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Chapter 39 False alarm

Seeing this scene, Chen Xiaobei became a little worried. What would he do if someone discovered the treasure in Calabash Valley? He would have to find time to go up the mountain to take a look.

Lidong saw him looking at the mountains in the distance in a daze, and couldn't help but asked curiously, "Brother Xiaobei, what are you looking at?"

Chen Xiaobei shook his head, "Nothing, nothing, I'm just wondering where I want to get some rocks."

Lidong laughed and said, "Leave these things to me that you don't have to worry about. You can just come to check and accept them tomorrow."

That's not bad, it saves worry.

Back at his home, Chen Xiaobei picked up a pole and two wooden buckets and went to the river to fetch water. The green leafy vegetables he planted were about to grow and would be harvested in three or two days. Water was indispensable.

After finishing his work and having lunch, Chen Xiaobei leaned under the big locust tree, but he couldn't sleep.

Looking at the Houttuynia cordata drying in the yard, he was ready to go into the mountains and carry some out again in the afternoon.

Now in midsummer, the sun is very hot, and the Houttuynia Cordata can be half dried out in one day.

In this way, it only takes three or two days for the Houttuynia cordata to reach the "dry" standard mentioned by Jia Wannian.

This time when he went into the mountains, Chen Xiaobei brought two bags with him.

In the morning, he saw the scene where the birds were frightened. He was still worried that someone would discover the secret of Hulugu Valley. He was worried that it would be a pity if the other party picked Ganoderma lucidum using the method of exterminating their descendants. Therefore, he first rescued a few plants today.

Unlike before, when he walked to the mountain temple, he felt something was wrong.

In the open space next to the mountain temple, there are traces of burned wood, some leftover bones, and some food residues.

This means someone has been here.

And there should be several people.

It's just that we can't determine the time to have a meal here by the fire. Thinking that the birds were disturbed, maybe they were there last night, or maybe they just came in early in the morning and had lunch here.

Not sure whether he was an enemy or a friend, Chen Xiaobei hesitated for a moment whether he should continue going up, but in the end he gritted his teeth. People died for wealth and birds died for food.

It's a blessing, not a curse, but it's a curse that cannot be avoided.

As he walked up, the traces of someone's presence became more and more obvious. But what made him slightly relieved was that there were only a few more traces, and the rest were no different.

When he arrived near Calabash Valley, he felt completely relieved.

The traces went all the way up the mountain and did not go to the Hulu Valley.

After being familiar with the road and entering the dense forest, Chen Xiaobei looked around to check the weather before going in to dig for Ganoderma lucidum. It was a sunny day again with not a single cloud, so it probably wouldn't rain.

After breaking off a branch and slapping the weeds on the roadside, Chen Xiaobei walked into Calabash Valley again.

There was a heavy rain yesterday.

The ground is soft and wet, which makes it very suitable for digging.

Chen Xiaowei laid out the baggage and carefully began to dig up the Ganoderma lucidum.

He selected four of the largest Ganoderma lucidum plants, two of which he was going to bring to Jia Wannian, and the other two he wanted to raise himself. After digging them out, he first tied up the soil dug out with the Ganoderma lucidum with weeds, and then carefully

Put it in your baggage.

After placing the bundle in the shade of the weeds and trees nearby, he planned to walk further in to take a closer look.

In front of us is a tree that is as tall as a person. Yes, the individual plants are not tall, but they are indeed trees and not grass.

It has white flowers in clusters and is very fragrant. The aroma you smell in the woods should be from this kind of grass.

As he walked through the grass, there were some low plants. What surprised him was that there were clusters of red dots in the grass. They were all ginseng!

Hong Yu's grandfather was right, this treasure gourd is really filled with precious medicinal materials.

Chen Xiaobei did not go any further but dug up two ginseng trees.

On the way back, I broke these flowering branches into two pieces.

Take it back and show Cui Hongyu what it is.

This time the sun was shining brightly, there was no wind, and there was no rain. Chen Xiaobei walked back with his baggage.

As soon as I walked into the dense forest, I heard movement in the distance.

The noise was not coming from the dense forest, but from the path up the mountain outside the dense forest. It was the sound of gravel rolling down.

Could it be that the people who went up the mountain came down?

Chen Xiaobei walked a few steps, hid behind a big tree, and looked out carefully.

As expected, it didn't take much effort, and a group of people came down from the mountain.

I counted five people in total, and the one at the front was a burly middle-aged man with a strong physique and a big beard.

The people following him were of different heights, fat and thin, but they all had one characteristic: they were all dressed in black. Some had knives in their hands, and some had swords.

They were chatting as they walked down, but their accents were very strange.

It was strange because the accent was completely different from that of Hetou Village, Qingniu County, and even the accents of the people he had come into contact with.

Fortunately, although the accent is strange, Chen Xiaobei can probably understand it.

A few people were walking behind, talking to each other and complaining as they walked.

"It's too cold in Qingniu Mountain at night."

"Oh, not only is it cold, but the road is also too difficult."

"Who says it's not true? I've been searching for a long time and found nothing. It's hard to explain when we go back. It's a waste of time."

The middle-aged man walking at the front coughed, "Okay, we didn't find Liu Tie's body, which means he escaped. Be careful when you go into the mountains in the future, don't let the other party ambush us."

"Tou, you said Liu Tie is really powerful. He was injured like that and he could still escape."

Hearing this, Chen Xiaobei was so frightened that his calves tightened.

He heard clearly just now that what he was really saying was that Liu Tie's body had not been found, so these people were here to find Liu Tie.

And from the analysis of these sentences, he should be Liu Tie's enemy.

He quickly recalled in his mind that night Hong Yu's diagnosis of Liu Tie, that both legs were broken and his waist was injured.

If we put it this way, Liu Tie's injuries were not caused by falling off the cliff, but by being beaten by them.

Chen Xiaobei was frightened when he thought of this.

If this group of people had appeared that night, then I, Cui Hongyu, and Dachun would all have been in trouble.

Watching the group of people go away, Chen Xiaobei finally breathed a long sigh of relief.

After waiting for a stick of incense, Chen Xiaobei carefully walked out of the woods and walked down the mountain.

What surprised him even more was that when he passed by the mountain temple, all the bones left by the burning firewood were gone, as clean as if no one had been there.

Chen Xiaobei knew that these traces had been dealt with by those people just now.

This is even more strange. Ordinary mountain people would not have the awareness to clean up the traces left behind.

In my mind, I recalled what the leader with a beard said: Don't let the other party ambush you.

Yes, they are erasing the traces of their past because they are afraid of the other party's retaliation.

But here comes the question, what secret is there on Qingniu Mountain? Also, this secret seems to be very important, so important that it will lead to a life-and-death situation?

This chapter has been completed!
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