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Chapter 502: Golden Boy and Jade Girl

Fang Jun held Feng Xiaoyue's shoulders and said loudly, "Good news Xiaoyue, there is good news."

Upon hearing the good news, Chen Xiaobei, Cui Hongyu, Laldo, Yang Zhi and others present also became energetic and looked towards them.

Feng Xiaoyue also wiped her tears, "Brother Fang Jun, what's the good news?"

"Xiaoyue, I'm happy, I'm glad I found it. Early this morning, the emperor gave an oral order to leave this matter to the prince. The prince has already ordered people to go to the border to find Mr. Feng. I believe your father will be reinstated in a few days."

"Okay!" I don't know who took the lead in shouting, and the rest of the people also agreed.

Feng Xiaoyue showed a rare calmness. She looked at everyone present and bowed slightly.

"Brother Fang Jun, let's go out and talk! After saying that, he came to Chen Xiaobei and Cui Hongyu and bowed again, then turned around and took Fang Jun out.

Feng Xiaoyue's move won praise from everyone, and Chen Xiaobei was secretly sighing.

Feng Xiaoyue's father was rehabilitated, which was a happy event. It was obviously not appropriate to say this in front of Huang Ying's memorial tablet, so Feng Xiaoyue was also very measured. She took Fang Jun out to talk about it, which also showed her respect for Huang Ying.

Feng Xiaoyue and Fang Jun walked out of the inn before they stopped. Fang Jun couldn't restrain the joy in his heart. He stretched out his hand to hold Feng Xiaoyue's shoulders and shook her vigorously, "Xiaoyue, we have finally arrived, we have waited."

Feng Xiaoyue wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and there was a look of joy on her face, "God bless you. My dad is finally here!"

Fang Jun looked at Feng Xiaoyue, full of expectation, "Xiaoyue, do you still remember our agreement? Do you still remember your promise!"

Feng Xiaoyue nodded with tears in her eyes, "I remember, I said, when my father's grievances are cleared, when will I get married! I will report it to my father when he comes back."

Fang Jun excitedly picked up Feng Xiaoyue and spun him around a few times, "It's great, it's great, it's finally here!"

"Brother Fang Jun, please set the fire down and let me down. There are so many people watching from behind!"

Fang Jun reluctantly let go of his hand, "What's wrong with me hugging my wife?"

Feng Xiaoyue looked at him and said, "Brother Xiaobei is grieving, so we shouldn't go too far. Since you are here, go in and offer incense to Miss Huang Ying to express our feelings!"

Fang Jun nodded and followed Feng Xiaoyue in.

When they came back, they saw Chen Xiaobei and Cui Hongyu standing side by side.

Fang Jun stepped forward and greeted each of them one by one.

Chen Xiaobei nodded and looked at Feng Xiaoyue beside him, "Miss Xiaoyue, this is a big and happy event, so you don't need to stay here."

Feng Xiaoyue shook her head, "I'll stay here with you and Sister Hongyu."

Cui Hongyu also stepped forward and reached out to hold Feng Xiaoyue's arm, "Sister Xiaoyue, please go back first."

"If you need help, I will send someone to find you."

The rest of the people also tried to persuade him.

After a long while, Feng Xiaoyue finally gave in. She took two steps back and saluted everyone present, "In this case, Xiaoyue will take her leave. Please take care of yourself."

Feng Xiaoyue and Fang Jun left the inn, turned left and right along the street, and finally came to a dilapidated mansion.

This was Feng Xiaoyue's former home, but now it has long been dilapidated.

The seal on the door has long since disappeared, leaving only a rusty iron lock swaying gently in the breeze.

The two stood here side by side and looked at each other for a long time. Feng Xiaoyue let out a long breath.

"I'll be back soon."

At this moment, he heard the sound of neat footsteps, and then hundreds of soldiers came towards this direction. Fang Jun was startled, and he pulled Feng Xiaoyue and hurriedly hid aside.

But I heard someone shouting in the distance, "Fang Jun, Xiaoyue, what are you two doing here?"

When they heard the shouting, the two stopped and turned to look at Zhou Quan.

Feng Xiaoyue and Fang Jun stepped forward to salute Zhou Quan.

"I've seen Guard Zhou."

Zhou Quan waved his hand and pointed towards the house.

"Xiaoyue, originally His Highness the Crown Prince said that he would pick you up after I had tidied up the place, but I didn't expect that you came first."

After hearing these words, Feng Xiaoyue and Fang Jun looked at each other, their eyes full of joy.

Come and tidy up the house. This is a good sign.

Feng Xiaoyue took a step back and bowed respectfully to Zhou Quan, "Thank you, Guard Zhou. As long as His Highness the Crown Prince approves, I will take care of it myself."

Zhou Quan laughed and said, "How can that be done? You can do these rough jobs." After saying that, he waved his hand behind him.

Several soldiers stepped forward and broke the iron lock on the door of the mansion.

Zhou Quan made an invitation gesture and quickly walked into the former Feng Mansion with Feng Xiaoyue and Fang Jun.

Feng Xiaoyue stood on the steps, looking at the dilapidated house, and tears flowed down again. The place that had haunted her in her dreams was finally back.

At this time, Zhou Quan waved his hand, and the five hundred soldiers immediately dispersed to help clean up. For a while, the huge house seemed very lively.

Fang Jun looked at the scene in front of him and said emotionally, "Xiaoyue, let's go to my house and let's celebrate properly."

Feng Xiaoyue shook her head gently, "Let's stay at my house, let's go buy groceries."

Seeing the two people turning around and walking away, Zhou Quan also had a smile on his face. Many people were optimistic that these two people could get together.

After a few years of wandering around, it finally came true.

At this moment, there was another sound of hoofbeats, and several fast horses rushed into Wannian City. It was Shen Ziyan who had arrived.

Shen Ziyan received a letter from Yang Chun. After reading the letter, she immediately found her ancestors, suspended her teaching, took Xiao Hua and Du Juan, and rushed to Wannian City overnight.

These three people are all martial arts practitioners, and their bodies and bones are also strong. They managed to get there in two days and two nights.

When she entered the inn and saw Huang Ying's ranking, Shen Ziyan burst into tears.

She was still hoping for a miracle on the way here, but when she saw the truth, one can imagine the pain in Shen Ziyan's heart.

As soon as Shen Ziyan cried, everyone present started to howl along with her.

When the crying stopped, Cui Hongyu came forward and held Shen Ziyan's shoulders, "Ziyan, get up."

The Lotus Leader also stepped forward and took Shen Ziyan's other arm.

"Okay Ziyan, let's talk if you have something to say."

After much persuasion, Shen Ziyan finally stopped crying.

The Lotus Cult leader patted Shen Ziyan on the shoulder, "I have already sent a message to the master, and I believe he will arrive soon."

At this moment, there was a commotion at the door, and then someone shouted loudly, "The emperor has spoken, and Chen Xiaobei is listening."

Chen Xiaobei's heart skipped a beat. What was supposed to come finally came, but it really wasn't the right time.

This chapter has been completed!
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