xiaobei chasing after him brandishing a kitchen knife. His heart tightened and he quickly raised his whip and slapped the donkey's butt hard.

The donkey was already thin, and it was pulling four or five people. The road was still bumpy, so how fast could it go? Seeing Chen Xiaobei getting closer and closer, Chen Ermao stamped his feet.

"Quick, go down and stop him."

After saying that, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Chen Qiaoer.

Monkey, Erleng, and two other young men looked at each other and jumped out of the donkey cart helplessly.

The monkey stretched out his hand and pushed Er Leng forward.

"Brother Er Leng, stop him."

Chen Xiaobei waved the kitchen knife in his hand and pointed at them, "I have promised to give Chen two cents and two taels of silver within three days, why should I take Qiao'er away."

The monkey chuckled, "Brother, can't you settle this account? Once you sell Qiao'er, that's five hundred coins, which is enough for you to have a good time and drink..."

Before he could finish speaking, Chen Xiaobei waved his kitchen knife and stepped forward again, "I said I won't sell it, so don't force me."

Looking at the upright Chen Xiaobei in front of him, Er Leng couldn't help but feel a sense of surprise in his heart.

What happened to Chen Xiaobei in front of me? When I heard that Chen Qiaoer could get back five hundred coins, I was so happy that I grinned to the back of my head. I wanted to take action immediately.

But why did you come to rob someone again today?

And the aura today is very different from before.

Especially the look in his eyes. In the past, Chen Xiaobei's eyes were wandering and lifeless, but today's Chen Xiaobei's eyes are firm and fierce.

Seeing that they still refused to get out of the way, Chen Xiaobei became anxious, picked up the kitchen knife and chopped off Er Leng's head and face.

As the saying goes, if you are too stunned, you will be afraid of being stunned, and if you are stunned, you will be afraid of losing your life.

When Er Leng saw this, he yelled, grabbed his head and ran away.

As soon as he ran away, the others also scattered in all directions.

A bunch of cowards.

Chen Xiaobei cursed secretly, strode forward, and chased forward again.

Chen Ermao drove the donkey cart forward not far, and when he saw Chen Xiaobei chasing after him again, he knew that he would not be able to take Chen Qiaoer away today no matter what.

In desperation, he could only throw Chen Qiao'er to the roadside and said loudly, "Brother Xiaobei, I'm just kidding you! Qiao'er, take it back and don't forget my ten copper coins."

Originally, Chen Xiaobei had the intention to catch up with Chen Ermao and teach him a lesson, but after looking at Chen Qiaoer on the ground, Chen Xiaobei held back.

Keep a line in life. He was merciful to Chen Ermao, and he hoped that Chen Ermao would also know some sense of propriety.

Chen Qiaoer, who was thrown to the ground, saw her brother coming and started crying at the top of her lungs. She cried heartbreakingly.

Chen Xiaobei gently picked up Chen Qiaoer, as if he was holding the most precious thing in the world, and did not want to let go for a moment.

While walking, Chen Xiaobei secretly made up his mind.

From now on, we must protect Chen Qiaoer and never let her be frightened in the slightest.

After walking a short distance back, there was a person on the road chasing us in a hurry.

It was the son of the second aunt next door whose name was Chen Dachun.

Dachun and Chen Xiaobei grew up naked together and have a very good relationship.

Running to Chen Xiaobei, Dachun grinned, "Thank God, Qiao'er is fine."

"Brother Dachun, thank you." Chen Xiaobei stepped forward and gently hammered Dachun's shoulder.

Chen Dachun waved his hand, "It's okay, it's okay. Why are you leaving if you are so polite to me? My mother said you would go to my house to have vegetable porridge tonight."

According to Chen Xiaobei's memory, people nowadays actually eat dinner very early, before it gets dark, and then get into bed, which can save lamp fuel.

The second aunt next door had been waiting at the entrance of the village for a long time. When she saw the three people returning safely, the second aunt also had a smile on her face.

"Let's go to my house for dinner."

Chen Xiaobei thought for a while, ran into his home and took three wild eggs. He couldn't go empty-handed.

When she saw him taking out three wild eggs, the second aunt looked surprised.

"Oh, where did you get this? This is very precious."

Chen Xiaobei could only say in an understatement, "I just went into the mountains and cut down a tree branch and touched a few by the way."

The so-called dinner prepared by the second aunt is just some wild vegetables and a little vegetable porridge made of unknown noodles.

There is no oil or salt, just cooking it like this, of course it doesn’t taste very good, but Chen Qiaoer still eats it with gusto.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xiaobei's nose felt a little sour. You can imagine what Chen Qiaoer eats on weekdays.

After eating a bowl of porridge, the second aunt put down the bowl and started chatting, "Xiao Bei, you must have taken a good look at Qiao'er these days. I heard that Zhao Yuanwai in the city spent a lot of money to buy a pair of children.

The boys and girls were buried with his grandson who died in infancy."

Upon hearing the news, Chen Xiaobei broke into a cold sweat.

My dear, luckily I caught up in time. If Qiaoer entered the county, would he still be alive?

"Second Aunt, thank you, otherwise Qiaoer would be in danger." These were Chen Xiaobei's heartfelt words.

The second aunt changed the topic, "Hey, Xiaobei, you are seventeen years old, it's time to find someone who understands the cold and the hot."

Hearing this sentence, Chen Xiaobei couldn't laugh or cry, "Second aunt, look at my house. Let alone the betrothal gift, there is not even a place to sit. How can I marry a wife? I can't let the new daughter-in-law arrive with gold and silver."

Come to my house."

The second aunt laughed and said, "Don't tell me, there is such a good thing. Cui Fugui from Cuijiazhuang, a neighboring village, not only does not require a betrothal gift when marrying his daughter, but he also comes with a dowry."

Upon hearing Cui Fugui, Dachun beside him couldn't help but interrupt and said, "Mother, that Cui Hongyu defeated three men to death, didn't you harm Xiaobei?"

This chapter has been completed!
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