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Chapter 351 I'm here to persuade you to surrender

Cheng Liang turned to look at her, "It turns out to be a woman."

The little girl tilted her head playfully, "Why not?"

At this time, Liu Kai also came to him and said in a deep voice, "It's best to do as we say, otherwise you will die."

Cheng Liang looked a little disappointed, "I really didn't expect you guys to come here."

After finishing speaking, his expression became a little gloomy.

Seeing his expression, Liu Kai knew that the other party was having a fierce ideological struggle.

So I have to add more fire to him and let him make a decision.

Thinking of this, Liu Kai sneered again, "If you don't give the order after I count to three, then you will be useless to me."

As he spoke, Liu Kai put his little finger to his mouth and whistled.

The subordinates brought by the little girl who had been hiding in the dark immediately appeared one after another, holding serial crossbows in their hands.

Seeing that there were so many people on the other side, Cheng Liang finally looked up to the sky helplessly and sighed.

"Forget it, in order to save the lives of my brothers, I have no choice but to make this decision."

After saying that, Cheng Liang waved to the people behind him, "Get out of the way and let them pass."

After hearing the general's order, everyone under his command naturally followed it.

Having said that, no one is stupid enough to risk his own life to resist.

Liu Kai waved, and Cui Fugui was surrounded by people behind him and passed quickly.

The little girl led Cheng Liang down the mountain for more than a mile. When Liu Kai and others were far away, she raised her hand, knocked Cheng Liang unconscious, kicked towards the roadside, and walked away.

By the time his soldiers came over and woke Cheng Liang up, the little girl and the others had already disappeared.

Cheng Liang didn't care that his head was still dizzy and immediately said to the person next to him, "Quick, send a signal and tell someone on the mountain that someone has escaped."

While ordering people to send signals to the mountain, Cheng Liang led people to chase down.

No matter whether you can catch up or not, you have to show off.

Soon the news reached Zhu Meng's headquarters.

Hearing that someone had gone down the mountain, Zhu Meng was shocked and quickly ordered people to investigate. Soon the news came back and everyone else was there except Chen Xiaobei's old father-in-law Cui Fugui.

Also disappearing together was the old servant Axiang who had just come up the mountain.

After listening to the report, Zhu Meng was so angry that he banged the table loudly, "No wonder this Axiang took the initiative to come up the mountain, so that's what happened."

"Quickly inform the brothers at the foot of the mountain and be sure to stop me."

Until the sky was dimming, the little girl and Liu Kai took Cui Fugui to the foot of Qingniu Mountain.

Looking at the checkpoint in the distance, Liu Kai saw that the man was still hiding in the woods, while he took the little girl and the two of them walked over in a swaggering manner.

The soldiers on duty looked at the people approaching, wearing their armor, and didn't pay much attention. They just asked loudly and symbolically, "Hey, which section are you from?"

Liu Kai clasped his fists and said, "We are in front of the commander's tent, and we are down the mountain on errands."

"Did you meet any villagers on the way here? I heard that someone ran away on the mountain last night!" the guard asked loudly.

This was within Liu Kai's expectation. It must be very convenient and quick to deliver news up and down the mountain.

He laughed, "How come you don't know yet? That man has been caught a long time ago. Several villagers are running around like headless flies. How far can they run?"

After hearing Liu Kai's words, everyone laughed.

While talking, Liu Kai and the little girl had already arrived in front of these people.

There are six people on duty.

He twisted his hand and put it behind his back, stretched out three fingers, and then swung it to the left. The little girl following him understood. This was a hint to himself that he could solve the three problems on the left by himself.

The little girl coughed slightly, and I knew what she meant.

Upon receiving the little girl's response, Liu Kai immediately took a big step to the right and raised his hand.

Two flying knives shot out.

Then Liu Kai jumped towards the other person.

The little girl didn't show any signs of weakness. She jumped up and raised the knife in her hand, causing the three guards to fall to the ground in an instant.

Seeing the little girl's skills, Liu Kaixin was also inspired.

Even when I was young and at my peak, it was nothing more than this.

He killed three people with just a few moves. And they were three well-trained soldiers. This skill is not something ordinary people can accomplish.

After killing all the soldiers on duty, the little girl blew a whistle, and her men immediately rushed over.

Then the second sentry was solved in the same way.

It wasn't until after they left, about half a stick of incense, that anyone realized something was wrong.

At dawn, the news reached Qingniu, and two hills at the foot of the mountain were breached one after another, which meant that Cui Fugui had gone down the mountain.

At this time, in Qingniu City.

Zhu Jianyu was strolling in the yard after getting up.

Suddenly, a soldier hurried over and knelt on the ground, "General, last night Taoist priest Juejing went out of the city to pursue the man in black and did not return all night."

Zhu Jianyu was a little dumbfounded when he heard this.

"What did you say?"

"General, it's absolutely true. There are soldiers guarding the city outside. You can ask them."

Soon, a small leader who led the team out of the city to pursue him last night was brought in.

Zhu Jianyu looked at him and said, "What is the specific situation? Please tell me quickly."

"General, last night the Taoist leader chased the man in black out of the city and asked us to follow him. But after we followed him out, we chased him for more than ten miles and then lost track of him."

"I haven't found any clues until dawn, so I came back quickly to report to you."

Zhu Jianyu frowned after hearing this. He is a great Taoist, but he is the backbone of these people.

If he wasn't there, his military morale would definitely be low.

Thinking of this, he said in a deep voice, "Go back first. Don't tell anyone about this matter, especially don't discuss it privately. Wait until I explain the situation to the Generalissimo and ask him to send a general to take charge."

Zhu Jianyu actually knew very well that the Taoist priest who had not returned home all night would be in bad luck.

Therefore, it is best to report to Zhu Meng as soon as possible.

As soon as the arrangements were completed, someone else hurried into the yard.

"General, please go and take a look. Outside the city, outside the city, there is the supreme Taoist priest..."

Zhu Jianyu followed the visitor and hurried to the city gate. The scene in front of him made him panic instantly.

Under the city, Jue Taoist was tied to a carriage by Wu Huada, and beside him were Liu Rumei and others.

Behind the formation were the prince Xiao Jingyun and the two generals from the North and East roads who came to King Qin.

Liu Rumei raised her head and saw Zhu Jianyu, but she politely raised her fists and said, "General Zhu, it's been a long time."

Zhu Jianyu replied politely, "Miss Liu, long time no see."

Then he pretended not to know anything and pointed at Taoist Jue, "Miss Liu, what do you mean?"

Liu Rumei smiled calmly and said, "General Zhu, we plain people don't speak secretly. Today I am here to persuade you to surrender the city."

"The extremely experienced Taoist is the culprit and has been caught by us. If you get lost and find yourself back on the brink, your Highness the Crown Prince has said that you can forget about it."

After listening to Liu Rumei's words, Zhu Jianyu was actually tempted.

This chapter has been completed!
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