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Chapter 330 Chen Qiao'er is rescued

Soon the group came to Xiaojia Town and met the leopard again through Feng Xiaoyue.

As soon as he saw the leopard, Zhou Quan beside the prince immediately shouted, "Brother Leopard, is that you?"

Leopard looked at Zhou Quan with wide eyes and suddenly grinned, "Brother Zhou, why is it you?"

Great, since they are acquaintances, it will be easy to do things. Zhou Quan introduced the Crown Prince, Princess Xiao Jingyun and others briefly, and Bao Zi stepped forward to salute.

After finishing his polite words, Jamel Xiao got to the point, "Leopard, tell me, how do you plan to save Chen Qiao'er?"

Leopard chuckled and said, "Your Highness, this matter is simple. I used to be the deputy general under Zhu Meng and an errand under Zhu Yan. It was Zhu Yan's team who was responsible for guarding the area around Zhu Meng's camp. I am very familiar with them. As long as I put on the military uniform,

, walking in the camp will naturally be smooth."

Hearing these words, Xiao Jamyun was greatly moved.

It's like a resigned employee who returns to his company and can still act arrogantly. The military discipline of Zhu Meng's subordinates is very problematic.

In other words, this leopard's methods are not ordinary.

Everyone was chatting and rushing towards Hetou Village.

After walking about seven or eight miles, I saw brightly lit lights in front of me, and I had reached Zhu Meng's camp.

Leopard asked everyone to wait here while he stepped forward.

With little effort, the leopard came back with several large bundles on its shoulders and several spears.

Leopard put the baggage in front of everyone, "Brother Zhou, choose five people to change their clothes, choose two people to pretend to be prisoners, tie them up with ropes and follow me, I will take you to rescue people."

As the saying goes, snakes are like snakes and rats are like rats. It is amazing how easily Leopard obtained so many military uniforms and weapons.

Leopard led everyone into the enemy camp, and after waiting for about half an hour, he saw Zhou Quan running back in a hurry, carrying a sack on his back.

Behind him were seven or eight people, all of whom Zhou Quan had brought as guards.

After arriving, I opened the sack and found Chen Qiaoer inside.

Seeing Qiaoer, Cui Hongyu cried with joy and held her tightly in his arms.

Chen Qiaoer also hugged Cui Hongyu's neck tightly and said with a cry, "Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, where have you been for so many days? You haven't come to see me either."

Cui Hongyu could only smile and said, "Sister-in-law is busy these days, so I will take you home now."

Xiao Jingyun looked at Zhou Quan and asked in surprise, "Where is the leopard?"

Zhou Quan waved his hand and said, "He went to return the clothes, let us go first."

Xiao Jingyun shook his head, "No, no, how can we leave Leopard alone when we come together? We should wait for him to come back."

At this time, Feng Xiaoyue, who had been silent, spoke up, "Your Highness, let's go. Brother Leopard Zi is doing things steadily. He said that we should go first. It will be fine."

Cui Hongyu suddenly thought about the fact that the money he gave Baozi was rejected last night. He instantly understood that Baozi didn't want to see them again and didn't want to receive the silver reward.

Thinking of this, Cui Hongyu also said, "In that case, Your Highness, let's leave first. Brother Leopard will be fine."

While walking back, Xiao Jingyun thought to himself. Even if Zhu Meng's defense is lax, he will still find out if Chen Qiaoer is lost. What action will Zhu Meng take tomorrow?

After hearing his worries, Princess Zhaoning didn't care at all, "Brother, you don't have to worry. Even if they come to attack Centipede Ridge, I will let him never come back."

The speaker didn't mean it, but the listener meant it. Xiao Jamyun frowned. Don't tell me it was really possible.

If Zhu Meng was so mad that he came to attack Centipede Ridge, he really couldn't stand by and watch.

Thinking of this, he called Zhou Quan over again and whispered, "Tonight, all of us will return to Centipede Ridge and set up defenses overnight. If Zhu Meng finds that people are missing tomorrow, he will most likely come to attack the mountain."

Liu Rumei was very grateful after hearing Jamel Xiao's arrangement. In fact, he had thought of this too, but she didn't know what to do.

It was getting dim the next day, and several fast horses appeared at the foot of Centipede Ridge.

The secret whistle on the mountain couldn't help but exclaimed, "Miss Liu is back."

Isn't it? It was Chen Xiaobei, Liu Rumei and others who came here. As the saying goes, returning home is like an arrow. They kept going day and night, going crazy, rushing back, and finally arrived at Centipede Ridge this morning.

At this time, Cui Hongyu had already gotten up and was instructing everyone to make porridge and breakfast.

Suddenly there were dozens of people like Xiao Jingyun and others eating, and the workload was not easy.

When he heard that Chen Xiaobei was back, Cui Hongyu threw the spoon in his hand and ran towards the entrance of the cottage.

Chen Xiaobei had just walked through the entrance of Shanzhai Station and greeted the people around him warmly.

Suddenly, he saw a figure rushing towards him and threw himself into his arms.

It's Cui Hongyu.

Cui Hongyu didn't care about the eyes of the world, and hugged Chen Xiaobei tightly, not wanting to let go for a moment.

At this time, Huang Ying and the Lotus Leader also hugged Shen Ziyan who came after them. Everyone talked and laughed and enjoyed this moment of joy.

Chen Xiaobei gently patted Cui Hongyu on the shoulder. He slowly pushed her away from his arms and said, "Hongyu, go cook quickly. I'm starving to death."

Of course Cui Hongyu understood that Chen Xiaobei was hinting that he should be cautious in public.

After venting his emotions, Cui Hongyu wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and said, "Okay, I'll go right away."

She took two steps and then suddenly turned around, "By the way, His Royal Highness helped rescue Qiao'er last night."

Upon hearing this, Chen Xiaobei was startled for a moment, then turned to look at Prince Xiao Jingyun, lifted up the hem of his clothes, and was about to kneel down.

"Thank you very much, His Highness Chen Xiaobei. I can't repay you in return..."

Seeing that he was about to kneel down, Xiao Jingyun stepped forward and held his arm, "Hey, brother Xiaobei, why do you need to give such a big gift? There is no need to be so polite between you and me."

Xiao Jingyun and Chen Xiaobei actually started calling themselves brothers, and everyone present was shocked.

Even Princess Zhaoning gently tugged on her royal brother's lapel, "Brother, let Chen Xiaobei wash his face and eat."

Of course Xiao Jingyun understood what his sister meant. He smiled calmly and said, "Jingfeng, you will call Chen Xiaobei brother when you see her from now on. Do you understand?"

Princess Zhaoning looked at her brother with wide eyes, "Brother, I..."

Xiao Jingyun glared, "If it hadn't been for Xiao, brothers would have traveled thousands of miles alone and quietly entered Beijing, and we would still be hanging around on Qingniu Mountain. What are you doing..."

This reason was enough. Princess Zhaoning immediately put on a smiling face and gave Chen Xiaobei a sweet smile, "Brother Xiaobei, thank you for your hard work. Go and eat."

Princess Zhaoning's face changed immediately after saying this, making everyone laugh again.

But at this time, Zhu Meng's camp was in a state of chaos.

Facing the generals in front of him, Zhu Meng slapped the table and cursed.

This chapter has been completed!
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