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Chapter 400: Chen Xiaobei Marries

During this period, the happiest person was Chen Qiaoer. She stood beside the sedan with her waist in her arms, with a proud look on her face, "You all stay away, this is the sedan for my brother to marry his bride."

Seeing Chen Qiaoer's serious look, everyone present burst into laughter.

The sun was setting in the west, and all preparations were in place. Behind the eight-carriage sedan was the gong and drum team. In this era, drums were large musical instruments, plus gongs. Chen Xiaobei knew these two, but Chen Xiaobei didn't recognize the others either.

, but it’s quite lively and fun to listen to.

The person who took the lead in welcoming the bride this time was of course the most virtuous and respected ancestor in the village. He walked in the front with a cane, and behind him was Chen Xiaobei.

Chen Xiaobei rode a tall horse and waved to the people watching the excitement on both sides as he walked.

The people onlookers also cheered loudly. They had to wait for the procession to welcome the bride to pass, and then followed behind.

Those who are impatient can just go directly to the school and wait.

Behind the gongs and drums team were Liu Rumei, Cui Hongyu and others. Originally, this woman was not allowed to go to the wedding, but there were not so many taboos in Hetou Village.

The ancestor was in high spirits and led the people around the village in a large circle before finally arriving at the entrance of the school.

The school has already been decorated, and Huang Ying's house is even more packed.

Seeing the groom's arrival, the Lotus Leader and Shen Ziyan stopped in front of the door.

The two men took feather dusters and symbolically cleaned Chen Xiaobei's clothes, which was regarded as dusting off the dust.

Then he asked the spectators to get out of the way and let Chen Xiaobei enter the house.

Chen Xiaobei entered the room. At this time, Huang Ying was already dressed in a bright red wedding dress, sitting on the bed with a hijab, quietly waiting for Chen Xiaobei to come over.

Chen Xiaobei came forward, and just as he was about to speak, Shen Ziyan beside him said with a smile, "Don't be impatient, groom. You have to give our senior sister a cup of tea first."

The Lotus Leader sat down on the chair next to him. Someone brought tea. Chen Xiaobei took it in his hand and respectfully brought it to the Lotus Leader. "Sister, please have tea."

The Lotus Master took the tea and drank it all in one gulp, and then said sincerely, "Huang Ying has no parents since he was a child. I am his relative. I will betroth Huang Ying to you today. You must treat him well."

Chen Xiaobei bowed respectfully to Shen Ziyan.

After the salute, the leader of Lotus stood up.

He handed the piece of red silk in his hand to Chen Xiaobei's hand and the other end to Huang Ying's hand.

This is probably equivalent to Yue Lao's meaning of connecting the two people together.

Chen Xiaobei then stepped forward and held Huang Ying's shoulders, "Huang Ying, let's go home."

After saying this, Huang Ying pulled up and walked slowly outside.

As he walked out, Chen Xiaobei lamented that although it was more complicated than Cui Hongyu's entry, getting married in this era was relatively simple.

Think about it when you are in the 21st century, you really have to go through many tests before you can marry your wife home, but you can just toast to a cup of tea here.

At this time, there was already a roar of gongs and drums outside, and it was very lively. When Chen Xiaobei helped the bride come out, the scene burst into warm cheers again.

After helping Huang Ying into the sedan, Chen Xiaobei got on his horse and went back along the original road.

The one who walks in the front is the ancestor.

Seeing the figure of his ancestor, Chen Xiaobei was a little moved. At such an old age, he has worked hard in recent days to learn for himself.

We walked around the village again and came back.

A simple wedding scene was arranged in Chen Xiaobei's yard.

There are two chairs directly to the north. Wang Dafu and Wang Dagui are sitting at attention.

Chen Xiaobei also has no parents, so it is reasonable for his uncle to sit here and accept Huang Ying's visit as the elder of the family.

There is a table directly to the south, with tributes and incense tables placed on it. After the ancestors entered the door, they first went forward and asked for three sticks of incense as a sign of apology to heaven.

Then Chen Dachun began to speak as the master of ceremonies.

"Worship heaven and earth."

Chen Xiaobei and Huang Ying faced south and bowed respectfully three times to the altar table.

"Two bows to the high hall."

The expressions on the faces of Wang Dafu and Wang Dagui were still a bit awkward, but besides the awkwardness, there was still a hint of excitement.

Seeing Chen Xiaobei and Huang Ying bowing to them, the two of them couldn't help but shed tears at the same time. They also thought of Chen Xiaobei's mother who died long ago. How gratifying it would be if their sisters could see this scene.

Chen Xiaobei was filled with emotions as he thought of his previous life.

If everything went well, he would have gotten married and had children. His parents had raised him for so many years, but in the end, the most important thing was that the white-haired person gave away the black-haired person.

Thinking of this, Chen Xiaobei couldn't help but burst into tears. When Wang Dafu and Wang Dagui saw this, they quickly comforted him in a low voice, "Xiaobei, don't cry. You should be happy on the big day."

At this time, Huang Ying was already crying.

Chen Xiaobei misses her parents, so why doesn't she?

Thinking about it, his parents died when he was very young. Later, he was adopted by their master, Donghai Shenni, who taught her martial arts. Later, he followed Shen Ziyan to Qingniu County, and now she is like a duckweed, floating around.

, and it finally has its roots.

Of course, all this is thanks to Cui Hongyu and Chen Xiaobei, who never gave up.

Being able to accept this silly girl who is fickle and fickle.

Chen Dachun didn't know what the two of them were thinking, so he shouted step by step, "Husband and wife bow to each other."

The two maids Xiaohua and He Dujuan quickly stepped forward to support Huang Ying and stood facing Chen Xiaobei.

Because Huang Ying couldn't see clearly with her hijab, the couple had to have someone help them bow. Seeing Chen Xiaobei bowing, Du Juan quickly grabbed Huang Ying's arm, and Huang Ying knew she should bow as well.

After bowing three times, Chen Dachun shouted directly, "Send him to the bridal chamber."

Chen Xiaobei pulled the red silk in front, and the two maids supported Huang Ying behind, and went straight into the new house.

The new house is located after entering the north house and turning to the east.

Time was short and the door was not finished, only a curtain.

In this world, it is normal for houses to be separated by a curtain.

But Chen Xiaobei felt that it would be bad if something happened and affected Chen Qiaoer. After all, the child was still young.

Xiao Hua and Du Juan helped Huang Ying to the bed, bowed slightly and retreated.

Chen Xiaobei sat down next to Huang Ying and took a break before talking. The two of them sat in silence without anyone speaking.

At this time, the courtyard outside had already started to organize a banquet. Of course, most of the villagers had come to have a banquet once, so they could not come back for a second time. And most of the people having the banquet tonight were village guards who were helping out.

As well as the bearers, gongs and drums team who helped to welcome the bride today, and the two most distinguished guests, Chen Xiaobei's two uncles.

This chapter has been completed!
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