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Chapter 326 Sun Yuliang was captured

When the rest of the imperial guards saw someone attacking the emperor, they all drew their weapons and moved forward.

Liu Ce greeted, Liu Ziming, Liu Ziliang and Xiaoqing each picked up their plates, bowls and the like and rushed towards the nearby soldiers.

Seeing the chaos at the scene, Liu Xiangnan immediately raised his arms and shouted, "Everyone retreat to the corner."

Fang Zheng also called on everyone to hide quickly.

After the brief chaos at the scene, all civil and military officials withdrew, leaving the battlefield to Liu Rumei and the others.

At this time, Huang Ying and Lu Jia were already fighting. Huang Ying was at a disadvantage because she had no weapons. Moreover, due to the chaos of the scene, in order to avoid hurting innocent people, she did not dare to use hidden weapons and could only fight with her hands.

There is no way I can help Sun Lujia.

As for Liu Rumei and the Lotus Master, it was much smoother. Although Sun Yuliang could also punch and kick, he was just a younger brother in front of them.

After several encounters, Sun Yuliang was hit on the shoulder by Liu Rumei. He could not stand steadily, ran forward two steps, and lay down on the imperial desk with a thud.

Then the Lotus Master swung his fist and hit the kid hard on the temple.

Sun Yuliang immediately saw stars in his eyes, his limbs became limp, and he lay here unable to move anymore.

At this time, Liu Ce had already killed two imperial soldiers. He raised a long sword with his toes, raised it slightly, and flew towards Liu Rumei.

Liu Rumei held the long sword in her hand, put it on Sun Yuliang's neck, pulled the boy's head, and shouted at the scene.

"Stop it, stop it quickly."

When Lu Jia saw that Sun Yuliang had been arrested, he knew that the situation was over, so he made two feints, turned around and ran away.

Huang Ying just didn't dare to use hidden weapons for fear of accidentally hurting others, but now Lu Jia turned around and ran away. How could she let go of this God-given opportunity? She raised her hand again, and the two cold lights disappeared in a flash, and they all hit Lu Jia's thigh.

"Oops." Lu Jia exclaimed, her legs softened and she knelt down.

Then Liu Ce stepped forward with a knife and put it on Lu Jia's neck.

Sun Yuliang was controlled, Lu Jia was controlled, and the soldiers on the scene immediately stopped their actions.

Among the civil and military officials, those diehard fans of Sun Yuliang all felt that their calves were a little weak at this time.

All eyes at the scene were focused on Liu Rumei.

Liu Rumei looked around at the crowd and said loudly, "My lords, brothers of the Royal Forest Army, I am Liu Rumei."

Although many people didn't know her, everyone knew about Liu Rumei's name. Everyone looked at Liu Xiangnan with a hint of admiration.

Liu Xiangnan looked calm and coughed lightly.

Only then did everyone understand and turned to look at Liu Rumei again.

Liu Rumei went on to say, "Sun Yuliang and his subordinates have committed crimes and raised troops to cause rebellion. I have been ordered by the prince to come to arrest the rebels, restore the country of Dacang, and set the course of the dynasty."

After saying that, he winked at Xiaoqing below.

Xiao Qing immediately stepped forward, took out the edict from Prince Xiao Jingyun, and came to Fang Zheng. The reason why he did not give it to Liu Xiangnan was because he was afraid that others would misunderstand it. This was a joint act between the Liu family and his daughter.

After Fang Zheng opened it and read it, his face was full of joy, "This is the prince's handwriting, everyone should read it."

As he spoke, he handed it to the Li Si Ma Zhu Ziming next to him.

Soon Prince Xiao Jingyun's handwriting was circulated among everyone.

After everyone had finished reading the handwriting, Liu Xiangnan slowly stood up and said to the imperial guards present, "Many of you also came out to fight with me in the north and south. Today, you have been coerced by Lu Jia and I will not be held accountable. If

Be stubborn to the end and you will not be spared."

As soon as Liu Xiangnan opened his mouth, the imperial guards present kneeled down on the ground almost simultaneously, saluted him and then turned around and retreated in tacit agreement.

At this time, Fang Zheng also stood up, pointed at Sun Yuliang and said loudly, "The emperor is not kind to you. He has promoted you to a noble rank. You are already inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people. You are still not satisfied. Such a wolfish and ambitious person remains."

What's your use?"

Unexpectedly, Sun Yuliang stuck a stick in his neck and said sternly, "The late emperor has already issued the imperial edict of abdication. I am the current emperor. You are disrespectful to me and are unfaithful and unfilial ministers."

After hearing his words, Liu Xiangnan looked up to the sky and laughed, "Sun Yuliang, you are really shameless. Do you think you can ascend the throne by forcing the emperor to write an edict? You are really delusional."

After saying that, he looked around at everyone present and nodded at a few, "You, you, you, stay, the rest can go home."

The people Liu Xiangnan ordered were all Sun Yuliang's die-hard loyalists. As long as these few people were detained, the rest would not be a concern.

Sun Yuliang was still roaring, "Without my will, none of you can leave the palace."

Liu Xiangnan did not speak, but raised his hand to gesture to Liu Ce.

Without saying a word, Liu Ce raised the knife and with a click, Lu Jia's head was cut off and it spun on the ground.

Seeing Lu Jia being killed, Sun Yuliang was so frightened that he shrank his neck, fearing that he would be stabbed in the same way.

Then Liu Ce took out the golden seal of the commander of the Royal Forest Army from Lu Jia's body.

He quickly came to Liu Xiangnan's side and respectfully handed him over with both hands.

After getting the gold seal, Liu Xiangnan nodded and looked at Liu Ce, Liu Ziming and Liu Ziliang.

"You guys will come with me to open the palace door and let the gentlemen go home."

At this moment, Liu Rumei had a thought, beckoned Xiaoqing over and gave a few sharp instructions.

Xiaoqing nodded and followed Liu Xiangnan out quickly.

"Master Marquis, Miss has a few words for me to tell you."

Liu Xiangnan frowned slightly, "Oh, tell me about it."

Xiao Qing told him that Chen Xiaobei was the one making suggestions along the way.

After listening to Xiaoqing's story, Liu Xiangnan frowned. This Chen Xiaobei himself had heard people mention it many times.

He also thought of Chen Ermao, who was locked in the cellar by him, and mentioned this Chen Xiaobei many times.

There was energy in his eyes, he nodded slightly and said with a smile, "Where is this Chen Xiaobei waiting for the matter here to be settled? I really want to see him."

Xiao Qing bowed slightly and said, "The Marquis Chen Xiaobei is at our house."

Liu Xiangnan frowned when he heard this, "In my house?"

Xiao Qing nodded, "Yes, he doesn't know martial arts. Miss was worried that it would be unsafe for him to come to the palace, so she let him stay."

Liu Xiangnan laughed loudly when he heard this, "God's will, God's will."

Seeing his cheerful expression, Liu Ce and others were stunned. They couldn't figure out what this providence meant.

With Liu Xiangnan here, he already had a high prestige in the army. With the experience of being the commander of the Royal Forest Army, he soon drove away the soldiers guarding the palace gate, and the palace gate was reopened.

Fang Zheng and the civil and military officials lined up in two lines and walked out majestically. They came to the palace gate and waved goodbye to Liu Xiangnan one by one.

After everyone dispersed, Fang Zheng looked at Liu Xiangnan, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

Liu Xiangnan cupped his fists and said, "Old Prime Minister, what should we do next? You still have to make the decision."

Fang Zheng nodded, "Let's go, rescue the emperor first, and he needs to say something."

This chapter has been completed!
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