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Chapter 444: Chen Sanqiu deserves it

As Cui Hongyu spoke, she turned to look at Mrs. Liu, "Do you think you are innocent? In the past few days since I was kidnapped by you, I couldn't eat well or sleep well every day, and my hands and feet were tied up at night. I asked you to give me

Loosen the rope, how did you do it? Not only did you not loosen the rope for me, you also added another rope."

After hearing Cui Hongyu's words, the crowd was furious, and the villagers present shouted, "Yes, you deserve to die."

"It would be an advantage for him if he died from this kind of disaster."

Chen Dayong raised his arms and shouted, "Sink in the river!"

"Sinking in the river."

"Sinking in the river."

The crowd immediately chanted along with it.

Listening to everyone shouting in unison, Chen Sanqiu's eyes flashed with incomparable despair.

The ancestor stepped forward with a cane and made a gesture. Everyone immediately stopped shouting and stared at him intently.

"Everyone, you have all heard what Hong Yu said just now. Chen Sanqiu deserves to die."

"Today I will take it upon myself to sink these three scum to the bottom of the river according to the rules of our ancestors for hundreds of years."

"Here, I would like to say a few more words. Whoever dares to do such things that ruin the countryside in the future will end up like this Chen Sanqiu."

Hearing this, Chen Sanqiao knew that death was inevitable and suddenly cursed at the top of his lungs.

"Chen Xiaobei, you bastard, you are running rampant in the village just because you have some money. Who do you think you are?"

"How long do you think the money Cui Hongyu brought you will last? When all your money is spent, you will be worse than a dog, and they will no longer listen to you."

After hearing this, Mrs. Liu also yelled and cursed loudly. As expected, she agreed with her words, and her husband followed her.

Liu Xiaobao next to him, on the contrary, started to cry loudly, "Everyone, I have an eighty-year-old mother and a three-year-old child. I am the backbone of the family. If I die, I have an old and a young child. What should I do?

Woolen cloth?"

After hearing this, everyone burst into laughter. Those who knew him couldn't help but joke, "Liu Xiaobao, you are just telling lies when you open your mouth. Where is your child? You don't even have a wife."

Hearing this, Liu Xiaobao cried and responded in a leisurely manner, "I, my wife is here, in my hometown, you, you just don't know."

The more he said this, the happier everyone laughed. In the midst of laughter, Chen Dayong waved his hand, and everyone stepped forward and stuffed the three people into the wooden cage, and used iron nails to nail the wooden cage firmly.

Seeing that the situation was over, Chen Sanqiu finally couldn't help it anymore and burst out crying, "Ancestor, please spare me. If I really want to die, just give me a knife. This sinking river is too uncomfortable."

The ancestor let out a long sigh, "Sanqiu, your family has been a scholarly family since I can remember. Your grandfather and father are respected teachers in the village."

"As for you, you have followed your father in reading and writing since you were a child, and you are considered a scholar in our village."

"But you said that you don't have to focus on the right path. Instead, you think about how to harm Chen Xiaobei."

"Take your conscience and ask yourself, since Xiaobei became the head of the village, our days in Hetou Village can be counted in all the villages in ten miles. If nothing else, let's just say that this salary for one day's work is better than other people's.

The strong laborers from the village go to the city to work for five days and ten days."

"The money Chen Xiaobei took out was all real money. As for you, not only did you not care about his good deeds, you also did things that were worse than a beast."

Chen Sanqiu was silent for a while after his ancestor's thoughts. He couldn't speak anymore. After a long silence, he looked up to the sky and sighed, "Everyone is responsible for the work. The arrest of Chen Hongyu was an impromptu idea after I met her on the street.

Everything is my fault, can you please let my wife and Liu Xiaobao go?"

After listening to his words, the ancestor still felt a trace of pity in his heart. Thinking about it, what Chen Sanqiu said makes sense.

But Chen Xiaobei didn't think so. Chen Xiaobei knew a word called "eliminate all evil".

Of course he understands that if you let the tiger go back to the mountains, there will be endless troubles.

However, if she stood up and said these words, she would be suspected of retaliation. Fortunately, Huang Ying spoke up at this time. She stood up and said loudly, "Chen Sanqiu, do you think that just saying a few soft words will make us let your accomplice go?"

?This is absolutely impossible.”

I have to say that Huang Ying's words touched Chen Xiaobei's heart.

It even touched the hearts of the villagers in Hetou Village, and everyone started shouting again.

"That's right, absolutely impossible, absolutely impossible."

Even the soldiers who were watching the excitement started shouting. After all, there was a big difference in excitement between one Shen and three Shen.

Seeing the excited and high-pitched cheers of everyone, Chen Xiaobei knew that these three people had confessed, and even if he wanted to, he couldn't keep them.

What's more, I didn't even have this intention.

Sure enough, the ancestor knew how to comply with public opinion best. He looked at Chen Sanqiu, then at Mrs. Liu and Liu Xiaobao, "You three have heard it, right?"

"Don't blame me for being cruel, you brought this on yourself."

"When you go to the underworld and suffer a lot, you will be a good person in your next life."

After speaking, he waved his hand.

Chen Dayong and others stepped forward, lifted the three of them and walked to the river. Chen Sanqiu and others, who were in the cage, seized the last opportunity and cursed Chen Xiaobei again.

But what's the point of cursing at this time? It just makes people feel more pitiful.

Chen Dayong and others came to the river. There were big stones prepared by the river. They connected the stones to both ends of the wooden cage to ensure that the wooden cage would sink to the bottom quickly.

Following an order, everyone worked together to push the three people directly into the river.

Chen Sanqiu and others didn't even have time to utter a cry before they bubbled and sank into the water. After a few ripples, the water surface returned to calm.

The crowd was silent for a while. After a short silence, someone suddenly shouted "Hello" loudly.

With this cheer, everyone came back to their senses and started shouting in unison.

Amid the shouting, Cui Hongyu silently leaned next to Chen Xiaobei.

Chen Xiaobei stretched out his arm and put it on her shoulders, and at this moment the two hearts were tightly connected.

When everyone's shouting stopped, the ancestor waved his hand.

"Okay, okay, let's go back and do whatever you need to do."

While everyone was walking back, the ancestor came to Chen Xiaobei's side and said, "Xiaobei, three people are missing all of a sudden. We have to tell the county about this, otherwise we will come down to check Yongye Field.

If you can’t verify it, you’ll be in trouble.”

Chen Xiaobei nodded, "Ancestor, you are right, I am planning to go to the county government these two days."

Chen Xiaobei has already made up his mind. He is going to quit his job as a township official. He is so busy in the village now that he cannot go to the village a few times a month. This is a typical example of standing in a manhole and not taking a shit.

It's better to leave the opportunity to others and just make money with the people of Hetou Village.

This chapter has been completed!
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