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Chapter 319 Chen Xiaobei and Huang Ying

Huang Ying only glanced inside, stretched out her hand and pushed, and there was a splashing sound. Huang Ying immediately shouted happily, "There is indeed a hole."

While shouting, he untied the rope from his body, found a raised stone, tied the rope, and let it hang down with a slight swing.

Without saying a word, Liu Rumei grabbed the rope and climbed up. When he came here, he saw that it was indeed the entrance of a cave. He couldn't help but secretly sigh, how many secrets does this Chen Xiaobei hide?

When everyone climbed into the cave, Chen Xiaobei turned around again and piled up the stones one by one.

At this time, Ma Xiaoyi and others had already prepared torches and stood there waiting for Chen Xiaobei to lead the way.

Chen Xiaobei came forward and found a sign and said to everyone, "Everyone, follow along and pay attention to signs like this."

Only then did everyone discover that there were signs piled with stones beside them, and all they had to do was follow the direction pointed.

When Huang Ying saw this, she looked surprised. She stepped forward and took Chen Xiaobei's arm and asked, "Brother Xiaobei, did you do all this?"

Chen Xiaobei nodded, "Yes, I made the marks when I came in last time, but I didn't expect to use them today."

Liu Rumei, who was following behind, was secretly surprised when she heard this. How did Chen Xiaobei discover such a small cave entrance?

There was no words to say all the way, and he didn't know how long he had walked. Chen Xiaobei stopped. The exit was not far away. He looked outside and saw that the sun was dazzling. It was daytime. But he couldn't tell the specific time.

Chen Xiaobei wanted to organize people to climb up again, but Liu Rumei held him back.

"Brother Xiaobei, judging from the time, we have been gone for two days and one night, so we should take a rest first."

In fact, Chen Xiaobei was already very tired at this time, but he knew very well that if he stopped to rest now, he would probably have to sleep for at least a day and a night, which would not delay a major event.

Therefore, morale can only be boosted but not vented. We must grit our teeth and hold on and go down the mountain in one breath.

He smiled and shook his head, "It doesn't matter, I can still stand it. Let's have something to eat here and go out quickly."

It just so happened that everyone could take advantage of the time to eat and get used to the light outside, killing two birds with one stone.

After eating something briefly, Huang Ying stepped forward again.

I saw her throwing a rope outside the cave entrance.

After waiting for a while, there was a crackling sound outside, which was the sound of the rope falling on the dead leaves.

Huang Ying shouted again and stood up from the ground.

It was impossible to jump up from a distance of more than three feet. Just when Huang Ying's body showed signs of falling, Huang Ying stretched out her hand to grab the rope, tapped her toes on the rope, and jumped up again, heading towards the entrance of the cave.

And go.

Seeing this wonderful scene, everyone applauded in unison, and even the leader of Lotus couldn't help but smile and nod, saying, "Junior sister has improved a lot in her Qing Gong."

The oriole climbed up to the entrance of the cave and found a big tree to tie the rope again.

Then he waved to the bottom of the cave entrance.

Everyone unanimously recommended Chen Xiaobei to go first. At this time, Chen Xiaobei was obviously struggling, but he was gritting his teeth and holding on.

Huang Ying was obviously aware of this embarrassing situation. She stretched out her hand and pulled the rope, shaking it slightly and struggling.

Chen Xiaobei felt a huge force lifting it up, like a cloud flying through the mist, and it brought him to the entrance of the cave in an instant.

After Chen Xiaobei stood up, his center of gravity was unsteady and he wanted to sit back. He was so frightened that Huang Ying turned pale and quickly reached out to pull him away.

This was good, the pull was on, but the two of them lost their center of gravity at the same time, and fell down into the dead leaves next to them.

Chen Xiaobei and Huang Ying had a face-to-face kiss.

Huang Ying screamed and pushed Chen Xiaobei away.

Fortunately, Chen Xiaobei was the second to climb up, and no one else saw it.

Chen Xiaobei also felt a little embarrassed and hurriedly sat up, his face flushed, "Miss Huang Ying, I, I didn't mean to do it, I really didn't stand firm just now."

Huang Ying rolled her eyes at him in panic, and smoothed the messy hair on her forehead, "You, if you kiss me, will I have a baby?"

This turned out to be a worry.

In the past, Chen Xiaobei would definitely tease Huang Ying, but now Chen Xiaobei was not in any mood. He said solemnly, "Don't worry, it won't happen."

Huang Ying was relieved and hurriedly stood up.

At this moment, the Lotus Master had already stood at the entrance of the cave.

Just now, under the cave, I heard the oriole's cry. I didn't know what was happening above. Tang Lianhua, the leader of the Lotus Cult, was worried about the safety of his junior sister, so he immediately flew up.

But when he saw Huang Ying and Chen Xiaobei with red faces, he seemed to understand why they were coughing. He turned his head and shouted to the people under the cave, "It's okay, it's okay. Come up slowly."

After saying that, he turned around and gave Huang Ying a meaningful smile.

When everyone came up, it was judged by the sun in the sky that it was already past noon.

Everyone had no time to rest and hurried down the mountain.

At this time, Liu Rumei was obviously much more cautious, and asked Liu Ziming and Liu Ziliang to guard along both sides of the canyon, leaving Liu Ce behind.

Ma Xiaoyi was asked to clear the way in front, and all her men were sent out.

Lord Lotus admired Liu Rumei's arrangement.

Following the route drawn by Chen Xiaobei, everyone came to a place full of Houttuynia cordata to regroup.

This place is only a few miles away from Hetou Village. Chen Xiaobei estimated that Zhu Meng's army must be stationed in the village.

So we have to change direction and take another route.

Chen Xiaobei thought of his experience of going up the mountain to pick apples.

Yes, there might be a chance if we just go down the mountain through the deep ditch between the two villages.

Chen Xiaobei led everyone along the mountain path again and ran all the way to the apple forest.

By the time we arrived at the apple forest, it was already dusk.

There were still a lot of apples on the tree that Chen Xiaobei had no time to pick, but now they became their delicious dinner.

While eating the delicious apples, Chen Xiaobei once again told everyone the route to Centipede Ridge.

After listening to what he said, the Lotus Leader was the first to stand up and said, "In that case, I will open the way in front. If I encounter three or five thieves, I will just get rid of them."

She said it lightly, but Chen Xiaobei raised his hand to stop her, "Master Tang, don't be impatient. If you take action, they will definitely know that someone is coming down the mountain, and they will search carefully. If they discover the secret passage,

We really can’t go up the mountain.”

After listening to Chen Xiaobei's words, the Lotus Leader sighed, "That's fine, just let them live a few more days. I'll just explore the path without taking any action."

His words made everyone laugh.

The leader of Lotus Hua leads the way, which is undoubtedly the best. She is thoughtful and bold, and most importantly, she has strong martial arts skills. It is really difficult for her to encounter ordinary situations.

Soon the leader of Lotus Flower came back and brought information, which made everyone feel nervous.

There were people guarding the front, and there was a military camp with bonfires at the end of the deep ditch.

This chapter has been completed!
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