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Chapter 388

Huang Ying said this sentence smoothly and naturally, without any hesitation or any artificiality.

Shen Ziyan was secretly surprised. She didn't expect that Huang Ying had adapted well to her identity in such a short period of time.

Everyone is a family, but I have become an outsider.

At this time, Chen Xiaobei spoke, "Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. Hurry up and eat. After eating, I have to go up the mountain. There are still a lot of supplies at the mountain temple."

"Brother Xiaobei, you should take a rest. Listening to what you said, you haven't had much rest in the past few days and nights." Cui Hongyu looked concerned.

Chen Xiaobei waved his hand, "No problem, no problem."

"I always feel uneasy if I leave it on the mountain, so I take it off quickly, so I feel at ease."

Hearing this, Cui Hongyu nodded, "Yes, take it off quickly and don't go up the mountain again. It's really scary."

Yes, Chen Xiaobei was also aware of this problem. He didn't know how many Zhu Meng's remaining soldiers were still on the mountain, so he had to move his things down and not go into the mountain until they were completely cleared.

It was completely dark, and Princess Zhaoning woke up and slept for a full afternoon.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she shouted loudly, "Oh, how long have I been sleeping? Why is it already dark?"

The little girl over there quickly stepped forward and said, "Princess, you have been sleeping for three hours. It is getting dark now. Please eat something more."

Princess Zhaoning shook her head, "My stomach is full, so I won't eat. Let's go down the mountain quickly."

Liu Rumei and others had actually eaten dry food quietly a long time ago. Since Princess Zhaoning said she wouldn't eat it, they should hurry down the mountain.

While walking down the mountain, Princess Zhaoning said happily, "Rumei, I will ask for credit for you in front of the emperor when I go back."

This sentence made Liu Rumei a little bit dumbfounded.

But she still said patiently, "Your Highness, all the credit belongs to you, I was just running errands."

"Oh, you can't say that. It wouldn't be possible without you."

Well, Liu Rumei doesn’t have much to say at this point.

In the blink of an eye, it was the second watch of the day, and Qingniu County became quiet. After all, the curfew started as soon as it got dark, so there was naturally no one on the street.

I heard the sound of banging at the second watch.

Wang Heng took action quietly and began to gather his troops to prepare to leave the city.

But at this time, someone was more anxious than him. The defenders at the south gate had quietly fled along the rope, and there was no one on the huge city gate.

Wang Heng obviously knew nothing about all this, after all, the changing of the guard would have to wait for another hour.

Xiao Jingyun was about to go to bed when he suddenly heard someone reporting that the defenders on the city had come down to surrender. This made him overjoyed.

"Pass this order, everyone who comes and surrenders will be rewarded with ten taels of silver and then be incorporated into each team."

Xiao Jingyun's idea was right. Those who surrendered were broken up and organized into their own teams to prevent them from having second thoughts and looking troublesome.

Just then, several cannon shots were heard in the distance, followed by faint movement.

He immediately became alert and said to the guard beside him, "Go and check what's going on."

After waiting for about a quarter of an hour, a fast horse came galloping over and said, "Your Highness, there are people in the city who have broken through and have broken into the camp outside the north gate."

Xiao Jingyun frowned when he heard this.

"Quickly find two old ladies to come over and discuss countermeasures."

Soon, the two old princes arrived.

"What happened to His Royal Highness?" Old Prince Liu asked eagerly.

Jamel Xiao also kept his story short and briefly explained the current situation.

"I suspect they came to surrender just to attract our attention."

After hearing what he said, Mr. Zhao shook his head, "No, I don't think so. It's probably the soldiers on the city who took advantage of the chaos and came down."

Just as he was talking, someone came to report that several more waves of soldiers had surrendered.

Mr. Zhao thought for a while and came up with an idea.

"Then why don't we have a black tiger take out the heart."

"Your Highness, the first ones to come are the defenders at the south gate. Then ask them to go back and open the city gate and let us in. If they leave the city, we can go in and see who can beat the other."

Upon hearing this, Jamel Xiao couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

"Okay, this is the best way to do it."

"Quickly pass the order and ask the defenders at the north gate to entangle the enemy who breaks out and don't let him escape. When we capture Qingniu County, we can encircle it."

Xiao Jingyun ordered his troops and horses and quietly arrived outside the south gate.

Although there are torches on the south gate tower, it is already empty.

Soon some soldiers climbed up again along the rope and opened the city gate.

Xia Jingyun ordered him to wave, and Zhou Quan was the first to lead the team and rush in.

After entering, everyone split up and ran to the other three city gates to capture the gates first.

It will be much easier to seize the city gate, enter when you want, and leave when you want.

Because there was a war going on outside the North Gate, it was not unusual to see soldiers walking around on the street.

Zhou Quan was very decisive in his work. He would directly kill patrolling teams when encountering them on the road, leaving them no chance.

Soon, the west gate, north gate and east gate were all controlled by Prince Xiao Jingyun's soldiers.

The east and west doors opened, and soldiers from outside poured in again.

At this time, someone in the city's defenders finally realized something was wrong, but with Wang Heng gone, the group was leaderless and naturally fell into chaos.

The North Gate was also controlled by Xiao Jingyun's people, and no news could even be heard in the city. At this time, Wang Heng was also entangled by the defenders outside. After all, he only brought 5,000 people.

It's not that easy to break out of a siege of tens of thousands of troops without the suddenness of a sneak attack.

After fighting for a full hour, Wang Heng was very annoyed when he saw that he could not break out of the encirclement and hurriedly ordered the withdrawal of the troops.

Seeing Wang Heng withdrawing, the defenders outside the north gate did not pursue him. Wang Heng could not escape anyway.

Wang Heng rode his horse to the north gate of Qingniu County and shouted loudly, "Open the door quickly, I am Wang Heng."

After shouting more than a dozen times, there was finally a response from above, and a few torches were lit.

What was illuminated by the firelight was an unfamiliar face.

Zhou Quan stood on the city wall with his hands behind his back, "Wang Heng, do you recognize me, Zhou Quan?"

"It's you." Wang Heng was shocked. Even though he didn't recognize Zhou Quan, he had heard Zhou Quan's name. When he saw Zhou Quan appear on the city wall, he immediately realized that Qingniu County had been lost.

Looking at the only three thousand soldiers and horses behind him, Wang Heng let out a long sigh.

Now that I can't fight, I can't fight, and I can't go back, so where should I go?

After thinking for a moment, Wang Heng Canglang drew out his sword.

"Zhou Quan, I carelessly failed you this time. I know that Jamel Xiao will never let me go. I only have one request."

"Please use my head to claim credit in exchange for the safety of my brothers."

"General Wang doesn't want it." Some people were still moved by Wang Heng and shouted loudly.

Wang Heng turned to look at everyone again, "Okay, don't say anything anymore. Listen to me and follow the prince's arrangements."

Seeing Wang Heng like this, Zhou Quan still admired him in his heart.

This chapter has been completed!
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