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Chapter 355

After hearing Wang Long's words, Zhu Jianyu's heart skipped a beat.

"Oh, let's put it this way, a letter from a supreme Taoist master is so powerful."

Wang Long nodded, "Yeah, I didn't expect that a letter from a great Taoist could be worth thousands of troops."

"The commander-in-chief has already spread the news that Jue Taoist has been arrested. I believe that after seeing this, the two countries will be even more desperate. So we only need to secure Qingniu County safely here."

Zhu Jianyu acted very exaggeratedly and laughed loudly, "General Wang is absolutely right. We have an army of 50,000, and it will be no problem even if we defend it for a year or two."

Wang Long nodded with satisfaction, "Well, it won't take a year or two. Now ten troops are coming here to help the king. Wannian City is just an empty city. As long as the soldiers surround it, Xiao An will not be able to surrender obediently.


The more Zhu Jianyu heard about it, the more uncomfortable he became. He had followed Zhu Meng in the rebellion, and although he had thought about becoming a founding hero, this was all an internal matter for their country, Dacang.

But now a foreign enemy is invading, and Wang Lung and the others are dreaming of ascending to the throne with the help of outside forces.

These are not Zhu Jianyu's goals, let alone what he can accept.

After the banquet, Zhu Jianyu returned to his residence. The more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he became.

Does the prince know about this situation? Does the prince understand it?

Maybe the prince knew that a foreign enemy was invading, but did the prince know why the foreign enemy came?

Thinking of this, Zhu Jianyu wrote down the situation clearly and called his cronies over.

Although the four gates of Qingniu County were tightly closed, because they had to frequently deliver messages to the mountains, they still had to open them from time to time to let people out. Zhu Jianyu sent people out of the city without arousing any suspicion.

It was getting dark and the sun was heading west. Prince Xiao Jingyun saw the secret message sent by Zhu Jianyu.

After reading this letter, Jamel Xiao was also shocked.

His father also judged that the invasion of the two countries would disappear when he eliminated Zhu Meng. Now it seems that the information may be wrong.

The Jue Taoist is in their own hands. If they use the banner of revenge for the Jue Taoist, they may really attack Wannian City.

And capturing Wannian City would undoubtedly subvert his entire country.

So now I have to tell my dad not to be too optimistic.

Another point is to ask the remaining Eighth Route Army troops to change their routes and rush to Wannian City as soon as possible, just in case.

Therefore, the only thing he can rely on is the 100,000 people coming from the north and east roads.

And we must rely on these 100,000 people to defeat Zhu Meng.

If he fails, the pressure on his father will be too great.

Xiao Jingyun was particularly busy tonight. He sent people to deliver letters to various soldiers and horses asking them to change their routes to defend Wannian City. He also wrote to his father to tell him about the new changes.

By the time he finished all this work, it was already the middle of the night. Xiao Jingyun clasped his hands behind his back and stood outside the tent, looking at the crescent moon like a hook in the sky, praying secretly in his heart, Chen Xiaobei, Chen Xiaobei, you will definitely go well.

At this time, Chen Xiaobei had already led the door into the cave.

This was already his third time walking. He had already walked twice before, so he was quite familiar with it.

As he walked, Chen Xiaobei sighed secretly in his heart, the country of nature is really magical.

It's freezing cold now in the mountains, and it would be very uncomfortable without a fire at night.

But in this cave, although there is gurgling water beside it, it feels much warmer than outside. Thinking about it, it might be even warmer here in winter.

And it can be seen that the water flow is much smaller than last time. Maybe with the end of the rainy season on the mountain, the flow will stop in winter.

These are not the issues he needs to consider now. He just needs to march quickly, leave here as soon as possible, and reach the top of Qingliu Mountain as soon as possible.

So they didn't dare to rest for a moment, and walked to the exit in one breath.

Chen Xiaobei was still walking at the front, personally moving the gravel away from the entrance of the cave. Just like last time, he stayed at the entrance of the cave for a long time to adapt to the light outside, and then he began to gently move the stones away one by one.


They removed the stone and stuck their heads out to look outside. The sun was hanging in the sky and it was already noon. In other words, it took them a night and a morning to work. According to the time calculation, even if they started walking non-stop now, at least

It would take a day and a night to climb to the main peak of Qingniu Mountain again, and based on this calculation, they would reach about ten miles below the Iron Chain Bridge at noon tomorrow.

Obviously this time is not suitable. If you get so close in broad daylight, you are asking for death.

Thinking of this, Chen Xiaobei turned around and said to Liu Rumei and others, "Now we need to take a rest and try to wait until dark before setting off, so that we will reach the place where we slid down the canyon tomorrow night, and we will go back on the original road."

After listening to Chen Xiaobei's words, Liu Rumei nodded.

"Hello, everything is as you said. We will rest here for a while until dark."

Seeing Liu Rumei obeying Chen Xiaobei's advice, Liu Tie looked very surprised, and he volunteered to stand up.

"Miss, you rest, I'll go to the front to explore the way."

Liu Rumei smiled and shook her head, "There is no need to explore the road. We have walked this road before."

Liu Ce, who was next to him, also stood up and clasped his fists, "Miss, you'd better go take a look. I'll be with Brother Tie."

Liu Rumei didn't know what trouble the two of them were going to have, so she had no choice but to nod.

"Okay, then go to the front and take a look, leave a mark, and don't go too far."

Liu Tie and Liu Ce emerged from the cave one after the other and soon disappeared into the canyon.

Liu Tie continued walking for about four or five miles before he stopped.

"Liu Ce, what's going on? What's going on between the young lady and that Chen Xiaobei?"

Liu Ce spread his hands and said, "You have seen it, that's all. The young lady is obeying this Chen Xiaobei's words now. It's useless for anyone to say anything."

Liu Tie let out a long sigh, "I can see it too. I'm afraid that the young lady is attracted to this Chen Xiaobei. This is not possible. How can the daughter of a high-ranking Marquis..."

Liu Ce was also helpless, "Yes, and this Chen Xiaobei is already married, what do you think this is?"

Liu Tie hammered a nearby tree with his fist, "Look for an opportunity to talk to Chen Xiaobei, and let him leave the lady at any cost."

"I'm afraid it's useless for you and me to talk about Brother Tie. I think we still have to ask the Marquis to come forward."

Liu Tie was silent for a while, and finally let out a long breath, "Hey, what do you think this is?"

Liu Ce also shook his head helplessly, "Oh, I think the young lady has given up. The young lady has been secretly promising the prince for so many years, but you see when we set off, the princess took the initiative to ask for a fight, but the prince ignored her and later asked the young lady to

If I were a woman, I would be ashamed to lead people on an expedition."

This chapter has been completed!
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