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Chapter 96 Someone buys this too?

As Chen Xiaobo walked, he asked Lidong, had he seen those wolves?

Lidong smiled slightly, "I saw him, he was killed by us a long time ago. Hehe, it's really fun."

Chen Dayong and others were stunned. "What, more than a dozen wolves, all killed?"

Lidong raised the serial crossbow in his hand, "Yes, this is what Xiaobei Lichang got."

Hearing this, everyone cheered again.

But at this time, Chen Ping was not happy at all. Happiness belonged to others, but he had nothing.

At this time, someone suddenly tugged at the corner of his clothes. Chen Ping turned around and looked over, but it was his neighbor, Sanjin.

When Chen Ping was the captain of the village guard, Sanjin was his number one dog and his most loyal follower.

Chen Ping immediately slowed down, and the two deliberately distanced themselves from the large group of people.

"Three pounds, what's wrong?" Chen Ping asked doubtfully.

Sanjin faced forward and spat fiercely, "Brother, look at Chen Xiaobei, a villain who succeeds."

These words were in line with Chen Ping's state of mind, but at this time, he was pretending to be righteous and solemn, "Okay, Sanjin, after all, he saved our lives, don't say that."

Sanjin chuckled and said, "Brother, I understand what you are thinking. Let me tell you, this Chen Xiaobei is too ungrateful. You gave this captain of the village protection team to him. He became the head of the village, so he should pay it back."

It should be given to you, but it was given to Lidong all of a sudden."

These words made Chen Ping feel resentful again. He secretly gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, "Humph, I will get back what I lost sooner or later."

What Sanjin wanted was his words, "Brother, I have an idea."

"You? What's your idea?" Chen Ping's eyes clearly shone with hope.

At this moment, there was a sudden burst of cheers from the front. It turned out to be Chen Xiaowen and others. Seeing that Chen Xiaobei had brought the people back, they couldn't help shouting excitedly.

Seeing this, Sanjin hurriedly whispered: "Brother, let's talk about it when we get down the mountain." After saying that, he walked a few steps and joined the cheering crowd.

Chen Xiaobei and Lidong stood side by side, watching the crowd cheering with a smile on their faces.

This is a cheer from the bottom of my heart, and a rejoicing for the rest of my life.

Although he was smiling on the surface, Chen Xiaobei was thinking in his heart, what would have happened tonight if he hadn't gotten this serial crossbow from Liu Rumei?

Do you have the confidence to go into the mountains?

Facing the wolves, can I still laugh?

At this time, Lidong gently touched his arm and said, "Brother, let's go down the mountain quickly."

The words woke up the dreamer, yes, I have to go down the mountain quickly, just in case there is backup from the wolf pack.

"Okay, let's go down the mountain. By the way, take all the wolves down. The meat will be distributed from house to house. The wolf skins will be used to make some fur coats for the village guards."

Lidong agreed, opened his arms, and shouted loudly: "Okay, everyone, be quiet and listen to me."

As soon as the captain spoke, the scene instantly fell silent.

Lidong pointed to the wolves on the ground, "Take the dead ones back home alive, and send the alive ones to Brother Xiaobei's house. The dead ones will have their meat divided, and the wolf skins will be used to make coats for everyone."

Upon hearing this arrangement, everyone cheered again.

After all, it is not easy to have a meal of meat in this year.

Everyone spontaneously divided into groups, and two people carried a wolf and walked down Qingniu Mountain while talking and laughing.

At the foot of the mountain, Zhao Hua and others had already been circling in a hurry. Although they could not hear clearly the various movements on the mountain just now, they could vaguely distinguish that there were people barking and wolves howling.

In their hearts, wolves are god-like existences.

Seeing the flash of fire on the mountain, Zhao Hua was the first to shout at the top of her lungs, "Xiaobo, is that you?"

When Chen Xiaobo heard the shouting, his heart felt hot. This was his old mother. He immediately responded loudly, "It's me, mother."

One sentence made Zhao Hua burst into tears.

She cried, grabbed her man's arm, and shouted excitedly, "It's Xiaobo, Xiaobo is back."

The rest of the people also shouted their children's names.

After receiving the response, the scene was filled with joy.

From a distance, Chen Xiaobei saw this festive scene. Of course, his eyes fell on the corner of the crowd.

There, standing was Cui Hongyu, who was also holding Chen Qiaoer in Cui Hongyu's arms.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xiaobei's nose felt sour.

He had been struggling on the mountain for two hours. Come to think of it, Cui Hongyu must have been waiting for two hours as well.

Seeing Chen Xiaobei coming out, Zhao Hua took a step forward, plopped down, and knelt down, "Thank you, Chief, thank you Chief."

When she took the lead, many people fell to their knees. This was a real life-saving grace.

Chen Xiaobei stepped forward and helped everyone up one by one, "Fellow fellow villagers, we all belong to the same clan and we should help each other."

Hearing what he said, Zhao Hua was quite moved. She wiped her tears and said, "Yes, yes, the director is right."

Chen Xiaobei stepped aside and glanced at Chen Xiaobo behind him.

Chen Xiaobo quickly stepped forward and threw himself into his old mother's arms, "Mom, it's all my fault for making you worry."

Chen Dayong and others also found their relatives.

The reunion at this moment is even more precious.

Chen Xiaobei came to Cui Hongyu with an apology on his face, "I'm sorry for making you worry."

Cui Hongyu wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and said, "It's okay, as long as you're okay."

After I finished speaking, my tears couldn't stop flowing down my face.

Chen Xiaobei could no longer suppress his feelings and reached out to take Cui Hongyu into his arms.

Cui Hongyu pushed Chen Qiaoer over at once, "Please hold her for a while, I'm tired."


The style of painting has changed.

Chen Xiaobei's deep feelings were instantly blown away by the wind.

Holding his sleeping sister in his arms, Chen Xiaobei also understood what Cui Hongyu meant, that is, she was shy in front of so many people.

Everyone returned to the village noisily. Cui Hongyu was frightened when he saw two wild wolves in the yard.

"Husband, you, why did you bring the wolf back?"

Chen Xiaobei chuckled and said, "These two are alive. Get some herbs and apply them on the wounds. I will go to the county town to sell them tomorrow."

Cui Hongyu looked confused, "Does anyone want this?"

"Yes, and we can pay a high price." Chen Xiaobei was very proud.

Cui Hongyu took some Houttuynia cordata, crushed it, applied it to the wolf's wound, and wrapped it with a cloth strip, "Husband, the front leg bones of these two wolves were broken. They couldn't stand up within a few months.


Hearing this, Chen Xiaobei couldn't help but gasped a little. The power of this serial crossbow is so great.

Having said that, if it was just a superficial wound, the wild wolves would have fought tooth and nail if they had been in front of them at the beginning of winter.

Early the next morning, Lidong banged the gong and shouted in the village, asking each household to send someone to go to the big locust tree at the entrance of the village to get meat to eat.

At this time, the entire Hetou Village was boiling again.

This chapter has been completed!
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