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Chapter 346

But this idea was quickly overturned by Chen Xiaobei himself. Who can rely on the supreme Taoist?

So he could only settle for the next best thing. Thinking of this, Chen Xiaobei asked again unwillingly, "What about this top Taoist Qinggong?"

When talking about Qinggong, Huang Ying's eyes were full of pride, "If you ask about martial arts, I really feel inferior to me, but if you want to talk about Qinggong like this, I, Huang Ying, have never conquered anyone except me, Senior Sister Ziyan."

Hearing Huang Ying's arrogance, Shen Ziyan next to her also laughed, "Where did you put our senior sister Lianhua? Her Qinggong is the best."

Seeing the mutual humility between the two, Chen Xiaobei suddenly had an excellent idea.

"If you two are asked to go to Qingniu County and lure out that extremely experienced person, can you do it?"

Huang Ying chuckled and patted her chest confidently, "It's a trivial matter, isn't it just to lure this old man out? I can do it myself, no need for my senior sister to do anything."

Chen Xiaobei had a serious look on his face, "Don't be careless. As you just said, he has great martial arts skills. If he gets caught, it will be troublesome."

Shen Ziyan smiled even brighter, "Don't worry, I don't have any other abilities. When it comes to escaping, I can't compare to Huang Ying."

Chen Xiaobei nodded and had an idea in his mind.

Before dawn the next day, Chen Xiaobei, Liu Rumei, Huang Ying, Shen Ziyan and others, led a group of village guards and Liu family guards to a small forest only five miles away from the east gate of Qingniu County.

Chen Xiaobei walked around the woods many times, checking from various angles, and finally selected several possible routes into the woods.

Then, locations where mines might be buried were marked on each route, and everyone was asked to climb to the treetops to select suitable ambush locations.

As long as the mines go off and the thick smoke obscures the sight of the Taoist priest, and a series of crossbows are fired down, he will be seriously injured even if he is not dead.

The final plan was for Liu Rumei to lead a group of experts to besiege the Taoist master and try to capture him alive. If he captured him, he would have the capital to talk to Zhu Meng.

Everyone was busy until after noon, when they finally decided on the plan. After making some adjustments, Chen Xiaobei asked Zi Yan and Huang Ying to familiarize themselves with the location of the mines to ensure that even if they ran into the woods in the dark, they would not Accidentally touched a mine lead.

Everything was prepared. After the second watch, while Chen Xiaobei was leading people to lay mines, Huang Ying and Shen Ziyan set off.

After the burial was completed, Chen Xiaobei called on everyone to quickly climb up the tree. As the people climbed to the top of the tree, his heart was in his throat.

Huang Ying and Shen Ziyan stayed outside Qingniu County until the second watch before quietly entering the city from a corner of the city wall.

There are not many pedestrians on the road in Qingniu County, only the occasional sound of neat footsteps from patrolling teams passing by.

According to the information provided by Liu Rumei, Jue Taoist does not live in the county government office, but in a courtyard to the east of the county government office.

Taoist Jue was still quite conceited. There were only two or three guards in the courtyard, while he sat cross-legged in the study.

While he was breathing out, there was an extremely slight sound coming from the roof.

The Jueding Taoist suddenly opened his eyes.

The next moment, he flicked out the oil lamp with a wave of his long sleeve.

Seeing the lights suddenly disappear below, Shen Ziyan grabbed Huang Ying and the two turned around and ran away.

The next moment, Taoist Master Jue had quietly climbed out of the window.

His body spun around in mid-air, and then landed on the roof.

Looking up, the two black figures in front of him were already seven or eight feet away from him.

The extremely conceited Taoist couldn't think of so much, so he chased after him with a stomp of his feet.

Seeing someone chasing after her, Shen Ziyan whispered, "Come up, get out of the city quickly."

The two of them turned around and headed toward the east of the city.

Seeing the two people suddenly turning around and running east, Master Jueding smiled slightly and went east. Are you going to leave the city? Going east is the direction to Centipede Ridge.

There is no absolute hiding place along the way.

As long as he bites the tails of these two people, he has a great chance of capturing them alive.

Thinking of this, he had an idea. As he walked, he shouted loudly, asking the soldiers in the city to quickly gather at the east gate.

Qingniu County is very small, but with half a stick of incense, Huang Ying and Shen Ziyan were only half a mile away from the city tower.

Under the constant shouts of the top Taoist, the soldiers guarding the city had been alerted.

Seeing soldiers blocking the way ahead, Huang Ying was still slightly nervous.

"Sister, what should we do?"

Zi Yan smiled calmly, "They are just a few ordinary soldiers. Are you afraid of this?"

Seeing that she spoke calmly, Huang Ying felt more relaxed, "Sister is right, they are just a few ordinary soldiers. Let's rush over directly."

After saying this, the two of them each took a few big steps to the side, becoming more dispersed, then significantly slowed down and rushed towards the city gate tower.

The soldiers on the tower obviously saw them, and one of the leaders immediately shouted loudly, "Hey, stop quickly, or else I'll open my bow and let go of arrows."

However, after shouting three times in a row, Huang Ying and Shen Ziyan obviously slowed down a lot, but they did not stop because behind them, the Jue Taoist was only a dozen feet away.

Seeing the two people getting closer and closer, the leader finally made up his mind, "Get your bows and arrows ready."

Just when the two of them were only ten feet away from the city gate tower, Zi Yan suddenly let out a soft drink.

When Huang Ying heard the signal, she immediately stamped her feet and increased her speed.

Shen Ziyan also rose up from the ground, like a bird, and flew directly towards the city gate tower.

The two men deliberately slowed down just now, which gave the enemy on the city a false impression. So when they suddenly accelerated, the defenders on the city felt a cold feeling on their wrists before they could understand what was going on.

The next moment, the bow and arrow could no longer be held and fell to the ground with a clatter.

Then there were bursts of screams.

Finally I felt the pain of cutting my skin.

In just the blink of an eye, Huang Ying, Shen, and Zi Yan rushed out of Qingniu County.

When Taoist Master Jueding arrived, they saw more than a dozen soldiers squatting there, covering their wrists, wailing.

The Taoist master was so eager to pursue people that he didn't have time to deal with these things. He just shouted, "Hurry, open the city gate and chase."

While calling Jue Jing Taoist, he quickly chased forward.

Huang Ying and Shen Ziyan are really not just bragging. They are indeed very good at Qinggong. The top Taoist used all his strength to keep a distance of almost ten feet from the two of them.

Five miles passed by in a flash, and soon the two of them arrived at the edge of the woods. Worried that Taoist Juejing would not be able to catch up, they waited outside the woods for a while.

Taoist Jue Ding hesitated slightly when he saw the two of them getting into the woods.

But then he thought about it, he had seen this forest before. The forest was not big and there were not many places to hide. Maybe the two of them were ill and sought medical treatment.

This chapter has been completed!
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