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Chapter 447

After listening to Cui Hongyu's suggestion, Chen Xiaobei was silent for a while. It was a good idea to buy military supplies, but those things were not replicable, which meant that they would be gone after they were bought this year.

From his heart, he still wants to keep running this canteen, so he must have a certain long-term plan.

"Kuyu, what you said is fine, but have you ever thought about it. This thing will be gone after eating it this year. So what will we do during the winter in the future? There must be other ways and support. These will serve as supplements."

In the final analysis, these military supplies are just the icing on the cake, but they cannot be counted on to provide help in times of need.

Zhai Hongyu nodded after hearing this.

"I understand, you want to keep this big pot of rice going for a long time."

Chen Xiaobei nodded, "Yes, there are more than a dozen old people in the village. Besides, so many people work every day, how can they have so much time to go home and cook."

"I'm still thinking about whether to let the children in the village eat directly at school after school at noon, without having to go home. This will also make the family more relaxed, at least there will be no need to leave someone to cook for the children."

After hearing what Chen Xiaobei said, Cui Hongyu looked at him with a hint of admiration.

"Yes, you are right, it is time to get the children to eat a warm meal."

The two of them had already arrived at the vegetable field while they were talking.

A glance at the emerald green makes people feel relaxed and happy.

Chen Xiaobei squatted down and carefully inspected the cabbage in the field.

The cabbage has grown to half a foot high. Chen Xiaobei frowned when he saw it. The spacing was still too close. According to his experience in growing cabbage in his previous life, he picked one cabbage every other. The quantity should be about the same, otherwise it would not grow well.

It looks like Chinese cabbage.

He pulled out two of them casually and handed them to Cui Hongyu, "What do you think about chopping these and adding some fat to stew them?"

Cui Hongyu shook her head repeatedly, "No, no, it's still so young. It's a pity to eat it now. I thought I'd grown up!"

Chen Xiaobei took Cui Hongyu and walked forward again, and found a few cabbage plants that were relatively denser. He explained patiently.

"Hongyu, look at the cabbage growing too densely. There is no space for such thick cabbage to grow."

"So we have to pull out at least half of it, and the rest can grow into the shape of a Chinese cabbage."

"Look at how much each meal requires. I'll just ask Dayong to send someone to pull it out."

Cui Hongyu shook his head after hearing this, "No, no, no, they are so busy. Don't bother them. I'll just bring two people."

After saying this, Cui Hongyu pulled out a few cabbages by himself, and then said with a smile, "See if the spacing is appropriate!"

Chen Xiaobei gave a thumbs up, "Awesome, that's what it looks like!"

Hearing Chen Xiaobei's compliment, Cui Hongyu blushed inexplicably.

Seeing her little red face, Chen Xiaobei looked around and saw that no one was around, then he quickly went up to her and hugged her, giving her a hard peck.

Cui Hongyu's face turned redder when he did this, and she quickly pushed him.

"Oh, Brother Xiaobei is so embarrassed to be seen."

Chen Xiaobei chuckled, "Don't worry, there's no one here. If you don't believe me, just take a look."

Cui Hongyu looked around and saw that there was no one around her. She felt a little relieved and threw herself into Chen Xiaobei's arms again.

How could Chen Xiaobei be satisfied with just a hug? It had been so many days since he had been intimate with Cui Hongyu, and he felt a little itchy, but it was a bit too much in this vegetable field.

Since we can't do some Tai Chi in the vegetable garden, we can only taste the taste of Zhu Chun and move our hands up and down.

Upon thinking of this, Chen Xiaobei immediately took action.

He suddenly lowered his head and kissed her fiercely.

Startled by his sudden move, Cui Hongyu refused at first, but soon hugged Chen Xiaobei tightly and became proactive.

Chen Xiaobei took the opportunity to lift Cui Hongyu up from the ground and let him put his arms around his neck.

Cui Hongyu directly wrapped her legs around Chen Xiaobei's waist.

Isn't this just right? Chen Xiaobei was secretly proud, and his sinful hands began to act.

But as soon as he touched Cui Hongyu's waist, Cui Hongyu suddenly became alert and bit Chen Xiaobei's lips hard.

Chen Xiaobei groaned in pain, and Cui Hongyu took the opportunity to jump off him.

Cui Hongyu looked at Chen Xiaobei with a red face, "You hate it."

"Looking at how anxious you are, you can't be here without anyone."

Chen Xiaobei had no choice but to raise his hand and rub his lips, pretending to be in pain.

"You are so cruel, I will be shaken to death by you."

Upon hearing this, Cui Hongyu's eyes were filled with distress, and she came forward and looked at Chen Xiaobei's lips carefully.

Chen Xiaobei took the opportunity to grab her butt hard, then ran away with a smile.

Cui Hongyu suddenly came to his senses, bent down, grabbed a cabbage and threw it out.

But Chen Xiaobei ran very fast and threw away the cabbage.

After the fight, the two got dozens of cabbages from the field.

They made a rope from straw and tied it up. Chen Xiaobei carried cabbage on his back, and Cui Hongyu followed. The two of them returned to Hetou Village one after another. As soon as they entered the village, Carpenter Zhang stood at the door with a smile.

"Zhang Xiaobei, you came just in time."

"I've done all the doors you mentioned last time. You can install them whenever you want."

Chen Xiaobei laughed when he heard this, "Oh, I'm just waiting for your door. Hurry up and install it. The sooner the better."

"Okay, then I'll go tomorrow. I'll finish pretending in one day."

Chen Xiaobei thought for a while and said, "Uncle Zhang, go back to my old house and have a look inside. It also has cloth curtains. You can also help me install the door."

After they finished speaking, Carpenter Zhang turned around and entered the yard. When Carpenter Zhang walked away, Cui Hongyu couldn't help but speak.

"Brother Xiaobei, there's no need to pretend to be in the old house. I'm used to living there without a door."

Chen Xiaobei chuckled and came to her and whispered, "That won't work. If Qiaoer comes to stay in the next two days, it would be bad if we put out something for her to hear at night."

Cui Hongyu's face turned red instantly and she punched him hard, "You knew..."

When it gets dark, by Jinghu Lake outside Wannian City.

Liu Kai couldn't help but get excited after receiving Liu Rumei's reply.

"Excellent, His Highness the Crown Prince has already sent a message to the Emperor. I believe the Marquis will be able to come out tomorrow."

Liu Kai's words immediately made everyone's emotions rise, "Butler, let's have a good rest tonight and return early tomorrow morning to welcome the Marquis home."

Zheng Ke even said loudly, "The housekeeper asked me to say that we should go back today and tidy up the house properly."

Liu Kai still retained enough sense. He waved his hand and said, "No, no, there's a seal on the door. If we take it, we'll be rebelling."

This chapter has been completed!
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