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Chapter 460

Feng Xiaoyue shook her head, looked at everyone and said solemnly, "Everyone, please don't miss the real deal just because you are helping me. My father has been wronged for several years and is not worried about this day or two, but Miss Liu still has to

Hurry up."

"You don't quite understand the mystery behind it. Nine out of ten people who enter the prison will lose their heads in the end."

Feng Xiaoyue's words caused everyone in the room to fall silent for a while. No one could speak. In all likelihood, their heads would fall off. This is serious.

Having said that, since it is a head-turning job, it is more difficult to find someone to help.

Finally, Lardo slapped the table, "I think it's better to just rob the prison and rescue Miss Liu..."

"No, no, there is no difference between prison robbery and rebellion." Feng Xiaoyue shook her head again, "Everyone, please be patient. I will go find my father's former colleagues tomorrow to ask about the situation."

The matter has come to this, and it can only be like this. One can imagine Rardo's depression.

That night, several people were drinking wine, and Raldo couldn't help complaining, "Lamu, you have been hanging out in the capital for so many years, but you haven't made any connections at all."

Lamu had a bitter look on his face, "Brother, it's not that I can't save, but the key is that we are just a horse seller, and those who come to buy horses are not the real owners. It is not easy to meet the stewards of various palaces."

Yang Zhi, who was next to him, also quickly smoothed things over, "Yes, gang leader, our horse selling business is not a high-profile business. Although these dignitaries like good horses, no one treats the horse dealer as an honored guest.


When Lamu saw Yang Zhi speaking for her, she agreed repeatedly, and then changed the topic, "Brother, I don't understand. Let's just try our best. Why do you have to call out Liu Rumei to feel relieved? And this Feng Xiaoyue, you

Could it be that you have a crush on him?"

Lardo's eyes widened, "What do you know? When I was in Hetou Village, working for Miss Liu, I was ambushed by Sun Jian, and I almost confessed. If it hadn't been for the rescue of the Xiaobei brothers, how could I be here now?

Let me drink with you."

Yang Zhi quickly added, "This girl Xiaoyue was specially asked to be taken care of by Brother Xiaobei. Do you think the gang leader can ignore her?"

Mentioning Chen Xiaobei again, Lamu really took it seriously this time. He just responded casually to what he said last time, "Okay, I'll make a note of it. If I see Chen Xiaobei in the future..."

Before he could finish speaking, Raldo's eyes suddenly lit up, "Yes, brother Yang Zhi, why did we forget about this? Are we looking for Chen Xiaobei..."

Speaking of this, the two looked at each other and became excited, "Yes, yes, send someone to Hetou Village to inform Chen Xiaobei, he will definitely have a way."

At this time, Yang Chun, who had been silent next to him, spoke up, "Gang leader, Lao Wu, I don't think it's better than this. I'll go back to Hetou Village and invite Brother Xiaobei as soon as possible."

Before Raldo could speak, Yang Zhi spoke first. After all, Yang Chun was his brother, so he had to nod first for this matter.

"Okay, third brother, I think you can go."

Yang Zhi is the deputy gang leader, and it is natural that Lardo will not be able to overturn the affairs he arranges.

As soon as Yang Chuner put down the wine bowl, he immediately went back to clean it up and set off overnight.

Lardo was quite generous and arranged for six people to follow Yang Chun back to Hetou Village.

The next day was the day to go to court.

Early that morning, at dawn, Prince Xiao Jingyun dressed neatly and hurried to the palace.

The civil and military officials who arrived early greeted him warmly.

Xiao Jingyun forced himself to say hello to everyone. These are his future assistants and he cannot ignore them, but in his heart, he really has no interest.

Soon the civil and military officials arrived. As the prince, Xiao Jingyun naturally had to be at the front. However, looking at the procession that went to court, there was no Liu Xiangnan and no housing certificate. Although these two people usually did not have to go to court, as long as they came, they would naturally stand at the front.

At the front.

Xiao Jingyun led everyone into the front main hall, knelt down and kowtowed in ceremony.

"Kowtow to my emperor, long live, long live, long live."

Xiao An seemed to be in a good mood today. He looked at the mighty officials and raised his hand.

"Okay, everyone, please be safe."

Xiao Jingyun stood up and stood aside, and the civil and military officials naturally stood in two rows.

Everything went according to plan, and a young eunuch stepped forward and shouted loudly, "If there is something to do, we will start, and if there is nothing, we will leave."

Civil and military officials, you looked at me and I looked at you. Finally, all eyes fell on Zhu Ziming, Sima of the Ministry of Rites.

Liang Yi could naturally see everyone's gazes. He hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth, stepped out, and spoke loudly.

"Your Majesty, I have something to say."

Xiao An raised his eyes and looked at Zhu Ziming with a smile on his face, "Oh, Zhu Aiqin, what do you want?"

Zhu Ziming cupped his fists and bowed, "Your Majesty, I really want to know what mistake Mr. Liu Xiangnan Liu and Marquis made to be thrown into the sky prison. Please ask Your Majesty to clear up the doubts in our hearts."

Xiao An's face darkened, and he banged the rows of tables, "Liu Xiangnan Yongbing Zizhong and Zhu Meng don't know. I will naturally give you an explanation after everything is verified."

"Your Majesty, those are all rumors. Please give me an order to investigate these rumors quickly." Zhu Ziming argued again.

Xiao An showed a hint of impatience at this time. He stared at Zhu Ziming coldly, "I don't need you to teach me what to do."

This sentence shocked Zhu Ziming and he quickly lifted his clothes and knelt down.

"Your Majesty, please calm down. I will not dare to do this to you."

This was the effect Xiao An wanted to achieve. He snorted coldly and said, "Step back. If you dare to say another word, don't blame me for being unkind."

Zhu Ziming had no choice but to stand up and retreat to the side. After this incident, no one among the civil and military officials present dared to stand up and plead for Liu Xiangnan.

Xiao Jingyun felt tortured in his heart after hearing this. His father had really worked hard to put him on the throne.

At this time, Xiao An was still able to speak in the audience, "It's rare that everyone is here today, so I just want to say one thing."

The emperor had something to say, and everyone was naturally stunned, staring eagerly at Xiao An to see what he had to say.

Xiao Han cleared his throat, "Dear dear friends, I am getting old, my eyes are dim, and my head is buzzing and hurting every day. It's time for me to take a rest. From today on, all state affairs will be left to Jingyun.


All the civil and military officials were dumbfounded after hearing this, and could not recover for a while. However, Zhu Ziming reacted very quickly. He quickly lifted up his clothes and knelt down, "Long live your Majesty, your Majesty."

Only then did all the civil and military officials understand, and they quickly knelt down and kowtowed.

Xiao Jingyun also quickly knelt down.

All the civil and military officials kowtowed with three shouts of long live, but after they finished kowtowing, they looked up and saw that the dragon chair in front of them was empty. Emperor Xiao Jingyun was gone.


Everyone present was stunned, and their eyes naturally turned to Prince Xiao Jingyun.

Of course Jamel Xiao knew that this was an opportunity created by his father for himself, and he had to work hard to adapt to the new role.

Thinking of this, he waved to everyone, "Everyone, please love me for the rest of your life!"

This chapter has been completed!
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